Champaign County Board Highway & Transportation Committee met September 8.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Committee Members
Present: Chris Alix, Lorraine Cowart (Chair), Brad Clemmons, Jim McGuire, Diane Michaels,
Max Mitchell, Steve Summers, C. Pius Weibel
County Staff: Rick Snider (County Administrator), Jeff Blue (County Engineer), Michelle Carter
(Recording Secretary), Lori Morgan (RPC), Harshala Sardar (RPC), Ashlee
McLaughlin (RPC), Rita Morocoima-Black (RPC)
Others Present:
I. Call to Order
Committee Chair Cowart called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
II. Roll Call
A verbal roll call was taken and a quorum was declared present.
III. Approval of Agenda/Addendum
MOTION by Ms. Michaels to approve the agenda; seconded by Mr. Summers. Upon vote, the MOTION
CARRIED unanimously.
IV. Approval of Minutes – August 11, 2017
MOTION by Ms. Michaels to approve the minutes of the August 11, 2017 meeting; seconded by Mr.
Clemmons. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
V. Public Participation
VI. Communications
The committee discussed Hurricane Irma.
VII. County & Township Motor Fuel Tax Claims – August 2017
MOTION by Mr. Alix to receive and place on file the County and Township Motor Fuel Tax Claims for
August 2017; seconded by Ms. Michaels. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
Mr. Weibel joined the meeting at 9:10 a.m.
VIII. Newcomb Township Bridge-Petition Requesting and Resolution Approving Appropriation of Funds from
the County Bridge Fund, Section #17-16043-00-BR.
Mr. Blue informed the committee he sends a letter request to the Township Road Commissioners each
year for projects they would like to complete. Brett Cox, Newcomb Township Road Commissioner,
contacted Mr. Blue requesting assistance with replacing a box culvert in his township. Mr. Blue stated the
current culvert is too small. The replacement will double the size of the culvert. Ms. Michaels asked about
funding for the project. Mr. Blue stated we have received the Township Bridge Project Funds for FY 2018.
The Township Bridge Funds cover 80% of the construction costs and Champaign County Bridge Fund and
Newcomb Township will split the preliminary engineering and each pay 10% of the construction costs.
Mr. Alix asked about any issues downstream; making sure, we are not exacerbating the problem. Mr. Blue
said that currently the water flows that direction it just runs over the road.
MOTION by Ms. Michaelsto approve the resolution; seconded by Mr. Clemmons. Upon vote, the MOTION
CARRIED unanimously.
IX. Resolution Authorizing the Champaign County Engineer to Sign Joint Agreements with the Illinois
Department of Transportation
Mr. Blue explained when the County constructs Federal Aid projects and/or TARP projects a joint
agreement is signed with the State of Illinois. The Illinois Department of Transportation’s policy regarding
signed joint agreements recently changed. He stated that IDOT now requires a signed agreement on a
specific date. The agreement must be signed 3 weeks before the bidding of a project. Mr. Blue requested
authorization for the County Engineer to sign joint agreements with IDOT to avoid any timeline issues
resulting in loss of federal funding. Mr. Blue said he would continue to bring any signed joint agreements
to the Highway Committee on the next agenda.
MOTION by Mr. Alix to approve the resolution; seconded by Ms. Michaels. Upon vote, the MOTION
CARRIED unanimously.
X. Curtis Road Corridor Study Presentation
Ashlee McLaughlin from RPC gave a power-point presentation on the Curtis Road Corridor Study. The
Curtis Road Corridor Study includes 4.6 miles of Curtis Road on the southern edge of the ChampaignUrbana
Urbanized Area (population 147,838) in Champaign County, Illinois. The boundaries of the study
area are Windsor Road to the north, IL 130/High Cross Road to the east, Old Church Road to the south,
and US 45/Dunlap Avenue to the west, with Curtis Road running east/west through the center. The goal
of this corridor study is to identify infrastructure that facilitates safe mobility within and between the
surrounding jurisdictions as well as supports and protects the disparate surrounding land uses, including
the University of Illinois. Ms. McLaughlin explained the corridor goals: Roadway Deficiencies, Agricultural
Preservation, Modal Interrelationships, Environmental Protection, and System Linkages. Next, she
presented the “Preferred” scenarios for 2030, 2040, and after 2040. The Curtis Road Corridor Study is
currently in the 30-day Public Comment Period, final approval will be October 25, 2017.
XI. Champaign-Urbana Freight Plan Study Presentation
Rita Morocoima-Black from RPC provided a presentation on the Champaign-Urbana Freight Plan Study.
Ms. Black informed the committee in January 2017 an agreement was signed with the Illinois Department
of Transportation; however due to funding, the actual study began July 2017. Ms. Black outlined the
timeline for the study and discussed how the data will be collected, organized, and developed for a final
XII. Other Business
A. Semi-Annual Review of Closed Session Minutes
MOTION by Mr. Alix to accept the recommendation of the State’s Attorney from September 1, 2017
indicating that none of the closed session minutes are ripe for review;seconded by Mr. Mitchell. Upon
vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
B. October Meeting Date
October Meeting Date Changed to October 13, 2017
I. Chair’s Report
II. Designation of Items to be Placed on Consent Agenda
Ms. Cowart stated that items VIII and IX are to be placed on the consent agenda.
III. Adjournment
There being no further business, Ms. Cowart adjourned the meeting at 10:20 am.