
Chambana Sun

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Bement Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education met March 13

Webp hall

Bement Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education met March 13. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Bement Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education was held Wednesday, March 13, 2019 in the FACS room. The meeting was called to order by board president Kyle Rogers at 7:00 p.m.

Board members present were Janice Fogerson, Denise Strack, Jeff Funk, Kyle Rogers, Layna Somers, Trixie Stoerger-Flavin and Todd Scott.

Mr. Kepley gave his middle school/high school report on the high school recognition assembly, promotion and graduation dates, random drug testing, the IHSA 2-year classification cycle for all member schools and the summer of 2020 trip to Europe.

Mr. Cline gave his assistant principal/AD’s report on athletics.

Mrs. Greenwood gave her principal’s report on IAR testing, Bulldogs on the Run Color Run and the Jump Rope for Heart kickoff assembly.

Mrs. Greenwood gave her superintendent’s report on the upcoming SIP day activities, the contract with Future Green and the 2019-2020 tentative school calendar.

A motion was made by Strack and seconded by Funk that the closed session minutes of the February 13, 2019 regular meeting of the board of education be approved as presented. Motion carried by a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Funk – yes; Rogers – abstain; Strack – yes; Scott – yes; Stoerger-Flavin – yes; Somers – yes; Fogerson – yes.

A motion was made by Stoerger-Flavin and seconded by Somers that the open session minutes of the February 13, 2019 regular meeting of the board of education be approved as presented. Motion carried by a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Funk – yes; Rogers – abstain; Strack – yes; Scott – yes; StoergerFlavin – yes; Somers – yes; Fogerson – yes.

A motion was made by Rogers and seconded by Funk that the board accept and pay all bills as presented. Motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote. Mrs. Greenwood and the board reviewed the treasurer’s report.

A motion was made by Stoerger-Flavin and seconded by Strack that the board adjourn to closed session at 7:38 p.m. to discuss the performance, employment, discipline, appointment, compensation and dismissal of specific employees. Motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

A motion was made by Stoerger-Flavin and seconded by Rogers that the board return to open session at 8:44 p.m. Motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

A motion was made by Scott and seconded by Somers that the board accept the resignation of Katie Eichen as special education teacher effective March 4, 2019.

A motion was made by Fogerson and seconded by Funk that the board approve the hiring of Melanie Courchaine as special education teacher for the 2019- 2020 school year. Motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

A motion was made by Funk and seconded by Somers that the board approve the hiring of Shannon Connelley as district librarian for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

A motion was made by Rogers and seconded by Strack that the board approve the 2019-2020 tentative school calendar. Motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

A motion was made by Rogers and seconded by Somers that the board approve the cooperative agreement for boys’ basketball for the 2019-2020 and 2020- 2021 school years. Motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

A motion was made by Rogers and seconded by Strack that the board approve the cooperative agreement for girls’ basketball, boys track, girls track, boys’ baseball and football, and girls’ softball per the extension required by the IHSA for years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. Motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

A motion was made by Stoerger-Flavin and seconded by Funk that the board set 8th grade promotion on Thursday, May 23, 2019 and high school graduation on Friday, May 24, 2019. Motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

A motion was made by Stoerger-Flavin and seconded by Rogers that the board approve the contract with Future Green. Motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

A motion was made by Rogers and seconded by Funk that the board approve the Reduction in Force of Annie Galindo. Motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

A motion was made by Rogers and seconded by Scott that the board approve the Reduction in Force of Mistie Denny. Motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.

A motion was made by Fogerson and seconded by Funk that the board adjourn at 8:58 p.m. Motion carried by a unanimous roll call vote.
