Champaign County Mental Health Board met April 18.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order - Dr. Fowler, President
2. Roll Call
3. Citizen Input/Public Participation
The CCMHB reserves the authority to limit individual public participation to five minutes and limit total time to 20 minutes.
4. Approval of Agenda*
5. President's Comments
6. New Business
A. FY19 Program Summaries
Discussion of agencies' requests for funding. Glossary of terms, table of contents, copies of the draft program summaries and reviews of agencies CLC Plans are included in the addenda accompanying the Board packet.
B. Resolution for George Roth Memorial*
A copy of a resolution in remembrance of George Roth is included in the Board packet.
7. Old Business
A. Schedules & Allocation Process Timeline (Pages )
Updated copies of meeting schedules and allocation timeline are included in the packet. Note: the April 25th study session will be held Conference Room in Brookens.
8. CCDDB Information
9. Approval of CCMHB Minutes (Pages )*
3/21/18 minutes are included. Action is requested.
10. Staff Reports
A financial report from Chris Wilson is included in the packet.
11. Consultant Report (Pages)
A report on the 11th Annual disability Resource Expo and related activities is included in the packet.
12. Board to Board Reports
13. Financial Information (Pages )*
14. Board Announcements
15. Adjournment