Village of Catlin Council met June 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes from meeting held June 5th, 2018
Approval of Minutes from the public hearing held May 15th, 2018.
Approval of bills
Public Expression
Larry Young- concern over golf cart Ordinance
Approval of Ordinance 746: 2018 Prevailing Wage Act Ordinance
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner of Accounts and Finance
Village/ Township building
•Building Permits
Commissioner of Public Health and Safety
Park Maintenance and Equipment Repairs
Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements
Road Repair/ Sidewalk Replacement/ Trees
Commissioner of Public Property
Equipment Repair and Replacement/ Wastewater Plant Rebuild
•Matt Johnson- Approve WWTP engineering
•Review and Approval of letter to residents regarding Aqua’s rate increase.
Executive Session
Old Business
Additions to Agenda
Received $4,299.39 from Motor Fuel Tax
Received $5,830.80 from Sales Tax