
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Urbana Plan Commission met December 21.

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City of Urbana Plan Commission met Dec. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

Members Present: Barry Ackerson, Jane Billman, Andrew Fell, Lew Hopkins, David Trail, Dan Turner

Members Excused: Tyler Fitch, Nancy Esarey Ouedraogo

Staff Present: Kevin Garcia, Planner II; Christopher Marx, Planner I

Others Present: Susan Burgstrom

Note: Mr. Trail moved to nominate Andrew Fell as Acting Chairperson in the absence of Tyler Fitch. Mr. Hopkins seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote of the Plan Commission members in attendance.

1. Call To Order, Roll Call And Declaration Of Quorum

Acting Chair Fell called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll call was taken and a quorum was declared present.

2. Changes To The Agenda

There were none.

3. Approval Of Minutes

The minutes from the December 7, 2017 regular meeting were presented for approval. Mr. Ackerson moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Trail seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by unanimous voice vote as written.

4. Communications

There were none.

5. Continued Public Hearings

There were none.

6. Old Business

CCZBA-873-AT-17: A request by the Champaign County Zoning Administrator to amend Sections 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 of the Champaign County Zoning Ordinance regarding “Home Occupation.”

Acting Chair Fell re-opened this case. Christopher Marx, Planner I, presented this case to the Plan Commission. He began by reviewing the purpose for the amendment to the Champaign County Zoning Ordinance. He pointed out that the Urbana Plan Commission reviewed this case at their July 6, 2017 meeting. At which time, the Commission voted to forward to the City Council a recommendation to defeat a resolution of protest, with the condition that the County modify their regulations for a Special Use Permit to be the same as the City’s regulations for a Conditional Use Permit regarding the allowance of parked, inoperable vehicles. Champaign County felt this would not be feasible given that the County’s Nuisance Code already permits the storage of one inoperable vehicle; however, they proposed changes to the proposed text amendment that would provide more regulation for vehicles and home occupations. Mr. Marx stated those changes.

There were no questions for City staff. Acting Chair Fell opened the case for public input. There was none. Acting Chair Fell opened the case for Plan Commission discussion and/or motion(s).

Mr. Hopkins felt the proposed changes to the text amendment were a reasonable response for the Plan Commission’s concern. He was surprised at how strict the County’s regulations were even from a nuisance point-of-view. He would be okay with defeating a resolution of protest.

Mr. Ackerson moved that the Urbana Plan Commission forward Case No. CCZBA-873-AT-17 to the City Council with a recommendation to defeat a resolution of protest with no conditions. Mr. Hopkins seconded the motion. Roll call on the motion was as follows:

Mr. Ackerson - Yes Ms. Billman - Yes Mr. Fell - Yes Mr. Hopkins - Yes Mr. Trail - Yes Mr. Turner - Yes

The motion passed by a vote of six ayes to zero nays. Mr. Marx noted that this case would be forwarded to City Council on January 8, 2018.

Update to the Plan Commission’s Official Bylaws

Acting Chair Fell re-opened this item on the agenda. Kevin Garcia, Planner II, stated that the proposed change could not be voted on at the previous meeting and was continued to this meeting.

There were no questions for City staff and no public input.

Mr. Hopkins moved that the Plan Commission approve the changes as recommended by City staff. Mr. Turner seconded the motion. Roll call on the motion was as follows:

Mr. Ackerson - Yes Ms. Billman - Yes Mr. Fell - Yes Mr. Hopkins - Yes Mr. Trail - Yes Mr. Turner - Yes

The motion was approved by unanimous vote. Mr. Garcia noted that these changes would take effect at the next regular meeting of the Plan Commission.

7. New Public Hearings

There were none.

8. New Business

There was none.

9. Audience Participation

There was none.

10. Staff Report

Mr. Garcia gave a staff report on the following:

• Zoning Ordinance Omnibus Text Amendment was reviewed by City Council. They voted to approve everything except two changes regarding parking for single-bedroom units in multi-family apartment buildings and the clarification for calculating setbacks in residential zones. The City Council voted to send those two specific changes back to Committee of the Whole for further study, which will take place at their meeting on January 22, 2018.

11. Study Session

There was none.

12. Adjournment Of Meeting

The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
