Leads/City of Urbana Plan Commission met Oct. 5.
Here is the agenda provided by the Commission:
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Declaration of Quorum
2. Changes to the Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the September 21, 2017 Regular Plan Commission Meeting
4. Communications
5. Continued Public Hearings
Plan Case No. 2313-SU-17 – A request by Roanoke Concrete Products, Co. for a Special Use Permit to establish a Ready-Mix Concrete Plant and Material Recycling Center at 3202 North Lincoln Avenue in the IN-2, Heavy Industrial Zoning District.
6. Old Business
7. New Public Hearings
8. New Business
Plan Case No. 2319-S-17 – A request by MBR Management Corporation for a waiver of Sections 21-42.B.1.b and 21-42.B.5.b of the Urbana Subdivision and Land Development Code regarding stormwater management plan requirements for Lot 2 in Carter’s First Subdivision located (407 North Maple Street).
9. Audience Participation
10. Staff Report
11. Study Session
12. Adjournment