
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Champaign County Board Facilities Committee met March 7.

Webp meeting909

Champaign County Board Facilities Committee met March 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

I. Call to Order

Committee Chair Hartke called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

II. Roll Call

A verbal roll call was taken and a quorum was declared present.

III. Approval of Agenda

MOTION by Mr. Rosales to approve the agenda; seconded by Mr. Tinsley. Upon vote, the Motion Carried


IV. Approval of Minutes – February 7, 2017

MOTION by Mr. Harper to approve the minutes of the February 7, 2017 meeting; seconded by Mr. Rosales. Upon vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.

V. Public Participation


VI. Communications


VII. Facilities Director’s Report

A. Update on CCNH hot water heaters for the kitchen and laundry

Mr. Brenner reminded everyone about the emergency with the larger boiler that supplies the kitchen and laundry. He commented that it was presented to this committee in February to replace the boiler for the water out of Capital Assets. Mr. Brenner stated that the nursing authorized Davis Houk to order a new heat exchanger over the weekend, which they did because of IDPH rules, and he didn’t find out about it until after the fact. He said he tried to stop the order, but it had already been placed and the restocking fee was over 50% of the cost if installation. He said this is the third heat exchanger for this unit, and he would have rather spend a few thousand more to get a new unit. Mr. Brenner said it was agreed that the nursing home would pay for one unit and the Physical Plant would pay for the second unit. He noted that because they are not replacing the hot water heater, there is now money freed up for water softeners. He said he will work with ECS Engineering to get an quick study to evaluate various system that will work with our hot water, and to develop a cost analysis.

47 Ms. Petrie wanted to know if in emergency situations such as this, how Mr. Brenner could be in the decision making loop. Mr. Brenner said he will be having a discussion with nursing home management about that. He said they were paying for it and felt they needed to expedite the decision quickly.

Mr. Anderson wanted to know what Mr. Brenner meant when he said they are paying for it. Mr. Brenner replied that he isn’t responsible for their finances, but that the nursing home received the ill from Davis Houk and is responsible for covering the cost, including the overtime incurred on Sunday.

B. Update on Coroner’s Office, Election Supply, and Physical Plant generator purchase and installation

Mr. Brenner explained that he worked with GHR on the next three projects and have done studies.

He said they’ve been involved with various aspects of these projects or buildings for the last year and a half. He noted that all three projects are going to be going on at the same time. The biggest part is the development of specs, which will be done in March and April and draft the document. Mr. Brenner said he will present the documents to the committee in May for approval. He summarized the schedule and said this project should be completed by October 10. He noted there should be no inconvenience to the occupants of the building during the installation. Mr. Brenner said they have signed, not to exceed, agreements with GHR. C. Update on CCNH chiller compressor replacement 

Mr. Brenner said this project is to replace the chiller compressor that supplies the cold water for the air conditioning. He noted that it is one of four compressors and it has been down for three years and CCNH hasn’t been able to afford the project. He thought it would be best to replace it now instead of waiting for emergency mode. He summarized the schedule and said they hope to get started in August and be done by October 10. He noted the GHR agreement is attached in the handout.

 Mr. Goss asked where on the Capital Assets Project List this item is. Mr. Brenner replied it’s not on there because he thought this project would be one that will be billed back to the nursing home for the replacement costs, but he will double-check.

 D. Update on Brooken’s two RTU replacements

Mr. Brenner said this project is the two multi-zone RTU replacement at Brookens, which are in horrible condition. He said it is of similar scope and schedule as the others, and the GHR agreement for this is also attached. He said this is the largest project in terms of estimated costs. Mr. Anderson asked if these are the 48-year-old units. Mr. Brenner answered yes it’s original. Mr. Anderson asked what the normal life is. Mr. Brenner said about 25 years. Mr. Anderson wanted to know if there have been extra costs to maintain it for so long. Mr. Brenner replied yes and that during peak time the maintenance staff will be working on it at least once a week. He said it is hard to find replacement parts.

Mr. Goss pointed out that the GHR estimate is $277,000 and the amount on the Capital Asset Project ist is $274,000. He asked if the GHR estimate is the one they will be using. Mr. Brenner replied yes.

E. Update on Dobbins Down playground removal

Mr. Brenner summarized the history of the property and how the County came to own it. He said there was a neighborhood association that agreed to lease it for $50 per year so they could create a playground, but they only paid for the first year. He stated that a number of people on the association left the area and the playground was no longer being maintained. He said last year people in the neighborhood called Planning and Zoning because the property has become unsafe, unsightly and a nighttime hangout. A proclamation was put together by the County Board asking the County Administrator to look into getting rid of it. He noted that Planning and Zoning put a fence around it until it could be decided what could be done. Mr. Brenner commented that Mr. Snider talked to Habitat and they aren’t interested at this time. He said he talked to the park districts and Head Start but they have no interest in the playground equipment. He said he got an estimate from Dig It to have the playground equipment removed and noted the cost would be paid for by Planning and Zoning.

95 Mr. Brenner stated the County would continue to mow until the County can get rid of the property.

Mr. Tinsley asked if children were still playing in the park before the fence went up. Mr. Brenner said he thought so but that the neighborhood is active in wanting the park gone. Mr. Tinsley asked if they could reach out to the community to make one last effort to preserve it. Mr. Brenner said the rent is not the problem, but maintaining the equipment, the graffiti, it being a nighttime hangout, and liability to the County are the issues.

Mr. Hartke asked if this is a County owned lot in a residential area if they’ve thought about selling it.

Mr. Brenner replied that he and Mr. Snider had a conversation with the park district about maintaining it as a park and said they aren’t interested. Mr. Snider stated the trend is to move away from smaller neighborhood parks in favor of larger community ones that can be used by more people.

Mr. Tinsley commented that Dobbins Downs is somewhat isolated from the rest of the city and he doesn’t see residents being able to get to those other facilities.

Mr. Rosales gave a summary of how the Board at the time came to the decision to make the lot a park. He thought the association disbursed and no one wanted to assume responsibility and liability.

109 Mr. Anderson asked if Dig It is going to pull it up and dispose of it. Mr. Brenner felt they would be careful removing the equipment due to specialized nuts and bolts, and either sell or recycle them. He noted that there is a lot of concrete that needs to be pulled then filled with dirt and seed. Mr.

Anderson said that Rantoul’s park district has equipment that is 30 years old and asked about Dig Its schedule for removal. Mr. Brenner said he would check and get back to Mr. Anderson.

Ms. Petrie commented that when this started there was one woman that was part of the neighborhood association and was the driving force behind the park. She said the woman has since left the neighborhood and no one else has stepped up.

VIII. Other Business

A. Semi Annual Review of Closed Session Minutes

Mr. Hartke reported that per the State’s Attorney there are no closed session minutes to review.

IX. Chair’s Report

Mr. Hartke mentioned that there was a tour of the downtown facility before tonight’s meeting and thanked those that attended.

Mr. Hartke informed everyone the next Facilities Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 3, 2017. He said the meeting is on Monday because Tuesday is Election Day.

Mr. Hartke said ILEAS will be the tour before the next meeting.

X. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda

Mr. Hartke noted there are no items to be placed on the consent agenda.

XI. Adjournment

There being no further business, Mr. Hartke adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m