
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Philo Board of Trustees met March 11

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Village of Philo Board of Trustees met March 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order by President Larry Franks at 7:00 p.m. at the R.E. Franks Center in the Eileen Painter room.

GUESTS: Randa Plotner, Larry Hamm, Dave Atchley, Kevin Chalmers, Janet Decker, Chris Payne, Jim & Kathy Forrest, Karl Helmink, and Marc Miller.

ROLL CALL: Present-Trustees Kelley, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady.

MINUTES: Trustee Pat Pioletti made a motion, seconded by Trustee Tom Kelley, to approve the minutes of February 12, 2020. Voice vote, all “ayes” motion carried unanimously.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WARRANT: Trustee Steve Messman made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steve Sappenfield to approve the bills as presented. Roll call vote; all “aye’s” motion passed unanimously.

RANDA PLOTNER: Randa spoke to the Board regarding the 2020 Census. She is a recruiter for this area and said pay is $20.50 per hour and.50 cents per mile for mileage. Criteria are 18 years of age and a citizen. Work is usually May through July or August. Persons can apply at 2020census.gov. The census can be completed online and April 1st is Census Day. Resident Kathy Forrest commented that last time there was an issue with the information not being delivered to a post office address. Randa added that training is provided, hours are flexible and usually complete in the evenings and weekends. She will notify President Franks regarding residents with only a PO address and also the designated place to help people fill out the census in Philo.

VILLAGE ENGINEER: Dave Atchley reported no draws or pay requests. Dave A. stated there is a request for a one lot subdivision ordinance of Ted Rund’s property. Rod Schweighart (for Tyler Schweighart) brought this up to Dave Atchley. They also will need to annex this two (2) acre lot, so will need an annex plan, preliminary plan and a final plat. They are also asking for a variance. The structure will be 18 x 30 feet. The Board indicated Dave A. should notify Rod to get with Chris Payne and Karl Helmink in regard to the annexation. Chris Payne noted a publication is necessary and suggested a continuation meeting between April and May. Soil and water conservation would be involved along with a septic perk test. They plan to have a 6:00 Zoning meeting then 6:30 public comment and recommendation for the Board at their 7:00 meeting on April 8th. The question if any sales to be done out of the building was asked. Trustee Pioletti indicated the ordinance requires sidewalk and reminded Board Dollar General gave money to offset them not being required to have a sidewalk. Dave A. will relay information to Rod who is the liaison/spokesperson for Ted Rund.

VILLAGE ATTORNEY: Marc Miller presented the Amended Golf Cart Ordinance. A correction on page 5, #3 was noted regarding renewal schedule (changed from bi-annually to biennially). Trustee Sappenfield made a motion, seconded by Trustee Messman, to approve Ordinance 2020-635 Ordinance Amending the Village Ordinance Authorizing the Operation of Golf Carts on the Village of Philo Public Streets, with the noted correction. Roll call vote; all “aye’s” motion passed unanimously.

VILLAGE MAINTENANCE: Dave Traxler reported there were no building permits issued. The plumbing issue at the post office was a tile that dead ended. It has been corrected and should be fine now. The bids for the concrete work at the recycling center were opened. One bid was from Illini Concrete Rising at $17,397 and second one from Randy Frick for $14,250. President Franks will check with Philo Township to ask about the contribution that was discussed earlier. After discussing the depth of the concrete and material to be used Trustee Pioletti made a motion, seconded by Trustee Messman to let the bid to Randy Frick in the amount of $14,250.00. Roll call vote; all “aye’s” motion passed unanimously.

VILLAGE TREASURER: Kevin Chalmers noted the financial reports are in their packets and nothing out of line. He did note the tree trimming expense is over budget and did not see we budgeted for Video Gaming. Judy noted that item is budgeted under Miscellaneous Income.

OLD BUSINESS: The golf cart ordinance was acted on under Village Attorney. Sale of Village rental building was tabled.

NEW BUSINESS: REFMC reports were presented. Janet noted she will mail notices for golf cart renewals and obtain new stickers. The placement of the stickers will be determined.


Trustee Brady-Felt downtown buildings could be improved, looks like shanty town. Can we impose a standard for the buildings? President Franks suggested the Board look into historical preservation. Trustee Pioletti said we don’t want to deter business.

Trustee Garrett- Stacy Lueth will come to next meeting to give an update on the Philo Kids Festival. Rachael indicated the kids movie night was well attended and was a good event.

Trustee Pioletti-nothing

Clerk Kirby-nothing

Trustee Sappenfield-Couple of items, need rock in alley behind his house and “food for thought” business that wants to purchase Khachaturian building is still interested in pursuing that purchase & hopes to come to Village April meeting with a business plan.

Trustee Messman-nothing

Trustee Kelley-nothing

President Franks-would like to set Street & Alley Committee meeting. They set a meeting in the mayor’s office for Tuesday, March 17th at 8:00 a.m. Deputy Clerk will post the meeting.

MOTION TO ADJOURN: Trustee Brady made a motion, seconded by Trustee Messman, to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote, all “aye’s” meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
