
Chambana Sun

Thursday, February 13, 2025

City of Danville City Council met August 20

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City of Danville City Council met Aug. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

#1. THE REGULAR MEETING of the City Council of the City of Danville was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr. at the Robert E. Jones Municipal Building, 17 W. Main Street, Danville, Illinois.

THE ROLL CALL was answered by Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr., Vice Mayor Steve Nichols, Aldermen Brenda Brown, R.J. Davis, Dan Duncheon, Steve Foster, Bob Iverson, Sharon McMahon, Michael O'Kane, Sherry Pickering, Mike Puhr, Tom Stone, Rick Strebing, and Aaron Troglia with one vacancy in Ward 1. A quorum was present.

Staff Members Present: City Treasurer Stephanie Wilson, City Clerk Lisa Monson, City Comptroller Shelley Scott, City Engineer Sam Cole, Corporation Counsel Da Administrator Agnel DSilva, Interim Fire Chief Don McMasters, Police Chief Chris Yates, Public Transportation Director Lisa Beith, and Public Works Director Carl Carpenter. There were also standing room only audience members and 4 news media in attendance.

#2. INVOCATION was given by Rev. Kent Tibben, Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church, followed by 

#3. THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman Iverson.


Mayor Williams announced due to computer problems, there were no minutes to approve.

#5. THE AGENDA for the evening was presented. Alderman Strebing moved for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Pickering. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.


#6-A. Proclamations - None 

#6-B. Board/Committee Appointments 

#6-B-1.Mayor Williams announced the appointment of Cydney Boyd to the Danville Public Library Board, to replace Jim Knoblauch, term to expire July, 2020. Alderman Brown moved to concur, seconded by Alderman Foster. There being no questions or discussion, on the voice vote, all ayes, the motion so ordered.

#6-B-2.Mayor Williams announced the appointment of Sam Cole as City Engineer. Alderman Strebing moved to concur, seconded by Alderman Pickering. There being no questions or discussion, on the voice vote, all ayes, no nays, the motion so ordered. Mayor Williams then administered the Oath of Office and afterwards, Engineer Cole stated he is grateful to be a servant of the community and thinks highly of all the people of the community. He is going to try his absolute hardest to move the community forward and he thanked Pastor Tibben for his words as well and just hopes he can be used as an instrument for what the Father above wants Danville to be and if that means he is part of that, that is great, but the best thing is that his plan for Danville is achieved. 

#6-B-3. Mayor Williams announced the appointment of Christopher Yates as Chief of Police. Alderman Stone moved to concur, seconded by Alderman Pickering. There being no questions or discussion, on the voice vote, all ayes, no nays, the motion so ordered. Mayor Williams then administered the Oath of Office and afterwards, Chief Yates stated we need to look at moving forward and he is quite humbled by his fellow officers and team in attendance as there are a ton of abilities, skills, and experience on this department. He stated the team puts in a lot of hours and all of the spouses sacrifice as much as anybody and he voiced appreciation for everyone in attendance.

#6-C. Reports of Boards, Agencies, Commissions - None 

#6-D. Items of Information - None


• Greg Filicsky of Danville voiced opposition to the proposed language in the Intoxicating Liquor Ordinance to add "revenue from video gaming should not be more than 49%”. He feels the ordinance should go back to committee for more discussion.

 Gayle Jochim of Danville asked for support of the Food for the Children Weekend Backpack Program and the State Farm Neighborhood Assistance Grant. The program has been in existence for ten years and there are currently 500 backpacks filled in the Danville schools each weekend. She asked if citizens could vote for the program for a chance to be awarded a $25,000.00 grant from State Farm Insurance. 

Kerry Barrett of Danville asked Council to spend time on recreational cannabis as the State has passed legislation and the local governments have until January 1, 2020 to approve legislation. 

Philip Thomas of Danville spoke in support of marijuana sales in the City and stated the companies interested in doing business selling marijuana will want to know now which communities are going to support it as applications are due January 1, 2020. The former Borders Café building located at 369 Lynch Drive will require remodeling to facilitate sales January 1st so he is asking the City to act as expeditiously as possible. He feels Lynch Drive is an ideal location as it is not close to a school, neighborhood, and adjacent to the State of Indiana as there is no law in the State of Indiana. 

Dee Ann Ryan of Danville, on behalf of Soul Garden Recovery Center thanked Mayor Williams for allowing “Camp Care 4 U” to be held at Friendly Town. The camp was successful and was first of its kind with another camp planned for September 13th and 14th for kids living with parents with an addiction.

Lloyd Randle of Danville voiced opposition to the appointment of Police Chief Yates as he feels the search was not long enough and broad enough to see who would be best candidate for the job and feels it was the Council's decision to name the temporary replacement of the Director of Public Safety and not the Police and Fire Board. We should have looked nationally and be looking to diversify the department in gender and race and encouraged Chief Yates to work with other agencies to get to the root of the problem. He works for Quaker Oats and 80% of the people who work there do not live in the City and that exact employment scenario is duplicated all throughout the City. The people who do not have the opportunities to upgrade their lives economically to prevent them from making bad choices are not getting a shot at the table like other people. He believes that law enforcement at every level is complicit in State's Attorney's office, State Police, Sheriff's office, segments of the Police Division that need to be reigned in. Mayor Williams responded that he asked Alderman Randle for facts, stories and specific instances and he has not heard them yet. He understands every person in the police department is perfect and he is not perfect either, but he feels we have a man of integrity who has shown he cares about the community and is doing all that he can to insure that if there are bad fruits amongst us that it is getting taken care of. He realizes everyone has a right to their opinion, but he couldn't disagree more. 

Carol Barfell of Danville voiced concern of public safety on the east end of the City and feels like there is room for improvement. Mayor Williams stated the City is hiring additional police officers so we can reinstate our POP Unit and we are in the process of neighborhood security cameras registrations and we are exploring grants to put cameras in the larger neighborhoods. 

Jerry Hawker of Danville spoke regarding Mr. Randle's comments and stated the Chief of Police cannot be blamed for diversity and the Police and Fire Board are the individuals who do the hiring of probationary police officers. He stated Mr. Randle should solicit minorities need to apply to be police officers.

Vince O'Brien of Danville voiced concern of the proposed liquor ordinance changes pertaining to alcohol revenue there will be more empty buildings in the City.

Discussion ensued regarding options for the recreational cannabis and it was determined to hold a Public Hearing at the September 3, 2019 City Council meeting.



Mayor Williams presented Payrolls for August 9, 2019, of $73,573.34, and for August 16, 2019, of $516,108.66. Alderman Pickering moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Stone. There being no questions, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Troglia, Pickering, O'Kane, Iverson, Strebing, Puhr, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Davis, Duncheon, Nichols, Stone 

Nays: None 

Motion carried 13 to 0 with one vacancy.


Mayor Williams presented the Schedule of Vouchers Payable, having been published, posted, and distributed, for run of August 13, 2019, of $484,628.45, and for run of August 20, 2019, of $271,586.39. Alderman Pickering moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Strebing. There being no questions, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Pickering, O'Kane, Iverson, Strebing, Puhr, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Davis, Duncheon, Nichols, Stone, Troglia 

Nays: None 

Motion carried 13 to O with one vacancy.


#11-A. Chairman Puhr presented RESOLUTION NO. 2019-86 approving Purchase of Automated Refuse Truck from Rantoul Truck Center, LLC is for the purchase of a 2020 New Way refuse truck in the amount of $274,520.65 including delivery through the National Joint Powers Alliance, Contract No. 112014-NWY and authorize the trade, sale or scrap-salvage of the 2009 IH, Heil Automated Refuse Truck VIN 1HTWGAZT19J082310 with the funds for the purchase top come from the Solid Waste Fund Line Item #405-405-00-55016 Other Capital Equipment FY 2019-2020 budget, moved to dispense with the reading as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Strebing. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen O'Kane, Iverson, Strebing, Puhr, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Davis, Duncheon, Nichols, Stone, Troglia, Pickering 

Nays: None 

Motion carried 13 to O with one vacancy.

#11-B. Chairman Puhr presented RESOLUTION NO. 2019-87 approving Agreement to Donohue and Associates for Engineering Services for Poland Road Pump Station Rehabilitation in the amount of $21,800.00, with funds to come from the Sanitary Sewer Enterprise Fund-Engineering Services City Council budget line item 402-402-52022 and Budget Amendment from Sanitary Sewer Fund reserves in the amount of $22,000.00 to fund 402-402-52022, moved to dispense with the reading as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Stone. After all questions were addressed, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Iverson, Strebing, Puhr, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Davis, Duncheon, Nichols, Stone, Troglia, Pickering, O'Kane 

Nays: None 

Motion carried 13 to O with one vacancy.

#11-C. Items of Information

Director Carpenter introduced Logan Cronk, Grants and Planning Manager. Mayor Williams welcomed Mr. Cronk. 

Director Carpenter announced two letters were received from individuals who were impressed with the municipal pool with one of them coming from a veteran. Mayor Williams congratulated Cindy Parson and her team for doing a great job this summer. 

Vice Mayor Nichols requested an update on the Denmark Road Project and Director Carpenter stated he and Eric Childers met with the consultants, Hanson Engineering, and we will be bringing an application to the Council for a loan next month for approval for the next stage to get the project lined up for next year construction season.

[The next Public Works Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.]


#12-A. Chairman Foster presented the City Treasurer's Reports for May and June 2019, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Iverson. The reports as follows: Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for May, 2019 stating a Beginning Balance on May 1, 2019, of $16,903,980.13, Receipts of $6,291,462.82, Disbursements of $4,659,000.25, an Ending Balance on May 31, 2019, of $18,536,442.70 and a Cash Balance of $8,698,640.56; and City Treasurer's Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for June, 2019 stating a Beginning Balance on June 1, 2019, of $18,536,442.70, Receipts of $3,858,935.52, Disbursements of $4,137,203.66, an Ending Balance on June 30, 2019, of $18,258,174.56 and a Cash Balance of $8,531,243.96. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.

#12-B. Chairman Foster presented RESOLUTION NO. 2019-88 approving Submission of Grant Application for 2019 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) with the funds for the grant to be used to pay overtime costs for personnel staff focused patrols in high crime areas where gang violence and gun violence have historically been known to occur with the total amount applied for is $37,204.00 with the City portion being $20,834.00 and the County portion being $16,370.00, moved to dispense with the reading without recommendation by Committee, seconded by Alderman Stone. After all questions were addressed, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Strebing, Puhr, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Davis, Duncheon, Nichols, Stone, Troglia, Pickering, O'Kane, Iverson 

Nays: None 

Motion carried 13 to 0 with one vacancy.

#12-C. Chairman Foster presented ordinance: Amending Chapter 96 of City Code Pertaining to Intoxicating Liquor Section 96.05 strike language "A person who is not a resident of the City” and to add language in Section 96.22 "For any license issued under this chapter after August 20, 2019 that allows for video gaming on the licensed premises, the revenue the license holder may generate from video gaming shall not exceed 49% of the license holder's total gross yearly revenue.", moved to dispense with the reading without recommendation by Committee, seconded by Alderman Stone. Chairman Foster stated the intent of the amendment is to make sure someone cannot have a video gaming café. He stated some of the City local bars are community meeting places and suggested the Council postpones to discuss at Committee next week to revisit. Mayor Williams stated it was never the City's intention to hurt the City's neighboring bars. The way the wording exists now is anyone that has a pour liquor license can get video gaming license as well. His concern with it being postponed is as long as we do not address it, then we can have gaming parlors, because there is nothing in the ordinance to do so. He would like to protect the existing businesses. Vice Chairman McMahon asked if there is a way to address this through the liquor license process. She stated businesses get used to living on a certain amount of money and we put the liquor licenses out there knowing that once there is a liquor license, so can we address this by the amount of liquor licenses we put out in the public and Mayor Williams responded there are approximately four or five bar licenses available and three restaurant liquor licenses available so if we did not want any more gaming licenses we could cut off the number of licenses we have to those who already own them; however, once we have a casino and others such as new restaurants, we have to be smart and strategic about it. He stated maybe we could look into limiting the number of machines per establishment. Alderman Troglia recommended everyone read through Champaign's liquor ordinance as they have several different classes that distinguishes video gaming and other types of classes. Alderman Pickering moved to postpone the ordinance until the September 17, 2019 City Council meeting to give both Committees time for discussion, seconded by Alderman Brown. Alderman Puhr stated there is already a motion on the original ordinance. Alderman Pickering withdrew her motion to postpone, seconded by Alderman Brown. Mayor Williams stated Item 12-C has been removed for further discussion.

#12-D. Items of Information Chairman Foster announced the next Public Services Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 27, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.


Mayor Williams reminded everyone to vote for the Food for the Children Weekend Backpack Program State Farm Neighborhood Assistance Grant.


Alderman Strebing moved to go into Closed Session under Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act to discuss Specific Employees, under Section 2(c)(6) of the Open Meetings Act to Discuss Setting the Price for Sale of Property Owned by the City, and under Section 2(c)(11) of the Open Meetings Act to discuss Pending Litigation, seconded by Alderman Foster. The roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Puhr, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Davis, Duncheon, Nichols, Stone, Troglia, Pickering, O'Kane, Iverson, Strebing 

Nays: None 

Motion carried 13 to 0 with one vacancy.

TIME: 7:27 p.m.

Mayor Williams announced there will be no action taken after closed session.

Alderman Brown moved to return to Open Session, seconded by Alderman Duncheon. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered. Mayor Williams called the meeting back to order at 8:00 p.m.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by acclamation at 8:00 p.m. following a motion by Alderman Duncheon and a second by Alderman Strebing.
