
Chambana Sun

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Bement School District 5 Board of Education met May 10.

Webp meeting 10

Bement School District 5 Board of Education met May 10.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Call to order.

2. Roll call.

3. Administrator's Reports:

A. Presentation of the Volunteer of the Year Awards. B. High School/Middle School Principal's Report. C. Elementary School Principal's Report. D. Superintendent’s Report.

1.2"reading of Press PLUS #94

4. Approve minutes of the:

A. April 12, 2017 regular board meeting executive session minutes. B. April 12, 2017 regular board meeting open session minutes. C. May 3, 2017 special board meeting executive session minutes. D. May 3, 2017 special board meeting open session minutes.

5. Approve payment of the bills.

6. Review treasurer's report.

7. Comments from the audience.

8. Adjourn to executive session to discuss the employment, compensation and performance of specific staff, and the semi-annual review of executive session minutes.

9. Return to open session.

10. Action items:

A. Official action on the hiring of Matthew Guffey as a substitute summer maintenance crew member.

B. Official action on semi-annual review of executive Session minutes.

C. Official action on recommendations for induction into the Bement High School Hall of Fame for 2017.

D. Official action on new members to the Bement High School Hall of Fame Selection Committee.

E. Official action of school fees for the 2017-2018 school year.

F. Official action on the PRESS Plus Board Policy updates.

G. Official action on the student handbooks for 2017-2018.

H. Official action on the high school boys basketball and cheer CGB cooperative agreement.

J. Official action on the administrative contract for Doug Kepley.

11. Adjourn