
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Champaign County Board Environment and Land Use Committee met April 6.

Webp meeting 05

Champaign County Board Environment and Land Use Committee met April 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Present Aaron Esry (Chair); Pattsi Petrie (Vice Chair); Jim Goss; Matt Hiser; Robert King; Jon Rector

Absent: Kyle Patterson

County Staff: Rick Snider (County Administrator), John Hall (Zoning Administrator), Tammy Asplund (Recording Secretary)

Others Present: Susan Monte (Regional Planning Commission), Jim McGuire (County Board Member)


I. Call to Order

Committee Chair Esry called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

II. Roll Call

A verbal roll call was taken and a quorum was declared present.

III. Approval of Agenda and Addendum

Motion by Mr. Goss to approve the agenda as distributed; seconded by Ms. Petrie. Upon vote, the Motion Carried unanimously.

IV. Approval of Minutes

A. ELUC Committee meeting – March 9, 2017

Motion by Mr. Rector to approve the minutes of the March 9, 2017 ELUC meeting; seconded by Ms. Petrie. Upon vote, the Motion Carried unanimously.

V. Public Participation

Bobbi Johnson stated she is against Zoning Case 830-AM-16 (agenda item IX D). She commented that Mrs. Lipps has only participated in a single meeting with the community regarding the zoning case. Ms. Johnson informed the committee there is a petition signed by community members who are also against the zoning case.

Ken Johnson commented he owns the land just south of the property of the proposed event center. He stated he does not believe the area is suited for this type of business. Mr. Johnson voiced concern he would not have any “peace and quiet” if the event center were approved.

Victor Fuentes stated he and Traci Lipps have a business partnership that began several years ago. He reviewed changes made to the property to create the events center, including handicap parking and bathrooms. Mr. Fuentes stated the capacity is 150 people. He noted he agreed to add trees although they are not required.

VI. Communications

Mr. Esry stated that Mr. Rector will be replaced by Mr. Marsh, upon County Board approval, at next month’s meeting.

Ms. Petrie announced the passing of former County Board member Lloyd Carter. Details regarding services are not available at this time.

VII. For Information Only

A. Update on Landscape Waste Burning

Mr. Hall provided an update regarding last fall’s ordinance restricting waste burning. He stated his department investigated three complaints since that time. Mr. Hall commented he felt the implementation went very well, due in part to the support and cooperation of the cities and townships.

Ms. Petrie requested another update mid-summer to consider any potential changes.

B. Online Registration Opens April 3, 2017 for Upcoming Residential Electronics Collection

Ms. Monte stated 75% of the 1100 slots are filled.

VIII. Items to be Approved by ELUC

A. Annual renewal of Recreation and Entertainment license

i. Champaign County Fair Association Annual License for Champaign County Fairgrounds, 1302 North Coler Avenue, Urbana, including the Champaign County Fair July 21– July 29, 2017 ii. Lake of the Woods Bar & Liquors, 204 South Prairieview Road, Mahomet. 3/16/17-12/31/17

Omnibus Motion by Ms. Petrie; seconded by Mr. Goss. Upon vote, the Motion Carried unanimously.

B. A Proposed Feasibility Study for a Champaign County Land Bank

Mr. Hall informed the committee that Rantoul, Champaign and Urbana invited the County to participate in the feasibility study for a land bank. He stated the intended purpose of this land bank is to acquire, manage, maintain and repurpose vacant, abandoned, or foreclosed property. According to Mr. Hall, the biggest benefit to Champaign County would be instances where dangerous structures exist. He commented these properties would be marketed and maintained once the structure is removed.

In response to a question from Mr. King, Mr. Hall explained part of the feasibility study would be how this program will be staffed and where it will be hosted.

Ms. Petrie expressed concern that land banking can create informal redlining. She encouraged the committee to ensure the program sets criteria to avoid gentrification. She stressed the need for economically integrated housing.

Motion by Mr. Rector to approve the feasibility study; seconded by Mr. King. Upon vote, the Motion Carried.

IX. Items to be Recommended to the County Board

A. An Intergovernmental Agreement Between Champaign County, Illinois, and Will County, Illinois

Ms. Monte stated Will County invited Champaign County to participate to help meet a weight requirement for annual electronics collections.

Motion by Ms. Petrie; seconded by Mr. Goss. Upon vote, the Motion Carried unanimously.

B. Contractor, Coordinator, and Host Site Agreement: 2017 Residential Electronics Collections

Ms. Monte commented the State’s Attorney reviewed the agreement.

Motion by Mr. Rector; seconded by Ms. Petrie. Upon vote, the Motion Carried unanimously.

C. An Intergovernmental Agreement: 2017 Residential electronics Collection Events Cost-Sharing Agreement

Between the County of Champaign, the City of Champaign, the City of Urbana and the Village of Savoy

Motion by Mr. Hiser; seconded by Mr. Goss. Upon vote, the Motion Carried unanimously.

D. Zoning Case 830-AM-16. Request by petitioners Traci Lipps and Victor Fuentes, d.b.a. Lipps Family Inc., d.b.a.

Willow Creek Farm, to amend the Zoning Map to change the zoning district designation from the AG-1 Agriculture Zoning District to the AG-2 Agriculture Zoning District on a 37 acre tract of land in order to authorize the remodeling of existing farm buildings for the establishment of an Event Center as a combination of “Private Indoor Recreational Development” and “Outdoor Commercial Recreational Enterprise” as a Special Use permit authorize by the Zoning Board of Appeals in relating Zoning Case 831-S-16 on six of the 37 acres, subject to special conditions of approval, all on land located in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36 of Somer Township in township 20 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian and commonly known as the farmstead located at 1766 CR 1850 North, Urbana.

Mr. Hall provided site and floor plans. He informed the committee there is a frontage protest against the rezoning by more than 20% of the surrounding frontage; therefor approval by the County Board requires 17 votes.

Motion by Ms. Petrie to suspend the rules and allow comments and questions; seconded by Mr. Hiser. Upon vote, the Motion Carried unanimously.

Bobbi Johnson relayed concerned over renovations made prior to approval of the rezoning. Ms. Johnson stated she objects to the driveway lights. She also commented there has been excessive noise and traffic associated with events already held on the property.

In response to a question by Mr. Rector, Mr. Hall stated there have been no formal complaints or violations with regard to events on the property.

Ms. Petrie recommended businesses be required to submit market studies in the future.

Victor Fuentes described the types of events he expects at the venue. He reviewed the renovations made to the property to date.

Motion by Mr. Rector; seconded by Mr. King. Upon vote, the Motion Carried unanimously. Per Ms. Petrie’s request, this item will not be placed on the consent agenda.

X. Monthly Reports

Motion by Mr. Esry to accept and place on file the February 2017 Monthly Reports.

XI. Other Business

Semi-annual Review of Closed Session Minutes

Motion by Mr. Hiser to maintain the closed session minutes as closed; seconded by Mr. King. Upon vote, the Motion Carried unanimously.

XII. Chair’s Report


XIII. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda

IX. A, B & C

XIV. Adjournment

Motion by Mr. Goss to adjourn; seconded by Mr. King. There being no further business, Mr. Esry adjourned the meeting at 8:03 p.m.
