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Monday, December 30, 2024

Village of Ogden town Board met November 8.

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Village of Ogden town Board met November 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Pledge Of Allegiance:

I: Call To Order: (7:00 p.m.)

Board Members Present

Gay H. Lenhard, Supervisor

Thomas J. Cole, Councilman

David F. Feeney, Councilman

Malcolm E. Perry, Councilman

Thomas J. Uschold, Councilman

Others Present

Noelle M. Burley, Town Clerk

Dan Schum, Town Attorney

David Widger, Highway Superintendent

Joanne Feeney

Marcia Davis

Mike Zale

Charlie Fendt

John Sciarabba

Jim DiStefano

Rod Potter

2 Participation in Government students

Purpose of the Meeting

To audit claims, act on monthly reports and remittances, and to transact such other business which may legally come before said meeting.

7:00 p.m. – Public Hearing: Consider the enactment of Introductory Local Law #7-2017 regarding the Cold War Veterans Exemption

Noelle Burley, Town Clerk: Read the Legal Notice.

Supervisor Lenhard: Is there anyone that would like to speak? This is something that I believe has stopped because there was a 10 year term that has ended. We have a resolution to revisit it. If there was someone who was against it we have to know that. If no one is opposed, I will close the public hearing.

II: Approval Of The Minutes:


III: Privilege Of The Floor:

Mike Zale: I came to the hearing last meeting and it seemed very long so this gives me a great opportunity to congratulate many of you on the elections last night. Nice job! I did want to say that I attended a nice event for Homesteads for Hope. It is nice because they are trying to continually advance their cause. I have been working with Jenny Rae for probably the last year and half or so as we started to understand the railroad does not belong to CSX any, it belongs to the County and that divides the property that she purchased for this farm. I have done my best to be kind with people downtown but they have really dragged their feet with doing some of the things that she asked to do. They are very reasonable things but there are a lot of things buried on the side of that track. The County has been pretty standoffish about letting her be able to access some of the passageways there so she has been trying to purchase it and we have been trying to help her with that process. It is going to take some things for that to happen but I know that is something that is near and dear to your hearts. I just wanted to let you know that we are doing what we can to help. Also, we have started our budget process already in the County. We have had hearings as well and we are working to build a budget that does not increase the property tax rate at all. We work harder every year. Certainly with some of the things that have taken place so we will have some increase and we are expecting an increase from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office as well. We just have to be mindful of that. At any point if there are any questions I would be more than happy to sit down and discuss them with you. That is all I have.

Supervisor Lenhard: Thank you. Where is the railroad?

Mike Zale: The railroad itself is gone, it has been removed. The problem is that the land belongs to the County now. The property that the railroad is on, if you go there you will see flags and markers where they buried stuff.

David Widger, Highway Superintendent: There is two, a railroad which is CSX and then the County owns the old trolley bed.

Mike Zale: They run parallel to each other and there is a divot right in the middle.

David Widger, Highway Superintendent: The trolley bed is where the sanitary sewer line is.

Supervisor Lenhard: Are there any tracks at all?

Mike Zale: No. There are no tracks but there are pathways that are there and to her point if she could just grate it for parking, no one wants to let her do that. She is trying to find a way to make it happen. She is doing so much good.

Supervisor Lenhard: She is tenacious.

Mike Zale: She is and she has a lot of support and I appreciate that as well.

IV: Reports And Remittances From Town Officers:

Resolution #254-11.8.17

Introduced by Councilman Feeney

Seconded by Councilman Uschold

Be It Resolved, that the Reports and Remittances from Town Officers in detail for the month of October 2017, showing receipts and disbursements as submitted by the Town Clerk and the Finance Director, be accepted as read, monies and fees to be acknowledged by the Supervisor and copies of the same filed with the Town Clerk.

Vote of the Board:

Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold

Nays: None

V. Town Audits:

Resolution #255-11.8.17

Introduced by Councilman Cole

Seconded by Councilman Feeney

Be It Resolved, that the General Fund, Part-Town Fund, Highway Fund, Trust & Agency Fund, Capital Funds, Drainage Fund, Sewer District Funds, and Lighting District Funds and being vouchered and submitted for audit, chargeable to the respective funds be approved:

General Fund $ 275,660.71

Part-Town Fund 33,558.84

Highway Fund 181,005.38

Trust & Agency Fund 127.05

Capital Projects Fund 1,110.96

Drainage Fund 48,079.45

Sewer Funds 392.46

Lighting Funds 8,425.41

Total $ 548,360.26

Prepaid Expenses:

General Fund 68,912.65

Part-Town Fund 5,990.40

Highway Fund 20,420.85

Trust & Agency Fund 188,301.90

Total $ 283,625.80

Grand Total All Claims: $ 831,986.06

Vote of the Board:

Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold

Nays: None

VI. Correspondence Received And Filed:


VII. Reports From Town Officers:

Gay H. Lenhard, Supervisor

1. I did attend the Homesteads for Hope event and I am so glad I did. I was a little late because I had some things to do here. What a worthwhile cause it is. I have known about it and been there several times but the numbers of people that were there just to understand what she is trying to do was amazing to me. There were some very high level people there like the Gallinas and people who can afford to donate to her as much as possible. It is a very expensive proposition no matter how you look at it. 2. We also had a wellness fair on Thursday for 2-3 hours and it was very well attended. This is what our wellness people do, especially Marcia, she is here so I want to mention her. We had 16 vendors for our employees here and they go in and entice you to buy their products. It is all based around health which is nice. It was exceptionally well done this year and I come and listen to what they have to say which is very interesting. It is a good thing, we are trying to keep out employees healthy and this is one of the ways to do it. I salute the wellness committee they did a great job.

Thomas J. Cole, Councilman

No report.

David F. Feeney, Councilman

No report.

Malcolm E. Perry, Councilman

1. I went to the Senior Center Board Meeting on Monday night and they are doing good, their finances are in shape. One thing they are working on is a committee with BOCES to repair the stone wall behind the building which was the wall of the railroad which is kind of caving in. It is another big project.

Thomas J. Uschold, Councilman

No report.

David H. Widger, Highway Superintendent

1. Just trying to finish up some drainage projects right now. We are working on one for the County and some small jobs around town. Winter might show its face tomorrow night but hopefully not. We are ready for it if it does.

Noelle M. Burley, Town Clerk

1. We are done collecting school taxes. Yesterday we took care of the elections and everything went smooth in the Town of Ogden. The machines are shipped back so we are all done.

Daniel G. Schum, Town Attorney


VIII. Unfinished Business:


IX. New Business

Resolution #256-11.8.17

Introduced by Councilman Cole Seconded by Councilman Feeney

Whereas, there have been negotiations between the Town of Ogden and the Ogden Police Club representing designated Police employees.

Now, Therefore Be It Resolved:

Section I: That the proposed tentative agreement between the Town of Ogden and the Ogden Police Club representing designated Police employees be ratified as agreed upon by said Town of Ogden.

Section II: That the Supervisor, Gay H. Lenhard, be and hereby is authorized to sign said agreement for and on behalf of the Town of Ogden and cause to be delivered to said Ogden Police Club.

Section III: That said agreement, when ratified by the authorized representatives of both the Town of Ogden and the Ogden Police Club, shall be effective as of the first day of January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2021.

Vote of the Board:

Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold

Nays: None

Resolution #257-11.8.17

Introduced by Councilman Uschold

Seconded by Councilman Perry

Resolved that the Supervisor be, and she hereby is, authorized to execute a certain Stormwater Control Facility Maintenance Agreement by and between the Town of Ogden and Ogden Rentals Inc. concerning the Canaltown Landing Phase I Project.

Vote of the Board:

Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold

Nays: None

Resolution #258-11.8.17

Introduced by Councilman Cole

Seconded by Councilman Feeney

Resolved, that Gay Lenhard, Supervisor be and she hereby is authorized to execute on behalf of the Town of Ogden a certain Inter- Municipal Agreement for Emergency and General Ambulances Services between the Town of Ogden, the Town of Parma, the Village of Spencerport, and Gates Volunteer Ambulances Service Inc.

Vote of the Board:

Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold

Nays: None

Resolution #259-11.8.17

Introduced by Councilman Uschold

Seconded by Councilman Feeney

Resolved, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to sign an agreement between the Town of Ogden and Assessment and Valuation Services, P.O. Box 428, North Chili, NY 14514. The purpose of this agreement is to provide assessment services for the 2018 update (work to be completed in 2018) utilizing the RPSV4 system as outlined in the contract. Said contract is in an amount not to exceed $3,500 with each additional day of service at rate of $575 per day. This agreement is effective January 1, 2018 and will terminate on December 31, 2018.

Vote of the Board:

Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold

Nays: None

Resolution #260-11.8.17

Introduced by Councilman Cole

Seconded by Councilman Uschold

Whereas, Kathy Campbell has successfully completed her 52-week probationary period as a Limited Part-time Laborer, effective, November 16, 2017;

Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ogden does hereby approve completion of the probationary period for Kathy Campbell effective November 16, 2017.

Vote of the Board:

Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold

Nays: None

Resolution #261-11.8.17

Introduced by Councilman Feeney

Seconded by Councilman Uschold

Whereas, David Widger, Highway Superintendent, has noted the need for a 2019 new and unused Tandem Axle Cab and Chassis Glider Kit Plow Truck for use by the Highway Department; and

Whereas, pursuant to the provisions of General Municipal Law, the advertising for bids for the furnishing of such new and unused Tandem Axle Cab and Chassis Glider Kit Plow Truck is required;

Whereas, the Highway Superintendent has requested a bid for the furnishing of such 2019 new and unused Tandem Axle Cab and Chassis Glider Kit Plow Truck in accordance with the specifications on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Now, Therefore Be It Resolved by the Town Board of the Town of Ogden, as follows:

Section I: That the Town Clerk shall cause due legal notice to be given, advertising for the furnishing of bids for a 2019 new and unused Tandem Axle Cab and Chassis Glider Kit Plow Truck for use by the Highway Department in accordance with the specifications on file in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Section II: That all bids so received shall be publicly opened and read aloud on the 20th day of November 2017 at 10:00 a.m. in the Town Clerk’s Office at the Ogden Community Center, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport, NY.

Section III: That the Town Board, along with the approval of the Highway Superintendent and the Town Attorney, shall award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder meeting all bid specifications and reserves the right to accept or reject all bids so submitted.

Vote of the Board:

Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold

Nays: None

Resolution #262-11.8.17

Introduced by Councilman Uschold

Seconded by Councilman Perry

Introductory Local Law #7-2017:

Exemption for “Cold War Veterans”

Whereas, the Town Board of the Town of Ogden did on the 8th day of November 2017 at 7:00 p.m. hold and conduct a public hearing, pursuant to valid legal notice, to consider the enactment of Introductory Local Law #7-2017, amending Chapter 185 of the Code of the Town of Ogden, to provide a new partial tax exemption for Cold War Veterans, and

Whereas, at said public hearing all interested persons were heard concerning the subject matter thereof, and due deliberation having been had, it is

Resolved, by the Town Board of the Town of Ogden, Monroe County, New York, as follows:

Section I: That the Town Board of the Town of Ogden does hereby enact Local Law #7-2017, amending Chapter 185 of the Code of the Town of Ogden, to read and provide, as follows:

§185-18. Exemption granted; eligibility; amount.

Pursuant to §458-b of New York real Property Tax Law, a “Cold War veteran” is defined as someone who served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces for more than one year between September 2, 1945 and December 26, 1991, and was discharged or released thereafter under honorable conditions. The basic exemption of 10% of assessed value, not to exceed $8,000, is allowed. An additional exemption is allowed for a service-connected disability equal to the product of 50% of the service- connected disability rating times assessed value, not to exceed $40,000. Exemption amounts are multiplied by the latest state equalization rate. This exemption shall apply indefinitely to all qualifying owners of qualifying real property for as long as they remain qualifying owners.

This local law takes effect for the 2018 assessment roll based on a taxable status date of March 1, 2018.

Vote of the Board:

Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold

Nays: None

X. Adjournment

Resolution #263-11.8.17

Introduced by Councilman Uschold

Seconded by Councilman Feeney

Resolved, that the Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ogden be and hereby is adjourned to Work Session at 7:15 p.m., at which time the public was invited to attend, and hereby is adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Vote of the Board:

Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold

Nays: None

Resolution #264-11.8.17

Introduced by Councilman Uschold

Seconded by Councilman Feeney

Resolved, that the Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Ogden reconvened at 8:20 p.m. and moved to Executive Session, to discuss personnel and hereby is adjourned at 9:09 p.m.

Vote of the Board:

Ayes: Cole, Feeney, Lenhard, Perry, Uschold

Nays: None




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