Village of Homer Board of Trustees met January 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Those present: Village Trustees: Joe Bear, Kevin Knott, Guy James, Mike Johnson, Zach Wells, and Charles Montgomery, Village Board President, Raymond Cunningham, Village Clerk, Sharon Jeffers, Treasurer, Cindy Pruitt, Chief of Police, John Rouse, Maintenance, Ryan Byerley, Zoning/Sewer, Dave Hermes, and resident, Billy Mitchell.
Board Comment: Raymond thanked the board for their condolences.
Volunteer Meeting: A Volunteer meeting will be scheduled for January 25, 2018 at 7:00 pm.
Minutes: Mike Johnson made the motion to approve regular, TIF, and Library minutes as presented, Guy James second the motion, all in favor, motion approved.
Village Bills: Guy James made the motion to pay Village bills as presented, Mike Johnson second the motion, roll call vote: Joe Bear, yes, Kevin Knott, yes, Guy James, yes, Mike Johnson, yes, Zach Wells, yes, and Charles Montgomery, yes, motion approved.
Reports: Charles Montgomery made the motion to approve Treasurer, Police, Maintenance, Zoning, Sewer, Water, and Village Hall reports as presented, Joe Bear second the motion, all in favor, motion approved.
Ordinance 010818: Charles Montgomery made the motion to pass Ordinance 010818, An Ordinance Amending regulation of Traffic in alleys, Guy James second the motion, Joe Bear, yes, Kevin Knott, yes, Guy James, yes, Mike Johnson, yes, Zach Wells, yes, and Charles Montgomery, yes, motion approved.
Radio Read Meters: Charles Montgomery made the motion to purchase seven radio read meters, to be paid for with $615.83 from scrap of old meters, $250.00 credit for old locator, and $79.17 water meter line item, for a total of $865.83, Zach Wells second the motion, roll call vote: Joe Bear, yes, Kevin Knott, yes, Guy James, yes, Mike Johnson, yes, Zach Wells, yes, and Charles Montgomery, yes, motion approved.
TIF: Storm Hawk is looking into purchasing the old Brewer building, and is inquiring about TIF funds. The board will take this into consideration during budget talks.
Water conference will be approved at February meeting
Adjourn: Guy James made the motion to adjourn, Charles Montgomery second the motion, all in favor, motion approved. Adjourn: 7:29 pm