Urbana City Council met Feb. 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Elected Officials Physically Present: Aaron Ammons, Bill Brown, Dean Hazen, Jared Miller, Dennis Roberts, Maryalice Wu, Diane Wolfe Marlin, Charles Smyth
Elected Officials Present Via Teleconference: none
Elected Officials Absent: Eric Jakobsson
Staff Present: Elizabeth Beaty; Brad Bennett; Brandon Boys; John Collins; William Gray; Elizabeth Hannan; Melissa Haynes; Elizabeth Horwitz; Wendy Hundley; Sylvia Morgan; Kelly Mierkowski; Brian Nightlinger; Matt Rejc; John Schneider; James Simon; Scott Tess
Others Present: Members of the Media
I. Call To Order And Roll Call
With a quorum present, Mayor Marlin called the public hearing to order at 7:02 p.m.
Mayor Marlin opened the hearing and stated the purpose of the hearing, which was to receive public input on the Sale of Certain Real Estate (1301 East Washington Street – R Rentals Series, LLC).
II. Public Input
No one came forward.
III. Adjournment
There being no comments or questions, Mayor Marlin declared the meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m.