
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Danville Public Works Committee met January 9.

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City of Danville Public Works Committee met January 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

#1 Call To Order

Chairman Mike Puhr called the meeting of the Public Works Committee to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Robert E. Jones Municipal Building, 17 W. Main St., Danville, Illinois.

Roll Call was answered by Chairman Mike Puhr, Vice Chairman Jon Cooper, Aldermen Mike O'Kane, Sherry Pickering, Rick Strebing, and Rickey Williams, Jr. Alderman Lloyd Randle was absent. A quorum was present.

Others in attendance included Mayor Scott Eisenhauer, City Comptroller Shelley Scott, City Clerk Lisa

Monson, Engineering & Urban Services Director David Schnelle, Public Transportation Director Lisa Beith, Deputy Director of Public Works Ray Garcia, 1 audience member, and 2 news media.

#2 Approval Of Minutes

Chairman Puhr presented Minutes of the regular meeting of December 12, 2017. Vice Chairman Cooper moved for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Strebing. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.

#3 Approval Of Agenda

Chairman Puhr presented the agenda and moved Item 10-A Amended Resolution: Awarding Bid #578 for Cleveland/Delaware Sewer Improvement to Item 11-E. There being no further changes, Alderman Williams moved for approval as amended, seconded by Alderman Pickering. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.

#4 Audience Comments – None

#5 Chairman's Comments

Chairman Puhr wished everyone a "Happy New Year."

#6 Payroll

Chairman Puhr presented Payroll for December 22, 2017 of $524,538.79, for December 29, 2017 of $63,409.29, and for January 5, 2018 of $685,766.48. Vice Chairman Cooper moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Strebing. There being no questions, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen O'Kane, Pickering, Strebing, Williams, Cooper, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Randle

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#7 Vouchers Payable

Chairman Puhr presented the Schedule of Vouchers Payable for December 27, 2017 of $205,695.62, for January 2, 2018 of $115,062.39, and run of January 9, 2018 of $375,501.45. Vice Chairman Cooper moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Strebing. Alderman O'Kane voiced concern that the only run included in the packet was the January 9, 2018 run. After all questions were addressed, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Pickering, Strebing, Williams, Cooper, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Randle

Abstention: Alderman O'Kane

Motion carried 5 to 0 with 1 absent and 1 abstention.

#8 Danville Area Transportation Study (DATS)

#8-A) Items of Information

Director Schnelle reported the Technical Committee will meet Thursday, February 1st and there will be a couple of voting items at the meeting.

#9 Public Transportation – Lisa Beith, Director

#9-A-1) The Monthly Recap for December 2017, included Ridership Reports, Monthly Revenue Record, and Ridership History. The December fixed route ridership totaled 47,914. The November total ADA ridership was 811 rides, with the December ADA ridership report to be given next month. The total revenue for the month of December was $24,347.29.

#9-A) Items of Information

•Provided a warming bus for firefighters during a couple of different fires to help during the cold weather.

•Still in need of a qualified diesel mechanic.

#10 Public Works - David Schnelle, Director #10-A) Items of Information

•Deputy Director Garcia reported there is concern with the amount of product used during ice events as the City has used in excess of 600 tons of salt and have acquired additional grit.

•Deputy Director Garcia also reported the demolition at 108-1/2 lowa Street was being abated by Schemel-Tarrillion Inc. under contract and estimated to cost around $9,000.00 for asbestos abatement, but during the abatement, it was the discovered the cost is going to increase to approximately $22,000.00. Also, the demolition at 413 Oak Street was scheduled to have asbestos abatement and during the abatement the structure became unsafe with a wall leaning on a tree so the structure will be an emergency demolition. There is not enough space between the structure and the home at 415 Oak Street to perform the demolition safely so 415 Oak Street, which is an unsafe structure as well, will be demolished at the same time. The City will contract out the work on both structures as they are three-story structures with the cost in excess of $25,000.00.

#11 Urban Services - David Schnelle, Director

#11-A) Chairman Puhr presented a resolution authorizing Funding for English/Jackson Intersection Improvement, to align a sub-standard intersection and complete the DHS (Danville High School) and Lincoln Park Shared Use Path link, with the work to be paid from MFT Section 12-00348-01-BT, line item number 103-6348C-12, with $600,000.00 in Federal STU funds available for the project. Vice Chairman Cooper moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Pickering. Vice Chairman Cooper questioned if the funds could be used for anything else and Director Schnelle responded the funds could be used for other highway improvements, but the funds are federal funds so when federal funded projects are done they are typically two to three year development projects because of the environmental clearances that we have to get and the next federal funded project is the Denmark Road project. Director Schnelle reviewed a map of the roundabout and stated the design was done in-house and reviewed by a peer review, Hutchinson Engineering, and IDOT approvals. Alderman Pickering asked for the comparison with the roundabout and straightening out the intersection. Director Schnelle stated there would be a similar cost with straightening out the intersection. Mayor Eisenhauer stated there would be more property acquisition with straightening out the intersection. Alderman Pickering stated she has several constituents against the roundabout. Director Schnelle stated the roundabout will tie into the Lincoln Park shared use path and connect with the DHS shared use path. Alderman O'Kane asked if anything is happing with Hazel Street and Director Schnelle responded there are no proposed changes to Hazel Street. Alderman O'Kane questioned if a fire truck would still fit through the roundabout and Director Schnelle responded “yes”. Alderman Williams questioned the homes on the southeast corner are still in existence so they are not needed for this project. Director Schnelle stated "no". Alderman Williams stated so there will be no drive access onto those properties from Jackson Street and Director Schnelle responded “yes”. Director Schnelle stated the City plans on doing the construction engineering and the designs and environmentals have been done in-house. The plans are posted on the website with the bid opening date in March, likely awarded to the contractor in April and start as early as May. There will be limited times of street closure. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Strebing, Williams, Cooper, O'Kane, Puhr

Nays: Alderman Pickering

Absent: Alderman Randle

Motion carried 5 to 1 with 1 absent.

Chairman Puhr presented Items B through D. There being no objections to taking Items B through D together, Alderman Williams moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval, seconded by Vice Chairman Cooper. Those items being:

#11-B. a resolution authorizing Funding for Voorhees Street Bridge Replacement, for an agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to access funds, with the work to be paid from MFT Section 08-00330-02-PV, line item number 103-103-6330B-08;

#11-C. a resolution approving Construction Engineering Services for Voorhees Bridge Replacement Project with Hutchison Engineering on a time and material basis up to $248,500.00, with work to be paid from Motor Fuel Tax Section 08-00330-02-PV, line item number 103-103-6330B-08; and

#11-D. a resolution approving Additional Engineering Services for Voorhees Street Bridge with Hutchison Engineers, in the amount of $19,500.00, for a total amount of $267,500.00, with work to be paid from Motor Fuel Tax Section 08-00330-02-PV, line item number 103-103-6330B-08.

Director Schnelle stated the anticipated time for this project to be done is the end of October. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Williams, Cooper, O'Kane, Pickering, Strebing, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Randle

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#11-E) Chairman Puhr presented an amended resolution amending Bid 578 to Owens Excavating & Trucking LLC for the Cleveland/Delaware Sewer Improvement by $14,174.29 to a total contract amount of $138,969.29, to be paid from Sanitary Sewer Replacement Fund-Infrastructure Improvement budget. Vice Chairman Cooper moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Pickering. Alderman Pickering stated Owens Excavating have not cleaned up their messes in previous projects nor where they stored their rocks and asked Director Schnelle to talk to them about that. Director Schnelle stated he will address the concern with Owens. There being no questions or further discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Cooper, O'Kane, Pickering, Strebing, Williams, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Randle

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#11-F-1) H&L Landfill Update

The EPA has been given to the end of January to correspond so the attorneys and Director Schnelle are working on filing a petition within the court to gain movement. #11-F-2) NPDES Stormwater Management Update

•Director Schnelle reported there was a spill by a private industry in Lick Creek by private industry that has been identified and the private industry has been self-reporting to the EPA so it is under control.

•The new stormwater engineer, Sherif Abdou, has been working on the Bowman Avenue new ditches by the airport as they have been difficult for the City to maintain over the years. He has come with some ideas to vastly improve the maintenance capabilities of those ditches as well as improve the hydraulics to the area. We hope to build most of that in-house.

#11-F-3) Project Updates

•Director Schnelle thanked the Committee for their support of the Voorhees Bridge Replacement construction engineering agreement with Hutchison Engineering on a time and material basis, but it may not be needed depending upon what happens with the Denmark Road and other projects, the City may be able to oversee the project.

•The City is actively designing the Jackson Street sidewalk extension and are looking to extend the shared use path up to Voorhees Street and we are hoping to do that with the Center City monies that were made available through CDBG and looking at beginning right-of-way acquisitions especially at the intersection of Voorhees and Jackson where appraisals have been completed.

•Director Schnelle reported the City has made substantial progress on Heatcraft and Koehn Creek. The same attorney that has been working with the City on H/L has been working with the City on the property acquisition on Heatcraft and there is an EPA contaminated site and there have been some concerns with some of the purchase agreements, but Director Schnelle received a draft back from them with minor changes so that is getting close, so we are starting to reach out to other property owners so that could be a project in the near future if funding can be identified.

•Mayor Eisenhauer announced notice has been received that at the conclusion of 2017 and heading into 2018 the State of Illinois will be releasing the funds that have been earmarked for the removal of the two dams in Danville. IDNR will be doing the de-construction of the dam at Ellsworth Park and their intentions are to move forward with that as long as the City has the ability to some clearing along the roadway prior to bat season. IDNR is finishing the engineering designs for the removal of the dam behind the Public Safety Building, the Danville Dam. They will both go out to bid once the designs are finished.

#12 Closed Session was not needed.

#13 Committee Members' Comments

Vice Chairman Cooper voiced concern of tenants living in rentals without heat and asked if the City can do anything against the landlords. Mayor Eisenhauer responded there are steps that can be taken with the landlord and stated the City needs to be notified of specific addresses that there are issues and the disappointing element is the City is not notified of those situations and have the opportunity to investigate the situation.

#14 Adjournment

There being no further items on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 6:46 p.m. by acclamation after a motion by Vice Chairman Cooper and a second by Alderman Pickering.
