
Chambana Sun

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Champaign City Council met August 15.

Webp meetingroom05

City of Champaign City Council met Aug. 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

There being a quorum present, Mayor Feinen called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

ROLL-CALL: Present: Greg Stock, Alicia Beck, Angie Brix,

Tom Bruno, Clarissa Fourman, Matthew Gladney, William Kyles, Vanna Pianfetti, Mayor Feinen

Absent: None

SPECIAL RECOGNITION: Mayor Feinen read a proclamation declaring the week of August 14, 2017 as Agents of Mayhem Week in the City of Champaign. The proclamation was presented to representatives of DS Volition who thanked City Council and the City of Champaign for their support, and noted Volition will be celebrating the launch of their new video game, Agents of Mayhem, on Friday, August 18, from 5:00- 10:00 pm, at the One Main Plaza.

Mayor Feinen, assisted by Fire Chief Ludwig, administered the oath of office to the following: Matthew Quinlan, promoted to Engineer; Jon Rogers, promoted to Lieutenant; and Andy Quarnstrom, promoted to Captain.



• West Washington Watershed Steering Committee expressing their support for the proposed increase of the Stormwater Utility Fee

CM Stock, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to acknowledge the correspondence and place it on file. A voice vote was taken on the motion; all voted yes.




Passed CB-2017-174, “A Resolution Approving

The Purchase Of Software Maintenance And Technical Support Renewal For A Period Of

Three (3) Years (Information Technologies – Questica Inc.)”

Term: September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2020 First Year Cost Not-To-Exceed $25,510.22 Subsequent Annual Increase Not-To-Exceed 5% per year

CM Stock, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to adopt the Resolution. After a brief explanation of the Council Bill by Mayor Feinen, CM Beck questioned whether the City was locked into a three-year contract (no). A roll-call vote was taken; all voted yes.

Passed CB-2017-175, “A Resolution Authorizing

The City Manager To Execute Subrecipient Agreements With Various Non-Profit Agencies (CommUnity Matters Program)”

Champaign Park District: Summer Day Camp & Special Event - $20,000 Champaign Unit 4 Schools: Operation Hope - $48,000 Don Moyer Boys & Girls Club: Teen Program - $7,348 DREAAM House: Summer Jump Start Program - $3,500

CM Stock, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to adopt the Resolution. After a brief explanation of the Council Bill by Mayor Feinen, Council Members’ technical questions concerned several topics including purpose of the programs; target demographics of the programs; how success is measured; and return on investment. Council Members’ general discussion included thanks to the Neighborhood Service Department; thanks to Council for asking questions about the programs; additional information regarding the various agencies and programs, noting the programs are an investment in children’s lives, and the programs do work; the extended teen night is a really good program that nurtures teens while giving them a productive place to go; the summer program in Garden Hills has made a huge difference in the number of children hanging out on the streets during the day, and the program can be considered a success because it provides something for the children to do in their neighborhood; appreciate the effort made by the City and the Park District to provide access to summer camp for families in Garden Hills; and the programs fill up quickly, showing that a need continues to exist. Mayor Feinen noted presentations from the agencies have been presented in the past, and questioned whether upcoming presentations were planned. City Manager David noted each agency will be invited to come before the Neighborhood Services Advisory Board with a presentation about their program, the metrics used to measure success and impact, and program results. The presentations will then be presented to Council. The meetings will most likely be scheduled in early fall. A roll-call vote was taken; all voted yes.

Passed CB-2017-176, “A Resolution Approving

The Replat Of Lot 124 Of The Legends Of Champaign Phase 1 Subdivision (Located West Of Palmer Drive South Of Nicklaus Drive)”

CM Stock, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to adopt the Resolution. After a brief explanation of the Council Bill by Mayor Feinen, Council Members’ technical questions concerned several topics including dashed expectations of homeowners getting something different than what was expected; installation of streetlights; and whether sidewalks are required. Council Members’ general discussion included looking at a streetlight requirement for subdivisions in the future; citizens talk about zoning and how properties are acquired by the City; and comfortable approving the Resolution because the formerly proposed amenities will be provided elsewhere in the subdivision. A roll- call vote was taken; all voted yes.

CM Fourman, seconded by CM La Due, moved to consolidate CB-2017-177 and CB- 2017-178. A voice vote was taken on the motion to consolidate; all voted yes.

Passed CB-2017-177, “A Resolution Authorizing

The City Manager To Execute A Professional Services Agreement With ESCA Consultants, Inc, To Provide Engineering Services For The 2018 Concrete Street Improvements Project (Public Works – ESCA Consultants) (City Project Nos. 14030900-0633 and 14430900- 0633)”

Amount Not-To-Exceed $349,400

Passed CB-2017-178, “A Resolution For

Improvement Of Streets By Municipalities Under The Illinois Highway Code (PCC Patching Project) (Project No. 14030900- 0633)”

Motor Fuel Tax Funds - $858,867

After a brief explanation of the Council Bills by Mayor Feinen, Mayor Feinen noted the presence of Jim Sullivan, ESCA, in the audience. CM Brix questioned the inclusion of the Mattis Avenue repairs, noting the Mattis Avenue pavement condition index (PCI) falls within the goal range of a PCI rating between 55 and 70. A roll-call vote was taken; all voted yes.


Charles Arney, Arney Engineering, noted he builds and sells tri-power bikes. His business can provide job opportunities for young people, and homeless individuals, as well as provide transportation for police officers, and people without driver licenses. Mr. Arnie noted he can be contacted through Craigslist.

Stacey LaFeber, Girl Scouts of Central Illinois, 2001 Round Barn Road, Suite C, invited everyone to the Girl Scouts of Central Illinois signature fundraiser, Diamonds, Desserts, and Distinction, on Thursday, September 14, 6:30-8:30 pm, at the CityView Banquet and Meeting Center. The historic female majority Champaign City Council will be honored as Women of Distinction.


CM Bruno noted Parkland and University of Illinois students will be returning to Champaign, and urged residents to be a gracious host.


CM Bruno, seconded by CM Stock, moved to adopt Voucher No. 3 (vendor payments) in the amount of $2,615,901.99. A voice vote was taken; all voted yes.


CM Bruno, seconded by CM Stock, moved to approve the payroll dated July 28, 2017 in the amount of $1,833,535.05. A voice vote was taken; all voted yes.



CM Stock, seconded by CM Gladney, moved to adjourn. A voice vote was taken on the motion to adjourn; all voted yes.
