
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Urbana City Council met March 5.

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Urbana City Council met March 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

ELECTED OFFICIALS PHYSICALLY PRESENT: Maryalice Wu, Alderwoman Ward 1; Eric Jakobsson, Alderman Ward 2; Aaron Ammons, Alderman Ward 3; Dennis Roberts, Alderman Ward 5; Dean Hazen, Ward 6; Jared Miller, Alderman Ward 7; Diane Wolfe Marlin, Mayor; Charles A. Smyth, City Clerk


ELECTED OFFICIALS ABSENT: Bill Brown, Alderman Ward 4

STAFF PRESENT: Morgan, Nightlinger, Bennet, Boys, Pearson, Schneider, Simon, Hannan, Garcia.


MEDIA: News-Gazette, Channel 3, Bishop King James Underwood, Rev. Dr. Evelyn Underwood,

Elderess Melinda Carr, Alan Axlerod, Jason Scott, Kale Becue, Michael Wilmore, Michael Fuerst, Jason Doornbos.


There being a quorum present, Mayor Marlin called the meeting of the Urbana City Council to order at 7:35 p.m. following a meeting of the Cunningham Township Board.


City Council Member (CM) Miller made a motion to approve minutes from Febrary 19, 2018 and the February 19, 2018 Special Meeting. CM Ammons seconded and the motion carried by unanimous voice vote.


There were no additions.


Bishop King James Underwood and Rev. Dr. Evelyn Underwood didn’t wish to speak but to voice their continued concerns about the Dr. Ellis subdivision sewer problem.

Alan Max Axlerod provided information on the GEO picketing and strike at the University of Illinois campus. He noted several city accomplishments including consideration and installion of solar panels and the November 2017 resolution opposing a potential federal tax change on student tuition waivers. He noted that graduate education is at risk if tuition waivers are eliminated at the University level. He invited council members to join them on the picket line and stand together to build an even better community.

Elderess Melinda Carr did not wish to speak but wanted to express her continued concerns about Dr. Ellis subdivision sewer issues, equity, and historic impact.

Jason Scott (President of AFSCME Local # 1331), Kale Becue (Public Works Arbor Division) and Michael Wilmore (AFSCME staff rep) addressed the council concerning employee relations at the City of Urbana. They spoke about the services provided by AFSCME employees to the city and asked that they be treated with respect. They are concerned that they are being told that the group must accept concessions that others aren’t being asked to make. Their message is that they want to get back to do the best they can for the citizens of Urbana. Mr. Becue provided a character reference of the public work employees that were present at the meeting. He stated that they are loyal and dedicated to the city of Urbana. He said his co-workers are concerned about the present bargaining situation and wanted the council to be aware of how important this is to us. He indicated that they work closely and would like to get this all resolved. He indicated that he can’t say everything about how great his coworkers are and how they help with anything related to his own work. He considers them an amazing group of people who want the best for the city. He thanked the council for their time and state that we are here to work with the council as a group to make the city safe for all the citizens of Urbana.

Mayor Marlin noted the many positive comments she gets from the public about city employees. She stated that we very much appreciate what they do and we will work hard to resolve this.


There was no unfinished business.


1. Committee Of The Whole – (Council Member Dennis Roberts)

a. Resolution No. 2018-02-008R: A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Promotional and marketing Agreement for 2018 Urbana Sweetcorn Festival (Urbana Business Association, FY 2018-2019)

CM Roberts moved approval, seconded by CM Jakobsson. With no discussion the motion passed by roll call vote 6-0: Ammons – yes; Hazen – yes; Jakobsson – yes; Miller – yes; Roberts – yes; Wu – yes

b. Resolution No. 2018-02-009R: A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Promotional and Marketing Agreement for 2018 Champaign-

Urbana Folk & Roots Festival (Champaign Urbana Folk & Roots Festival NFP, FY 2018-2019) CM Roberts moved approval, seconded by CM Wu. With no discussion the motion passed by roll call vote 6-0: Ammons – yes; Hazen – yes; Jakobsson – yes; Miller – yes; Roberts – yes; Wu – yes

c. Resolution No. 2018-02-010R: A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Promotional and Marketing Agreement for 2018 Pygmalion Festival (Fein-Bursoni Inc., FY 2018-2019)

CM Roberts moved approval, seconded by CM Ammons. With no discussion the motion passed by roll call vote 6-0: Ammons – yes; Hazen – yes; Jakobsson – yes; Miller – yes; Roberts – yes; Wu – yes

d. Resolution No. 2018-02-011R: A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the

Execution of an Economic Development Agreement (Champaign County Economic Development Corporation, FY 2017-2018 & FY 2018-2019)

CM Roberts moved approval, seconded by CM Miller. With no discussion the motion passed by roll call vote 6-0: Ammons – yes; Hazen – yes; Jakobsson – yes; Miller – yes; Roberts – yes; Wu – yes

e. Ordinance No. 2018-02-015: An Ordinance Authorizing the Dedication of Right-of-Way (601 North Lincoln Avenue)

CM Roberts moved approval, seconded by CM Miller. With no discussion the motion passed by roll call vote 6-0: Ammons – yes; Hazen – yes; Jakobsson – yes; Miller – yes; Roberts – yes; Wu – yes

f. Ordinance No. 2018-02-016: An Ordinance Revising the Annual Budget Ordinance for FY 2017/18 (Budget Amendment #6 – Omnibus)

CM Roberts moved approval, seconded by CM Wu. With no discussion the motion passed by roll call vote 7-0: Ammons – yes; Hazen – yes; Jakobsson – yes; Miller – yes; Roberts – yes; Wu – yes; Mayor Marlin – yes


There were no reports.


There were no reports.


1. Ordinance No. 2018-03-017: An Ordinance Amending the Urbana Comprehensive Plan Map (Changing the future land use designation 601, 701, 703, 705, and 707 North Lincoln Avenue, 906, 908, and 910 West Church Street, and 903, 905, 907, and 909 West Hill Street from Institutional and Community Business to Mixed-Residential (Urban Pattern) / Plan Case 2337-CP-18) - CD

Planning Manager Pearson provided a staff report and memo for Ordinance 2018-03-017 and -018 simultaneously. She summarized the findings stating that it makes sense to convert Industrial to medium density residential. In reviewing past zoning efforts at the property just north, which had little success, a new comprehensive map designation is appropriate. A mixed residential Urban pattern is suggested. Looking at the current zoning of IN1, which is pretty intense, it is not that compatible with the surrounding areas. The proposal is to take both areas and make it R4 zoning providing buffer between higher and lower uses. The Plan Commission found that the proposal meets LaSalle criteria and voted approval of both 4-1.

In response to CM Jakobsson, Ms. Pearson described the open house held in the neighborhood. She noted that there were not a lot of concerns about the zoning itself. Discussion followed concerning business zoning within the proposed area and the area north.

Jason Doornbos of Landmark Properties made a brief presentation. He described the company as national developers of properties in University communities specializing in cottage style housing with the features of apartment complexes but in a format of townhome and single family development. His slides showed housing elevations in a Craftsman style with hardiboard siding. They use different trim and styles to break up homogeneity an include substantial landscaping and a lot of open space with trees.Their proposal is an adaptive reuse of an industrial site. He noted the FAR and height in R4 zoning and provided areial view conceptual views of the development area.

CM Ammons asked about affordable housing and rental costs. Mr. Doornbos said that there would be multiple price point rental rates based on market conditions in line with newer multifamily in the community. Discussion with CM Ammons continued covering access via via Lincoln at the light and a secondary access point via W. Church Street, sound and access barriers for the railroad tracks and loss of housing for the folks being moved out of the area in the north section. The current property owner is handling the relocations. CM Ammons asked Mr. Doornbos to consider workforce development and participation for minority owned business in the construction of the development.

Additional questions were asked of Mr. Doornbos by City Council Members Wu and Miller concerning the property. Mr. Doornbos responded that they have all of the area under contract, that they would be building any multiuse trail for all in the ROW, that houses will be outward facing towards the streets and individual leases per bedroom will be available.

CM Miller asked how do we see this affecting home prices and rentals in the surrounding area. Ms. Pearson said should couldn’t answer except with respect to supply and demand issues. She noted that the scale is different from apartment complexes and big apartments and is a form that we don’t have. This proposed development can be built under R4 zoning with no special variances required.

Michael Fuerst spoke in opposition to the zoning as proposed. He provided a written statement to council members. He does not think the buffer concept is appropriate here as the RR tracks provide it. He thinks it should be zoned R2 or R3 as it’s a big lot and it isolates the neighborhood. He spoke to the general boundaries of the greater neighborhood noting that the whole area is the only pleasant integrated older neighborhood in the city. Any residential development needs to be integrated with the existing neighborhood and squanders a chance to perpetuate the neighborhood. He doesn’t think this meets the goals of the comp plan and suggested R2 or R3 zoning to maintain neighborhood.

Substantial discussion followed. CM Roberts said that this is a little difficult to approve with no review of the final plat development. Ms. Pearson noted that a PUD would be a different kind of development as that would allow for certain things not available by right. In this case the use would be by right. The existing Industrial zoning would not allow PUD so some kind of rezoning is needed. CM Roberts spoke to the style and type of construction as appealing but is concerned about how it integrates as whole. CM Wu noted in the proposed development the higher density towards the railroad tracks, that it needs to be consistent with the community and would not want a gated community.

CM Jakobsson said he gets the issue of lower zoning but the style suggested would be an asset to the city and will support the changes. CM Hazen doesn’t see any gated aspect keeping children from moving about. He also noted that if it is gated, that this would be consistent with One North/One South. Mayor Marlin sees this as a way for housing for people working at Carle and putting this property on the tax rolls. CM Miller thinks the nuts and bolts workers of Carle probably couldn’t afford to live there, that this development is for students and compared it to The Point in Savoy. CM Hazen thinks there are a number of young professionals that work at Carle who could afford to live here and Provena/Presence as well.

CM Ammons said he is excited about new development in the ward but noted that we are looking at a conceptual site plan. He wants an opportunity for the individuals who live in the area to be able to live there. He thought University Ave is turning into Green St. and putting a gated community here would not be compatible. He thought Mr. Fuerst has a good point and maybe there’s something better. He feels between a rock and a hard place with respect to zoning and asked City Attorney Simon if we put any restrictions on this at the development level. Ms. Pearson replied that only what is in the current code books.

Mayor Marlin noted that at the community meeting, a couple hours were spent looking at the plans and listening to the neighborhoods. That there was a great deal of discussion about how this would integrate into the neighborhood. The buildings are outward facing and towards Hill and Lincoln with lots of thought to front yards and porches. Neighbors were positive. She also noted that city is working on affordable housing at Aspen Court and other sites, and that this neighborhood has other small rentals available.

CM Ammons considers the sticking point to be that this is an appeal to professionals and students in particular, not family. He is looking for something for those on Hill St. could live in. That this development doesn’t take into consideration the people who live in the area is problematic for him. CM Roberts is favorable but appreciates CM Ammons questions. He would be more favorable for leasing to be available by a family for units like those on Hill Street facing into the community. CM Hazen stated the need to follow the LaSalle Criteria. CM Hazen stated that there has been a lack of willingness to invest north of University and this is rare opportunity. A property that would other sit empty.

CM Miller stated that wthout feedback on the issues raised, he will not support. CM Wu stated that students have a right to good housing too so is torn by families being able to live at this location. CM Jakobsson said that it’s no question that the proposal will improve the property being considered. The city is committed to affordable housing and that is a city responsibility byt can’t be laid on every proposal. This meets the LaSalle criteria and so favors it.

CM Hazen moved the ordinance as presented, seconded by CM Jakobsson. Mr. Ammons noted that he preferred to take a route as proposed by CM Roberts that allowed for working out some of the issues and questions before approval. With no further discussion, the motion passed by roll call vote 4-2: Ammons – no; Hazen – yes; Jakobsson – yes; Miller – no; Roberts – yes; Wu – yes.

2. Ordinance No. 2018-03-018: An Ordinance Amending the Urbana Zoning Map (Rezoning 601, 701, 703, 705, and 707 North Lincoln Avenue, 906, 908, and 910 West Church Street, and 903, 905, 907, and 909 West Hill Street from R-2, B-2, and IN-1 to R-4 / Plan Case 2338-M-18) CD

Planning Manager Pearson noted that all of the memo material was presented as part of the previous ordinance. CM Jakobsson moved approval of Ordinance 2018-03-018, seconded by CM Hazen. Discussion followed.

CM Roberts addressed the developer stating that he would appreciate seeing a reimaging of certain sections of the proposal taking into account the discussions from the previous ordinance. He understands that it’s important to bring this property into the city’s base but thinks consideration of preserving some areas within the proposal as family oriented. CM Jakobsson supports what CM Roberts is saying but notes that conversation is constrained.

CM Ammons asked staff whether a proposed redevelopment and rezoning required a conceptual plan as presented. Ms. Pearson said that a certain amount of information is required for staff evaluations but the conceptual plan is not but provided by the developer as it helps to clarify questions. She stated that this plan is more detailed than we normally get. She noted the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan as amended above as well as what could be construed as substantial investment by the developer in the proposed plans. CM Ammons appreciates the extra effort but has to do his due diligence and he’s trying to understand the process and how it works. Mayor Marlin appreciated the amount of time the company has spent getting to this point. CM Hazen suggested to the developer to hire locally reaching out to the local neighborhood as there are a lot of skilled.

With no further discussion, the motion passed by roll call vote 4-2: Ammons – no; Hazen – yes; Jakobsson – yes; Miller – no; Roberts – yes; Wu – yes.

3. Ordinance No. 2018-03-019: An Ordinance Amending the Urbana Zoning Map (Rezoning Multiple Properties to B-4 / Plan Case No. 2329-M-18) – CD

Planning Manager Pearson presented the staff memo proposing to rezone 3 parcels along Green Street to B4 consistent with downtown comprehensive map planning (from R6) and a 4th parcel, an industrial zoned area in downtown to B4. Ms. Pearson described the parcels and current use and noted that the new owner of the former Gill Building wants to do more downtown like stuff so that B4 would be appropriate. This item had little Plan Commission discussion and was sent to council with a unanimous recommendation. Following questions for staff concerning location and ownership, CM Roberts moved approval of Ordinance 2018-03-019, seconded by CM Hazen.

With no further discussion, the motion passed by roll call vote 6-0: Ammons – yes; Hazen – yes; Jakobsson – yes; Miller – yes; Roberts – yes; Wu – yes

4. Approval of City Council Priorities – FY 2018-2021

A motion to approve Council Priorities was made by CM Ammons, seconded by CM Hazen.

CM Hazen noted that we should not leave out S. Philo Road and though it dropped off unintentionally. He moved to amend the priorities to include as a 6th item: “Make SE Urbana an economic priority, the Philo Road Business District”. The motion was seconded by CM Wu and passed by unanimous voice vote.

CM Roberts noted that expanding the Kickapoo Rail Trail for connectivity is in the list as the fourth priority and that adding the Boneyard Creek multiuse path would be consistent. He moved to amend the list by adding “and the Boneyard Creek multiuse path” at the end of this priority, seconded by CM Hazen. The motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

CM Ammons spoke to Priority #3. He thought the language “Work toward equity” as not strong enough. Discussion followed and the word “Achieve” was suggested to replace “ Work”. This amendment was moved by CM Ammons, seconded by CM Miller and passed by unanimous voice vote.

With no further discussion, the main motion passed by unanimous voice vote.


There being no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor Marlin declared the meeting adjourned at 9:33 p.m.




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