
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Danville Public Works Committee met February 13.

City of Danville Public Works Committee met February 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

#1 Call To Order

Chairman Mike Puhr called the meeting of the Public Works Committee to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Robert E. Jones Municipal Building, 17 W. Main St., Danville, Illinois.

Roll Call was answered by Chairman Mike Puhr, Aldermen Mike O'Kane, Sherry Pickering, and Rick Strebing. Vice Chairman Jon Cooper, Aldermen Rickey Williams, Jr. and Lloyd Randle were absent. A quorum was present.

Others in attendance included Mayor Scott Eisenhauer, Alderman Tom Stone, City Comptroller Shelley Scott, City Clerk Lisa Monson, Community Development Director David Schnelle, Senior Planner Tyson Terhune, Public Transportation Director Lisa Beith, Deputy Director of Public Works Ray Garcia, 7 audience members, and 2 news media.

#2 Approval Of Minutes

Chairman Puhr presented Minutes of the regular meeting of January 9, 2018. Alderman Strebing moved for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Pickering. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.

#3 Approval Of Agenda

Chairman Puhr presented the agenda and moved Items 8-A, 8-B, and 8-C to Item 5 Chairman's Comments and announced Item 8-F and Item 8-G have been amended. There being no further changes, Alderman Strebing moved for approval as amended, seconded by Alderman Pickering. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.

#4 Audience Comments - None

#5 Chairman's Comments

Chairman Puhr presented Items A through C. There being no objections to taking Items A through C together, Alderman Strebing moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Pickering. Those items being:

#5-A) [previous item 8-A] an ordinance authorizing Annexation of Public Property at 2211 N. Bowman Avenue by Petitioners Mann Farms and the Patricia A. Mann Trust;

#5-B) [previous item 8-B] a resolution authorizing the Expansion of the DanvilleVermilion County Enterprise Zone; and

#5-C) [previous item 8-C] a resolution authorizing the Issuance of Property Tax Abatement.

Mayor Eisenhauer stated Mrs. Haugen has been working the Phillips' [developer] and she will give an introduction of the project. Vicki Haugen, Vermilion Advantage President and CEO, stated she has had the pleasure of working with the Phillips group since late August when they contacted us and they provided us with their criteria of a site which they need which was about 10 acres to develop and the desire was to stay within the confines of the City limits of Danville. We reviewed nine sites and finding open acreage within the City is a real challenge. She described the locations that had been reviewed. There have been questions regarding the enterprise zone and unfair competition. The purpose of the State to have the Enterprise Zone Act is to encourage development, redevelopment, projects that create jobs, and/or that offset the negatives you do have development that require extension of utilities and an added cost that are hard to get a return on investment on projects so we approached the State, described the project, and asked if they would be supportive of approval of the project and they said “yes”. There was no enterprise zone program when Liberty Village was developed in the 90's and they were outside of the City when that was developed and it was brought into the City and the Administration at the time as an enticement, agreed to maintain the main road that goes through the facility even though it is a private development, the sanitary sewers, and storm water sewers. The department has advised the annual average maintenance cost of $26.000.00. A couple of years ago the main road had to be completely overlaid and it was a quarter of a million dollars. This project is looking at a 30 mile radius catchment area in their feasibility study that draws in a part of Warren County IN and takes into account the new development in Tilton. When Bowman Estates was developed, East Central Community Action was the sponsor so the developer could use low income tax credits for that development so all of them have received some form of public participation that is long term or short term. The enterprise zone issues are two separate issues. When the new enterprise zone act was approved in Danville and Vermilion County the new zone is a duly administered zone so it is the City and Vermilion County so what Item 5-B includes is taking to the Council the ability to submit an application to the State to expand it to take in that one site and that would allow them the State incentives that come along with that. Item 5-C is separate from submitting the application, it takes in nothing but this site, the expansion is allowed by the State because it is project specific, one of the requirements under the new law is once the expansion happens the jobs that are projected, the investments that are talked about must be substantially completed within a two year period once the enterprise zone is awarded so if that is not the case then that would be null and void and it would start all over again if there was another project out there. She handed out a property tax analysis and estimates showing the tax values to each taxing bodies. Hadley Phillips, Partner with Phillips Investments spoke about the Villas of Holly Brook facility which will house an assisted living community and Reflections Memory Care. He stated they currently have 16 facilities open in the State of Illinois and Indiana. 50 unit assisted living facility and a 24 unit memory care with 28 beds so we will service about 74-80 people within the community. The building is around 65,000 square feet and we will employ around 65 people with 40 full-time and the rest part-time employees. Our intentions are not to be greedy regarding the enterprise zone, but we look at what it costs to bring a project on board to bring a return on our investment as it can take upwards to three years. His goal would be to have the assisted living stabilized within a year and a half and the memory care stabilized within two years. It will take about 14 months to construct the building. Mr.Phillips stated the facility is different from others in the area and a feasibility study showed more than 400 private pay seniors in this area qualified for the facility. Private pay industry is completely different from a State pay industry. People need a place to move to now before they get to the point where they can no longer take care of themselves. When we broke down the Danville market we found that over 400 private pay individuals quality for this. It takes awhile to penetrate the market. We are the main contractor, but we will use local subcontractors for the buildout. Mr. Phillips stated their facility is all private pay, but they do help people get their veteran's benefits and convert their long term care insurance to assisted living use. There is no Medicare or Medicaid. Chairman Puhr feels the assisted living facility such as the one described is much needed in this community and this county. Alderman Strebing stated people with government subsidies and others need this housing too. Mayor Eisenhauer stated this project is an investment of almost $10 million dollars in the community and the project will bring jobs, it is also about the tax base, and the facility meets a need in our community. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen O'Kane, Pickering, Puhr

Nays: Alderman Strebing

Absent: Aldermen Cooper, Randle, Williams

Motion carried 3 to 1 with 3 absent.

#6 Payroll

Chairman Puhr presented Payroll for February 9, 2018 of $61,724.05. Alderman Pickering moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Strebing. There being no questions, the roll call vote being: Ayes: Aldermen Strebing, O'Kane, Pickering, Puhr Nays: None Absent: Aldermen Cooper, Randle, Williams

Motion carried 4 to 0 with 3 absent.

#7 Vouchers Payable

Chairman Puhr presented the Schedule of Vouchers Payable for February 13, 2018 of $468,067.26. Alderman Strebing moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Pickering. After all questions were addressed, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen O'Kane, Pickering, Strebing, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Aldermen Cooper, Randle, Williams

Motion carried 4 to 0 with 3 absent.

#8 Community Development – David Schnelle, Director

#8-A) [previous item 8-D] Chairman Puhr presented a resolution awarding Bid 592 to the lowest responsible bidder, Midwest Asphalt Inc. in the amount of $359,378.55 for the Koehn Creek Interceptor Sanitary Sewer Improvement over Stoney Creek near South Griffin Street, to be paid from the Sewer Fund line item 402-402-55018. Alderman Strebing moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Pickering. Director Schnelle stated the bids were good numbers. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen O'Kane, Pickering, Strebing, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Aldermen Cooper, Randle, Williams

Motion carried 4 to 0 with 3 absent.

#8-B) [previous item 8-E] Chairman Puhr presented a resolution approving an Agreement with Farnsworth Group Inc. for Engineering Services for Bridge Inspections, to perform routine inspections of 24 bridges according to the National Bridge Inventory Standards, with an estimated cost of $600.00 per typical bridge with additional charges for the fracture critical inspections of the Hungry Hollow bridge and the underwater inspections of the Denmark Road bridge over Lake Vermilion, to be paid from the annual Motor Fuel Tax General Maintenance section number and line item number. Alderman Strebing moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Pickering. Director Schnelle stated the National Bridge Inspection program has certain requirements and he is the only one in the City that is available and qualified to inspect bridges and he reached out to a couple of nearby engineering firms to come up with a lump sum price per bridge. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen O'Kane, Pickering, Strebing, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Aldermen Cooper, Randle, Williams

Motion carried 4 to 0 with 3 absent.

#8-C) [previous item 8-F] Chairman Puhr presented an amended resolution appropriating MFT Funds for the 2018 General Maintenance Program, Section #18-00000-00-GM in the amount of $566,500.00, for the maintenance period of March 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018. Alderman Strebing moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Pickering. Director Schnelle stated the reason for the amendment is for an additional $10,000.00 cost in maintenance engineering as the City would like to contract with a geotechnical firm out of Peru, Illinois who came and assisted Vermilion County with West Newell Road to do some cement or lime stabilization of the base. The City would like to do this with a couple of our roadways. Microsurfacing, Sealcoat, and Pavement Striping is also included in the 2018 General Maintenance Program. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen O'Kane, Pickering, Strebing, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Aldermen Cooper, Randle, Williams

Motion carried 4 to 0 with 3 absent.

#8-D) [previous item 8-G] Chairman Puhr presented an amended resolution approving Voorhees Bridge Replacement Agreement with IDOT, in the amount of $600,000.00, MFT Section #08-0033002-PV, Job Number C-95-014-18. Director Schnelle explained the agreement has been approved, but the paperwork was not included with the resolution so the agreement and MFT fund appropriation are attached to this resolution. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Pickering, Strebing, O'Kane, Puhr Nays: None

Absent: Aldermen Cooper, Randle, Williams

Motion carried 4 to 0 with 3 absent.

#8-E) [previous item 8-H] Chairman Puhr presented an ordinance approving the Purchase of Permanent Easement for the Upper Koehn Creek Flood Mitigation Project and waiving the requirements of Section 30.07(A) of the Code, from Steel Grip with a property address commonly known as 1501 E. Voorhees St. for an amount of $6,000.00 and 1603 E. Voorhees St. owned by Strapack Inc., to be paid from the Storm and Sanitary Sewer Enterprise Fund-Storm Infrastructure Improvement budget. Director Schnelle stated these permanent easements are necessary on the properties adjacent to the old Heatcraft site. Alderman Pickering moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Strebing. To address Alderman Strebing's question regarding the Heatcraft site, we are very close to present a proposed purchase agreement for the site and prior to actually closing on the site we want to do the Phasel environmental investigations to

make sure we are protected because we do know the site has contamination issues to make sure there are not other contaminants we are not aware of or liable for. We are going to try to run that through the Brownfield's grant and if that is not the case, then it will have to come back to Council to possibly be run through Fund 402. The cost is not finalized yet. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Strebing, O'Kane, Pickering, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Aldermen Cooper, Randle, Williams

Motion carried 4 to 0 with 3 absent.

#8-F-1) [previous item 8-1-1] H&L Landfill Update

Director Schnelle reported there is a solar developer interested in the H/L Landfill and they are also looking at the former Heatcraft site. There has been another step in the right direction with the cessation of leachate collection at HIL, but still not there yet.

#8-F-2) [previous item 8-1-2] NPDES Stormwater Management Update

• Work is continuing on the Bowman Avenue ditches by the airport and are looking to do that with a combined operational project. There is a temporary easement needed from the airport.

#8-F-3) [previous item 8-1-3] Project Updates

•Director Schnelle reported there is a lot of projects coming up and we are going to be very busy this coming year.

•Discussion Regarding Resolution: Authorization for Mayor to File Eminent Domain Regarding Property Rights Necessary to Complete Campus Corridor TIF Redevelopment Project (1824 E. Main St.) - Mayor Eisenhauer stated as the City has done once before when there is a project of public interest the City has tried diligently to negotiate with the property owner and if there is no opportunity between the City and the property owner then it behooves the City to utilize eminent domain in an effort to try to convince a court that for a public and fair value the City should have the opportunity to acquire the property. The East Main Street Corridor Improvement Plan was passed a few years ago and part of the plan included some daylighting particularly around Koehn Creek and it is the City's desire to do some improvements such as a bus waiting area to facilitate the green spacing on the south side to match the north side which would require the City to go after the purchase of the American Inn. Director Schnelle stated an appraisal was done and it was presented to the owner, we never heard back from the owner, we had the appraisal done again and present that to the owner again and a last offer was non-responsive. The owner reached out to the attorney to set up a meeting and the City has been responsive to a meeting, but there has been no meeting forthcoming. Director Schnelle stated the City has continued to negotiate every step of the way to keep a fair open negotiation if the City has to be successful in the court system. Director Schnelle presented a trailhead plan using some of the existing parking lot to head to the DACC or VA campus and talking about continuing some trails potentially through those facilities which would require their cooperation. Director Schnelle stated the resolution will be brought back to the Public Works Committee in March which would give the property owner another month to try to get in contact with the City for a meeting.

•Director Schnelle reported the City received Phasel approval for the Denmark Road project which means approvals for right-of-way acquisitions, we can go forward on construction plans, able to submit final application for the EPA loan, and would like to bid the sanitary sewer portion of the project this summer. The Phase l approval steps us much higher in the ability to receive some of the Federal funds the City applied for.

#9 Finance - Shelley Scott, Comptroller

#9-A) Chairman Puhr presented a resolution amending Resolution No. 2017-11 Bond and Interest Fund (201) Budget and Closing the Fund, to transfer fund balance of $35,603.25 from Bond & Interest Fund-Cash and transfer fund balance of $35,603.25 to 2009 Debt Service Fund-Cash and create line item in Bond & Interest Fund-Transfer to 2009 Bond & Interest 201-201-00-59200 and create line i in 2009 Debt Service-Transfer from 2007 Debt Service 203-203-00-49200. Alderman Strebing moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Pickering. There being no questions, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen O'Kane, Pickering, Strebing, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Aldermen Cooper, Randle, Williams

Motion carried 4 to 0 with 3 absent.

#9-B) Items of Information - None

#10 Danville Area Transportation Study (DATS)

#10-A) Items of Information

Director Schnelle reported the DATS Committees met this month and passed some TIP amendments and talked about some planning documents coming up for approval in the near future. Planning project that would be an asset management type of project and we hope to get that approved and start in July of next year. Planner Terhune announced there will be a Greenway and Trails Plan public meeting on Saturday, February 24th at the David S. Palmer Arena from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Comments or questions regarding the plan are welcome.

#11 Public Transportation – Lisa Beith, Director

#11-A-1) The Monthly Recap for January 2018, included Ridership Reports, Monthly Revenue Record, and Ridership History. The January fixed route ridership totaled 45,310. The December total ADA ridership was 737 rides, with the January ADA ridership report to be given next month. The total revenue for the month of January was $33,631.49.

#11-A) Items of Information

• New CADIAVL system is fully functional on all routes and all buses.

• Three new drivers have been hired and still looking for a diesel mechanic.

• Working with Tilton Mayor David Phillips and Tilton Board of Trustees to avoid the elimination of the 13 Tilton route.

#12 Public Works - Scott Eisenhauer, Mayor

#12-A) Items of Information

• The City is running a little low on salt to treat roads for snow and ice.

•Mayor Eisenhauer reported the aerial fire truck has been in for repairs and we are looking at doing a refurbishment on the truck which would provide another 10+ years of life on the vehicle.

•Public Works has been working on capital planning over a five-year period as it relates to Parks, Streets, Harrison Park, and the Municipal Pool.

•Tree clearing was requested by IDNR before they remove the Ellsworth Park dam prior to bat season. Request for quotes have been put together by Deputy Director Garcia for a grinding attachment to clear the trees.

•Reorganization continues to work through itself as the City runs into the spring season.

•Demolition work continues to move forward on lowa and Oak streets and other locations with demolition of former Lincoln School demolition also finishing up.

#13 Closed Session was not needed.

#14 Committee Members' Comments

Chairman Puhr requested a new Centrex telephone list.

#15 Adjournment

There being no further items on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 7:13 p.m. by acclamation after a motion by Alderman Strebing and a second by Alderman Pickering.
