
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Piatt County Board met October 11.

Webp meeting 04

Piatt County Board met Oct. 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The County Board of Piatt County convened in the County Board Room in the Courthouse in the City of Monticello, County of Piatt and State of Illinois on Wednesday, the 11th day of October, A.D. 2017, at the hour of 9 o’clock in the morning and was called to order by Sheriff David Hunt.

On roll call the following Board Members and County Officers responded: County Board Members, Randy Jo Keith, Albert Manint, Robert Murrell, Randy Shumard and Ray Spencer; Sheriff Hunt and County Clerk Jennifer Harper. Absent: Renee Fruendt. On proclamation by Sheriff Hunt, the Honorable County Board was declared to be in session pursuant to adjournment.


MOTION was made by Spencer, seconded by Manint, that the minutes of the September 13, 2017 meeting be approved as read and recorded. On voice vote, motion carried.


MOTION was made by Manint, seconded by Shumard, that the Treasurer’s report be approved and filed for audit. On roll call the vote was as follows: Ayes, Manint, Murrell, Shumard, Spencer and Keith. 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.


(Debra K. Niles – Bement Township)

Keri Nusbaum, Piatt County Zoning Officer, in and for the County of Piatt, presented an application of a Zoning Ordinance and Finding of Facts, granting variation to Debra K. Niles, Bement Township to allow separation of an existing homestead. The Ordinance and Finding of Facts are recorded on pages

MOTION was made by Manint, seconded by Murrell, that the Ordinance and Finding of Facts be adopted and that Chairman Keith be authorized to sign on behalf of the County of Piatt.

On roll call the vote was as follows: Ayes, Manint, Murrell, Shumard, Spencer, and Keith. 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.


(John O’Neal – Goose Creek Township)

Keri Nusbaum, Piatt County Zoning Officer, in and for the County of Piatt, presented an application of a Zoning Ordinance and Finding of Facts for John O’Neal, Goose Creek Township.

The Finding of Facts are recorded on pages

MOTION was made by Spencer, seconded by Manint, that the Ordinance and Finding of Facts be denied by the County of Piatt. On roll call the vote was as follows: Ayes, Spencer, Keith, Manint, Murrell, and Shumard. 0 ayes, 5 nays, motion carried.


Keri Nusbaum, Piatt County Zoning Officer, in and for the County of Piatt, presented the recommendation of permitting a cellular communications tower in, Bement Township, to Insite inc for Verizon Wireless.

MOTION was made by Manint, seconded by Spencer, that the permit be issued by the County of Piatt. On roll call the vote was as follows: Ayes, Manint, Murrell, Spencer and Keith. Nays, Shumard. 4 ayes, 1 nays, motion carried.


A Resolution of Commendation to honor the past service of Colleen Kidd as the Piatt County Clerk and Recorder was presented and is recorded on page

MOTION was made by Spencer, seconded by Manint, that the Resolution be adopted and an original copy be given to Ms. Kidd. On voice vote, motion carried.


The proposed budget and appropriations for the County of Piatt for the fiscal year beginning December 1, 2017 and ending November 30, 2018 was presented for approval as tentative. The schedules are set forth for the fund comprising the County Budget to-wit:

County General Miscellaneous Fees Document Storage System-Recorder Cooperative Extension Service DeWitt-Piatt Bi County Health Dept. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Probation Fees & Court Services Fund Social Security Fund Unemployment Compensation Public Building Commission County Highway Fund County Bridge Fund Matching Fund-Federal State & Motor Fuel Piatt County Mental Health Center T.B. Patient Fund Transportation Program Piatt County ETSB-911 System Veterans Assistance Fund GIS Mapping County Nursing Home Fund Maple Point Piatt County Office Building Bond Itemized Salaries per HB 2482

MOTION was made by Manint, seconded by Shumard, that the Budget and Appropriations as set forth be adopted as the Tentative Budget and Appropriations for Piatt County and that the Clerk of this Board post a true and correct copy of the same for public inspection as provided by law. On roll call the vote was as follows: Ayes, Manint, Murrell, Shumard, Spencer, and Keith. 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.


The report of claims against the County of Piatt was presented by Albert Manint, with Highway Claims totaling $11,816.00 and County Claims totaling $96,269.37. The report is recorded on page

MOTION was made by Manint, seconded by Spencer, that the report be approved, claims totaling $108,085.37 be allowed and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized to issue county warrants in compliance therewith. On roll call the vote was as follows: Ayes, Manint, Murrell, Shumard, Spencer, and Keith. 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.


The report of claims paid out against the County of Piatt was presented by Albert Manint and is recorded on page

MOTION was made by Manint, seconded by Shumard, that the report be approved and claims totaling $908,439.14 be allowed. On roll call the vote was as follows: Ayes, Manint, Murrell, Shumard, Spencer, and Keith. 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.


The report of claims against the County of Piatt for operation of the Piatt County Mental Health Center was presented by Randy Keith and is recorded on page

MOTION was made by Manint, seconded by Spencer, that the report be approved, claims totaling $134,729.97 be allowed and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized to issue county warrants in compliance therewith. On roll call the vote was as follows: Ayes, Manint, Murrell, Shumard, Spencer and Keith. 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.


The report of claims against the County of Piatt for operation of Piatt County Public Transportation was presented by Ray Spencer and is recorded on page

MOTION was made by Spencer, seconded by Murrell, that the report be approved, claims totaling $82,793.13 be allowed and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized to issue county warrants in compliance therewith. On roll call the vote was as follows: Ayes, Spencer, Keith, Manint, Murrell, and Shumard. 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.


The report of claims against the County of Piatt for operation of Piatt County Public Transportation was presented by Ray Spencer and is recorded on page

MOTION was made by Spencer, seconded by Manint, that the report be approved, claims totaling $4,315.00 be allowed and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized to issue county warrants in compliance therewith. On roll call the vote was as follows: Ayes, Spencer, Keith, Manint, Murrell, and Shumard. 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.


The report of claims against the County of Piatt for operation of the Piatt County Nursing Home was presented by Randy Shumard and is recorded on page

MOTION was made by Shumard, seconded by Manint, that the report be approved, claims totaling $106,771.01 be allowed and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized to issue county warrants in compliance therewith. On roll call the vote was as follows: Ayes, Shumard, Spencer, Keith, Manint, and Murrell. 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.


(Funded Depreciation)

The report of Funded Depreciation Claims against the County of Piatt for the operation of the Piatt County Nursing Home was presented by Randy Shumard and is recorded on page

MOTION was made by Shumard, seconded by Spencer, that the report be approved, claims totaling $16,795.89 be allowed and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized to issue county warrants in compliance therewith. On roll call the vote was as follows: Ayes, Shumard, Spencer, Keith, Manint, and Murrell. 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.


The report of claims against the County of Piatt for operation of Maple Point was presented by Randy Shumard and is recorded on page

MOTION was made by Shumard, seconded by Spencer, that the report be approved, claims totaling $108,754.13 be allowed and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized to issue county warrants in compliance therewith. On roll call the vote was as follows: Ayes, Shumard, Spencer, Keith, Manint, and Murrell. 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.


(Funded Depreciation)

The report of Funded Depreciation Claims against the County of Piatt for operation of Maple Point was presented by Randy Shumard and is recorded on page

MOTION was made by Shumard, seconded by Manint, that the report be approved, claims totaling $415.50 be allowed and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized to issue county warrants in compliance therewith. On roll call the vote was as follows: Ayes, Shumard, Spencer, Keith, Manint, and Murrell. 5 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.


(Jerry Edwards)

Chairman Keith appointed Jerry Edwards as a member of the Piatt County Zoning Board of Appeals, term to expire October 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed and qualified.

MOTION was made by Keith, seconded by Spencer to concur the appointment. On voice vote, motion carried.


(Loyd Wax)

Chairman Keith appointed Loyd Wax as a member of the Piatt County Zoning Board of Appeals, term to expire October 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed and qualified.

MOTION was made by Keith, seconded by Manint to concur the appointment. On voice vote, motion carried.


Chairman Keith appointed Kristi Day as a member of the Piatt County Forest Preserve Board, term to expire June 30, 2021 or until a successor is appointed and qualified.

MOTION was made by Keith, seconded by Manint to concur the appointment. On voice vote, motion carried.


At 9:40 a.m., MOTION was made by Spencer, seconded by Shumard, that the Honorable County Board adjourn to Wednesday the 8th day of November, A.D. 2017, at the hour of 9 o’clock of the forenoon. On voice vote, motion carried.
