
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Champaign County Board Facilities Committee Meeting May 2.

Champaign County Board Facilities Committee met May 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

I. Call to Order

Committee Chair Hartke called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

II. Roll Call

A verbal roll call was taken and a quorum was declared present.

III. Approval of Agenda

Friendly Motion by Mr. Rosalesto amend the agenda; seconded by Mr. Tinsley. Upon vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.

Item IX should state ITB #2017-003 Coroner’s Office, Election Storage and Physical Plant Generator Project Bid Document.

IV. Approval of Minutes – April 3, 2017

Motion by Mr. Harper to approve the minutes of the April 3, 2017 meeting; seconded by Mr. Tinsley. Upon vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.

Mr. Rector arrived at 6:35 p.m.

V. Public Participation


VI. Communications


VII. Approval for Authorization of ITB #2017-001 CCNH Chiller Compressor Replacement Project Bid Document

Dana Brenner noted this project is to add a fourth compressor. According to Mr. Brenner, the Nursing Home lost a compressor roughly 3 years ago. He stated that running without the fourth compressor stresses the system. Mr. Brenner expressed concern that an additional compressor breaking down could cause significant problems.

Motion by Mr. Harper to approve the bid document; seconded by Mr. Rosales. Upon vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.

VIII. Approval for Authorization of ITB #2017-002 Brookens POD 200 – 2 Multi-Zone RTU Replacement Project Bid Document

Mr. Brenner commented this is to replace two rooftop units. He stated the two existing units are original (to the Brookens building). Mr. Brenner stated he will attend an Ameren meeting in June to learn about grants and rebate programs available.

Motion by Mr. Rector to approve the bid document; seconded by Mr. Tinsley. Upon vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.

IX. Approval for Authorization of ITB #2017-003 Coroner’s Office, Election Storage and Physical Plant Generator Project Bid Document

Mr. Brenner noted the Coroner does not have a generator for backup power.

Motion by Mr. Harper to approve the bid document; seconded by Mr. Tinsley. Upon vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.

X. Facilities Director’s Report

A. Update on ADA Interior Project – ITB #2016-009

Mr. Brenner noted this was specific to the Courthouse. According to Mr. Brenner, this was to provide ADA compliance for the staff and jurors. He reminded the committee that per the Department of Justice agreement, the County must be in compliance by March 2018. Mr. Brenner stated the next report is due to the DOJ in July.

B. Update on remaining ADA issues in County Facilities

Mr. Brenner reviewed the three documents provided regarding remaining ADA issues. He noted the total estimated amount for all the remaining work is approximately $250,000.

Mr. Harper questioned whether this is a good time to suggest to the full board the downtown jail be sold. Mr. Hartke recommended creating an RFI to sell the property. He stressed the need for a plan for the Sheriff’s office.

Ms. Crews suggested a package be developed, to address several County properties at once. Ms. Petrie asked what the timing for the ADA compliance work is, with respect to the RFI. Mr. Brenner responded the Department of Justice has been open to make exceptions, when provided with alternate plans with timelines.

Motion by Mr. Rector to develop an RFI for disposition of the building and migration of the operations housed there; seconded by Ms. Crews. Upon vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.

XI. Other Business


XII. Chair’s Report

Mr. Hartke stated the next Facilities Committee meeting is Tuesday, June 6, 2017. No tour is scheduled.

XIII. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda


XIV. Adjournment

Mr. Hartke adjourned the meeting at 7:03 p.m.
