The Office of Champaign County Sheriff Merit Commission met July 10.
Here is the minutes as provided by the commission:
Call to Order
Chair Michael Kirby called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Declaring a quorum present, the
Chair proceeded with the meeting.
Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes from the May 31, 2017
meeting; seconded by Commissioner Clark. Motion passed.
Public Participation
Sheriff Walsh checked the lobby of the Sheriff's Office~ there was no public participation.
Action Items/Discussion
Sheriff Walsh advised the commission he put an announcement out to all law enforcement
deputies/investigators if they would like to be considered for the rank of sergeant. Eleven
individuals submitted their names to him (see attached) and all applicants met the qualifications
for the sergeant position. Sheriff said at this time we have one sergeant position to be vacant
with an upcoming retirement and possibly have another position open in the near future.
Sheriff asked for the commission's approval of the list. Commissioner Anderson made a
motion to certify the applicants for the position of sergeant; Commissioner Clark seconded.
Motion passed. The list will be current through July 10, 2019.
Sheriff asked about the commissioners participating in oral interviews, he advised that it would
be a problem if not all attended. Commissioner Clark would like to sit in on oral interviews.
Sheriff Walsh said ifwe invited informally, there should not be a problem with just one
commissioner attending.
Other Business
There was no new business.
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Commissioner Clark; seconded by Commissioner Anderson.
The meeting adjourned at 4:33 p.m.