
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Pesotum Board of Trustees met October 2

Webp meetingroom01

Village of Pesotum Board of Trustees met Oct. 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

1.Call to Order

Village President, Joyce Ragle, called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.

2.Pledge of Allegiance

3.Appointment of Clerk Pro Tem

Dianne Reed made a motion to appoint Cheryl Smitley Clerk Pro Tem, seconded by DeeAnn Hoffman. Motion Carried. Cheryl Smitley stated she would take a leave of absence from her position as Trustee.

4.Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call

Present were President Joyce Ragle, Village Treasurer Melanie Schultz, Village Trustees Dee Ann Hoffman, Fred Smitley, Dianne Reed, Clerk Pro Tem Cheryl Smitley. Attorney Elizabeth Megli. Village Trustees Stephanie Hackett and Randy Shannon were absent. Also present were Maintenance Head Rob Wood and ESDA Head Rob Russian.

5.Routine Matters

5.1Approval of Consent items

Dianne Reed made a motion to approve Consent Items, seconded by DeeAnn Hoffman. Motion Carried

5.2Approval of Bills Received after Treasurer’s Report

Dianne Reed made a motion to approve payment in the amount of $120.00 to The Post Master for postal box rental. Seconded by Fred Smitley. Motion Carried.

6.Presentations/Comments from the General Public



7.1.Village Clerk, Cheryl Smitley Nothing to report

7.2.Village Maintenance, Rob Wood. Report under New Business pertaining to Drainage

7.3.Village Building Inspector, Lyle Reed

A building permit was issued for 102 S. Oak for a shed.

7.4.ESDA Coordinator, Rob Russian Nothing to report.

8.Old Business none

9.New Business

9.1 Elm St. Drainage

The Engineer, Tom Overmeyer, will attend the October Study Session to discuss the drainage problem on Elm St in the Hannah Acres development. Item tabled.

9.2Dissolution of Davis Cemetery Board

Dianne Reed made a motion for the Dissolution of the Davis Cemetery Board, seconded by Fred Smitley. Motion carried.

9.3Approval of Davis Cemetery Signs

Dianne Reed made a motion to approve purchase of Davis Cemetery signs not to exceed $150.00. Seconded by DeeAnn Hoffman. Motion carried.

9.4Approval of Benches for Davis Cemetery

Discussion on what type of benches determined Stone benches would last longer and not necessitate removal in the winter.

Fred Smitley made a motion to purchase two stones benches not to exceed $500.00 for Davis Cemetery, seconded by DeeAnn Hoffman. Motion carried.

9.5Approval of Resolution Adopting the Champaign County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update.

DeeAnn Hoffman made a motion to approve the Resolution Adopting the Champaign County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, Fred Smitley Seconded. Motion carried.

10.Presentations/Comments from the Board

Cheryl Smitley gave cudos to Maintenance Head Rob Wood for the excellent condition of the Village.




10.1 Next Village Board Meeting, Wednesday, November 6, 2019, 6:30 pm

10.2Next Study Session, Wednesday, October 16, 2019, 6:30 pm


Fred Smitley moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by DeeAnn Hoffman
