
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Champaign County Board Environment and Land Use Committee met March 9.

Champaign County Board Environment and Land Use Committee met March 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Present: Aaron Esry (Chair); Pattsi Petrie (Vice Chair); Bradley Clemmons; Robert King; Jon Rector

Absent: Matt Hiser; Kyle Patterson

County Staff: Rick Snider (County Administrator), John Hall (Zoning Administrator), Tammy Asplund

(Recording Secretary) Others Present: Susan Monte (Regional Planning Commission), Pius Weibel (County Board Member)


I. Call to Order

Committee Chair Esry called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

II. Roll Call

A verbal roll call was taken and a quorum was declared present.

III. Approval of Agenda and Addendum

Motion by Mr. Rector to approve the agenda as distributed; seconded by Mr. Clemmons. Upon vote, the Motion Carried unanimously.

IV. Approval of Minutes

A. ELUC Committee meeting – February 9, 2017

Motion by Ms. Petrie to approve the minutes of the February 9, 2017 ELUC meeting; seconded by Mr. King. Upon vote, the Motion Carried unanimously.

V. Public Participation

NoneVI. Communications


VII. For Information Only

A. Update on prosecution of dangerous structures

Mr. Hall stated this is an update to the list previously reviewed by this committee in June 2015. He called attention to some that were mitigated. Mr. Hall reviewed new additions to the list.

B. Update on Mahomet Aquifer Advocacy Alliance formerly known as Mahomet Aquifer Coalition

Mr. Hall reviewed the history of the Coalition and its transformation to the new Advocacy Alliance. He stated the Town of Normal appears to be the lead agency. Mr. Hall proposed Champaign County’s continued involvement. In response to a question by Ms. Petrie, Ms. Monte stated the Village of Rantoul’s Administrator is an at-large member; representing Champaign County.

VIII. Items to be Approved by ELUC

A. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to require a Special Use Permit for any Neighborhood Home

Occupation that Is not a prohibited Neighborhood Home Occupation under paragraph 7.1.1.I. and that exceeds and/or does not meet the other requirements of Section 7.1.1

B. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to allow “minor auto repair” as a Neighborhood Home

Occupation by Special Use Permit when more than 1 1⁄2 miles from a municipality or village that prohibits “minor auto repair” as a home occupation

Mr. Hall reviewed the memo dated March 3, 2017. He stated he believes this amendment opens possibilities that the current ordinance does not allow.

Mr. King asked whether this request has previously come before the board. Mr. Hall responded that previously, this type of situation was handled with variances. He stated he believed this should be handled as a Special Use Permit; rather than a variance.

Ms. Petrie asked the addition of “no overnight parking” be added to the amendment.

Omnibus Motion by Ms. Petrie to accept the proposed text amendments; seconded by Mr. Clemmons. Upon vote, the Revised Motion Carried unanimously.

C. Update on Champaign County MS4 Area Storm Water Survey

Mr. Hall stated Planning and Zoning received two responses from the ten surveys sent as the pilot. Ms. Petrie shared she felt the length of the survey was too long. She also commented she would like to see a greater response. Ms. Petrie asked if there are plans for a postcard to follow up on the survey.

In response to Mr. King’s question regarding changes made, Ms. Monte commented she shortened the introduction, changed some of the language for clarification, and corrected the map.

Motion by Ms. Petrie to move forward with the full survey; seconded by Mr. King. Upon vote, the Motion Carried unanimously.

IX. Items to be Recommended to the County Board

A. Authorization to seek various court orders against 504 South Dodson Drive pursuant to Enforcement Case ZN 12-32/21Mr. Hall stated the new Assistant State’s Attorney, Jacob Croegaert, requested this authorization.

Motion by Mr. Rector; seconded by Mr. Clemmons. Upon vote, the Motion Carried unanimously.

X. Monthly Reports

Motion by Mr. Esry to accept and place on file the January 2017 Monthly Reports.

XI. Other Business


XII. Chair’s Report


XIII. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda

IX. A.

XIV. Adjournment

Motion by Mr. Clemmons to adjourn; seconded by Mr. King. There being no further business, Mr. Esry adjourned the meeting at 7:18 p.m.
