City of Urbana Cunningham Township Board met September 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Elected Officials Physically Present:
Chair: Diane Wolfe Marlin
Trustees: Aaron Ammons; Bill Brown; Dean Hazen; Eric Jakobsson; Jared Miller; Dennis
Roberts; Maryalice Wu
Clerk: Charles A. Smyth
Supervisor: Danielle Chynoweth
Assessor: Absent
Elected Officials Present Via Teleconference: None
Elected Officials Absent: Dan Stebbins, Assessor
Others Present: Frederic Grosser; Wendy Hundley; Members of the Media
1. Roll Call
Chair Marlin called the meeting of the Cunningham Township Board to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Public Participation
There was none.
3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Trustee Bill Brown made a motion to approve minutes of the meeting held on August 7, 2017. Trustee Aaron Ammons seconded. Township Attorney Frederic Grosser added corrections to items 7(a,b,c). After Town Clerk Smyth acknowledged corrections, the motion carried by voice vote.
4. Committee to Verify Bills
The following items were presented in omnibusfashion:
1. Town Fund
2. General Assistance Fund
Trustee Jared Miller made a motion to approve the Town Fund for $38,977.58 and the General Assistance Fund for $25,261.55. Trustee Dennis Robertsseconded. Motion carried by voice vote.
5. Reports of Officers
Township Supervisor Danielle Chynoweth gave a summary report about the general assistance and advocacy program. She gave a handout to each member with an itemized list of services provided to participants and an updated application with all of the requirements. Discussion ensued.
6. Unfinished Business
a. Ordinance No. T-2017-08-001: An Ordinance Approving the Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance (Fiscal Year 2017-2018)
Township Supervisor Danielle Chynoweth presented Ordinance No. T-2017-08-001 with a recommendation for approval. Ms. Chynoweth gave a list of updated changes to the tentative and final budget. These changes had to do with personnel, administrative expenses, tax liability, fund totals, and statistical chart. She addressed each of the changes and answered questions and concerns from the board.
After discussion, Trustee Eric Jakobsson moved to approve Ordinance No. T-2017-08-001 as presented. Trustee Bill Brown seconded. Motion carried by roll call vote. Votes were as follows:
Aaron Ammons – Aye Jared Miller – Aye
Bill Brown – Aye Dennis Roberts – Aye
Dean Hazen – Aye Maryalice Wu – Aye
Eric Jakobsson - Aye
7. New Business
There was none.
8. Adjournment
There being no further businessto come before the Cunningham Town Board, Chair Marlin declared the meeting adjourned at 7:24 p.m.