City of Champaign Plan Commission met May 17.
Here is the minutes as provided by the commission:
The minutes of the May 3, 2017 meeting were unanimously approved and accepted as submitted.
Staff is sworn
PL16-0054 and PL16-0055 McGath Farms-Longhorn Hills Annexation Agreement and
Preliminary Final Plat
Knight: Before we start on the cases I would like to note for the public, in case anyone is here
for the Major Amendment to the Special Use Permit to Allow a Bar/Tavern in the CI,
Commercial Industrial Zoning District at 601 N. Country Fair Drive, this item is being continued
to the June 7, 2016 meeting
Marino: This is the Annexation Agreement and Preliminary/Final Plat for the McGath Farms -
Longhorn Hills property. Jeff explains where this property is located and a location map is
shown. There are parts of the property that are contiguous to the City of Champaign. There are
several single family homes on this property. There are two different property owners. Ms.
McGath owns and lives in one of the homes and Mr. Meyers lives in a house on the northern
portion of the property. Ms. McGath would like to relocate some of the lot lines to bring these
single family homes into compliance with the City of Champaign regulations and the County
regulations for single family homes. There is a mobile home, two single family homes and a
series of barns on the southern portion of the property. These properties are all on one lot. In
order for Ms. McGath to get a building permit to build a new home for one of her family
members the County has told her she needs to work with the City of Champaign and bring this
property into the City’s regulations for subdivisions. The City and the County do not allow more
than one principal structure on one lot for single family homes. Since all of these properties are
on one lot they will need to be subdivided and all of them put on their own lots. She would then
like to tear one of the homes down and build a new home for one of her family members.
Currently, all the residents of these homes except for Mr. Meyers are family members of Ms.
McGath. She would simply like to relocate the lot lines to bring this into compliance and allow
one of the homes to rebuilt. Because of the relocation of the lot lines it triggers an annexation
agreement and there are some zoning issues that will be addressed as part of this annexation
agreement. Photos of the site are shown. Jeff explains that since Ms. McGath is not selling of
any of the lots for a profit the requirements for sidewalks and street lights are being waived. If
this property is sold these requirements will be required of the new buyer.
The Future Land Use map is shown and explained. The preliminary/final plat is shown and
explained. There are no development plans as of now. The annexation agreement will address
the infrastructure improvements along Duncan Road. There is another component that Ms.
McGath has requested. The component requested is an amortization period, we have done this
with other annexation agreements. For example, when someone has been required to do an
annexation agreement and a plat with the City we have given them a period of time before they
annexation into the City. One development recently that is coming into play is Fields South
East. We gave them 10 years before they had to annex even though we did an annexation
agreement 10 years ago. That annexation agreement was actually for fire service. There have
been other annexation agreements where we have given a period of time once the annexation
agreement has been approved before they are actually annexed. It gives the resident the
opportunity to prepare for annexation and address any zoning issues and tax implications that
come with annexation. Jeff explains that the agreement will address the Longhorn Cattle on the
property and the plans for their removal after the 10-year period. Jeff discusses the fact that the
property to the west is owned by one property owner and the need for access to this property.
The current access points to the McGath lots are discussed and that will be allowed to stay. Jeff
talks about development to the west, road alignment and access points in the future. He indicates
that staff was contacted today by the neighboring owner who is concerned about future road
connections, existing driveways and how a future trail would connect. We didn’t initially
address these concerns in the annexation agreement but that is something that Ms. McGath is
open to addressing. The attorney for the adjacent developer is here and he may be able to
expand on these issues. This is something to consider as we move forward. Today we might
want to include language in the annexation agreement that potentially would reserve the
opportunity to have a right-of-way dedicated in the future for an east/west road through this site.
Any questions?
Knight: The Plan Commission’s role in addressing annexation agreements is to address any
land use, zoning or subdivision kinds of issues. There is also a preliminary plat involved in this
case. The public hearing and final approval of an annexation agreement under State law is at the
City Council level. If after hearing testimony today the Plan Commission felt like it was
appropriate to include language that addressed future access and dedication of right-of-way at an
appropriate time you could indicate such in your motion and the language would be worked out
before City Council considers this at their public hearing. You don’t have to craft specific
language today. You could include an intent in your motion if you chose to do so. The other
point that was raised by the developers attorney is the trail connection. Bruce explains where the
dedicated right-of-way would be and that it would not be the McGaths responsibility to build this
unless there was additional development on the property. But, if they agree to dedicate right-of-
way at a location designated by the City Engineer when it is known where that should be located.
Then it would be the developer’s responsibility, on the other side, to continue those
Bryan: Is there anyone in the audience who would like to address this case?
Susanne Hendren of 2901 Greystone Place is sworn in. I don’t have any concerns about this
annexation but, I have one questions and one comment. To the north of Greystone along Duncan
Road there is a five-acre parcel that is not part of the City of Champaign. When this annexation
goes into effect that means that five-acres parcel will be surrounded. Does that mean it will
automatically be annexed to the City? Knight: As Jeff just presented the McGath property will
not annexed for ten years so the property will not be surrounded for at least ten years. It could be
involuntarily annexed at that point. That would be a City Council decision to make. Hendren: I
have one comment. One behalf of all of the residents of Greystone we would like the Longhorn
Steers to stay as long as possible. We love them.
Denise Bates, Thomas, Mamer and Haughey is sworn in. I represent Ms. McGath and Mr,
Meyer. My clients are in support of this moving forward and this annexation taking place and
they are here and available if you have any questions.
Pat Fitzgerald, Meyer Capel is sworn in. I am appearing before you on behalf of Peter
Creighton who is the sole owner of the property that is west of the property. In visiting with Mr.
Creighton, he has an issue with this proposed annexation. I contacted City staff regarding these
concerns. The material issue is, that the Peter Creighton discussions have focused on the
extension of a public multi-use trail that would connect a bridge over Interstate 57 through
Peter’s land with the ultimate destination being a connection to Duncan Road. In reviewing the
instant annexation agreement it didn’t necessarily provide for that connection. That is one issue I
raised with Mr. Marino and it sounds like there has been some favorable discussion with Ms.
McGath and her Council. We would certainly support this as something being included in your
recommendations to City Council. Under the guise of planning, we are at the Plan Commission
meeting today in the intent of planning we do not want to impose any financial burden on Ms.
McGath as she is not developing her land. We understand that what she is doing is more
procedural in nature and she is not a for-profit developer and we are not looking to increase her
financial burden at all. But, do feel it is appropriate at this time to plan for the future connection
of the trail to Duncan and similarly the street connection. Again, we are just planning for the
reservation if it becomes necessary and we are certainly fine with deferring it and including it
being up to the City of Champaign Engineers decision as to the ultimate location. We are not
attempting to dictate that in any fashion other than to just plan for the future that at some point it
seems reasonable and appropriate that there is street access that would tie into that. This is Mr.
Creighton’s concerns and I my happy to address any questions.
Bryan: Any questions? Knight: If it is Plan Commissions inclination that this be addressed.
The motion should include a motion that is consistent with what is in the staff report with the
addition that the future dedication of right-of-way be addressed in the annexation agreement for
City Council consideration. Elmore: How will this be addressed in text? Knight: We need to
work out the details of specific language and will need to work this out before the City Council
meeting. Ms. McGath and her attorney would need to sign off on the language. But the concept
in my mind is that there will be language in there that states at the request of the City Engineer
that the right-of-way would be dedicated and that request would be based on a need for a
connection coming from the west. We wouldn’t try and specify a location at this time. There is
not enough information about the development plan for the property to the west to be able to do
that. It would be a function of just a commitment to work with the City at the time and dedicate
the right-of-way in the appropriate location. Bryan: Any other questions or comments?
Cole: I move that the public hearing be closed. Elmore: Seconds. Unanimous “yes” vote.
Cole: There must be some coordination of the access through this property with property to the
west for the benefit of all the developers involved and the community. My motion is we
forward cases PL16-0054 and PL16-0055 to the City Council with our recommendation of
approval and incorporating therein a recommendation to the City Council that resolution of
issues of future access, roadway and trail development, be resolved by the discussions between
the owners, developers and City Staff which would then be incorporated into the annexation
agreement. Elmore: Seconds. Unanimous “yes” vote.
Knight: This will go to City Council on June 6, 2017.
Case PL 17-0016 Text Amendment to Section 37-166 and Section 37-604 of the Champaign
Zoning Ordinance to amended the code regarding the use of telecommunication devices in
the Public Right-of-Way
Marino: This is an amendment to the telecommunications ordinance in the public right-of-way.
This is how it pertains to Chapter 37 which is the zoning ordinance. This was brought to the
Plan Commission in December 2016. The former Assistant City Attorney and I did a joint
presentation on the changing needs for telecommunication services in our community. Jeff gives
the background on previous amendments to this section of the Code.
We have recently had a request for antennas and infrastructure in the public row. In January of
2017, City Council approved an amendment that allowed telecommunication and infrastructure
in the public right-of-way. As a result of that amendment we have been in contact with service
providers and learned that the amendment did not meet the needs of the providers to provide
citizens with the needs they require for the amount of data needed.
Jeff explains how these small antenna’s that are being requested will work and where they will
be located.
The proposed changes are discussed and explained. The changes to Chapter 37 are explained.
Any questions?
Knight: Explains that we have been working with service providers to make sure citizens are
getting good access to service while we are still protecting the aesthetics of the community.
Bryan: This is accommodating the changes in technology needs. Knight: Explains that the tall
towers will not go away.
Bryan: Anyone in the audience who would like to address this text amendment? May I have a
motion to close the public hearing. Cole: So moved. Elmore: Seconds. Unanimous “yes”
Cole: I move that we forward case PL17-0016 to the City Council with our recommendation for
approval. Elmore: Seconds. Unanimous “yes” vote.
Knight: This will go to City Council on June 6, 2017.
PL17-0017 Text Amendment to Article VI of the Champaign Zoning Ordinance to revise
the regulations governing applications for, approval of, and amendments to Planned
LeRoy: I am here to discuss the updated to the Planned Development Ordinance. This is a case
that has been before you in a couple of different formats including most recently a Study
Session. Today, I would like to present the proposed changes for your recommendation for
approval. The timeline that was pursued on this project is reviewed. Ben explains that he is
going to go through the issues and concerns that were discussed in March briefly. The proposed
revisions are explained. The eligibility requirements are explained and the changes that have
been made since the last meeting are identified. The application and approval process has not
changed but the minor amendments are explained. Waivers and conditions are reviewed. The
findings have not changed since the last meeting.
Ben explains that the Plan Development standards that currently exist in the Ordinance are going
away. These were well intentioned but staff found them difficult to reform. It is difficult to craft
a one size fits all set of standards given the wide variety of planned developments that we
receive. Any standards that we adopt would be waivable. The amendment process is reviewed
and the process of which changes might be handled administratively is explained.
Staff recommends that the Plan Commission forward this to City Council with your
recommendation for approval. Any questions?
Elmore: This is another example of good and thorough work especially in terms of gathering
input from multiple sources. I appreciate the effort.
Cole: I will echo Don’s comment by simply reminding a few people that when I gave my
comments earlier at a Study Session my comments were directed to the purpose provision and
separating out the language that was too detailed to be associated with a purpose clause and it is
very well done. It is very nicely drafted and revised to make it workable. I also appreciate it.
Bryan: Would anyone in the audience wish to address this amendment. Seeing none. Is there a
motion to close the public hearing? Cole: So moved. Elmore: Seconds. Unanimous “yes”
Bryan: The motion is before you as it is stated here PL 17-0017 Text Amendment to Article VI
of the Zoning Ordinance to revise the regulations governing applications for, approval of, and
amendments to the Planned Developments. Is there a motion? Cole: So moved. Elmore:
Seconds. Unanimous “yes: vote.
Knight: This will also go to the June 6, 2017 City Council meeting.
PL 17-0022 Clean Up Text Amendment to the Champaign Zoning Ordinance to define
“Microbrewery” and “Brewery” and to permit them in Industrial and Commercial
Kowalski: If this case sounds familiar to you, it should, because it was presented back in
January 2016. This passed and was adopted. We did another text amendment the next year and
we accidentally left out this amendment. Since this was an act of City Council we need to
readopt these regulations.
Rob explains the definitions of Brewery, Microbrewery and a Tasting Room. We have a
microbrewery in town. This is the Blind Pig on Market Street. Photos of tasting rooms are
shown and he explains in which zoning districts these types of establishments would be allowed
in and any regulations that would apply to them.
Staff recommends that this be forwarded to the June 6, 2017 City Council meeting.
Knight: The accidental removal of this came because we relied on language from Municode a
year after we had adopted something and realized the Municode had not codified this amendment
into the Code. Oversight on our part. We are working with Municode to get prompter response
to the adoption of code change because architects, engineers and developers are relying on
Municode entirely and may spend a lot of money on reliance on something they read on
Municode and find out later it has been changed.
Bryan: Any other questions or comments from the Commission? Anyone in the audience wish
to address this text amendment.
Cole: I move that the public hearing be closed. Elmore: Seconds. Unanimous “yes” vote.
Bryan: Do we have a motion to forward this text amendment to City Council for adoption?
Cole: So moved. Carlson: Seconds. Unanimous “yes” vote.
Cole: Opens case PL 17-0013 A Major Amendment to Special Use Permit to Allow a
Bar/Tavern in the CI, Commercial Industrial Zoning District at 601 N. Country Fair Drive and
moves that this case be continued to the June 7, 2017 Plan Commission Meeting. Elmore:
Seconds. Unanimous “yes” vote.
Adjourned 4:55