Village Fisher Board of Trustees met April 12.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings
5. Public Comment
6. Village President Report
7. Village Administrator Report
a. Presentation by Scott Knapp of PMA USA on supplemental employee benefits program
8. Payment of Claims and Accounts
9. Committee Reports
Finance & TIF
Public Works/Water & Wastewater
Parks & Recreation
10. Authorize Village Treasurer to redeem Water/WW Improvement CD#17489 and Water/WW Replacement CD#12930 upon maturity and deposit funds to General Fund Sidewalk & Drainage savings account #796 ($37,183.88)
11. Authorize Village Treasurer to close Water and Wastewater savings accounts and transfer funds to General Fund savings accounts as follows:
a. Close Water/WW Vehicle Replacement account #307 and deposit funds to General Fund Vehicle Replacement account #189 ($33,297.06)
b. Close Water/WW Replacement account #331 and deposit funds to General Fund Sidewalk & Drainage account #796 ($118,970.13)
c. Close Water Tower Maintenance account #275 and deposit funds to General Fund Parks & Recreation account #612 ($52,268.89) d. Close Wastewater Improvement account #309 and deposit funds to General Fund Sidewalk & Drainage account #796 ($74,976.73)
12. Authorize Village Treasurer to pay off balance remaining on Fisher National Bank loan from Water & Wastewater Fund ($71,329.39)
13. Authorize Village Treasurer to close Water and Wastewater checking account and Meter Deposit checking account as of April 30, 2018, and deposit remaining funds to General Fund checking account
14. Consider Ordinance authorizing line item transfers in the annual budget and appropriations ordinance for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2017 and ending April 30, 2018
15. Consider Ordinance adopting the annual budget and appropriations for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2018 and ending April 30, 2019
16. Authorize approval of Change Order No. 1 ($3,018.00) and Change Order No. 2 ($5,980.00) for North Side Storm Sewer Improvement Project Phase 2
17. Authorize payment No. 1 to Dirtworks Trucking & Excavating for North Side Storm Sewer Improvement Project Phase 2 in the amount of $80,610.98
18. Authorize issuance of Class F (Special Event) liquor license to Fisher Area Business Association for Lucky Foot Festival, June 2, 2018
19. Authorize Building Inspector to post notice of “Dangerous and Unsafe Building”
20. Questions from the media
21. Executive Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C)(1), for the limited purpose of discussing the employment, performance and/or compensation of one or more employees of the Village
22. Consider annual employee salary adjustments
23. Adjournment