Urbana City Council met April 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Elected Officials Physically Present:
Charles Smyth, Alderman Ward 1
Eric Jakobsson, Alderman Ward 2
*Aaron Ammons, Alderman Ward 3
Bill Brown, Alderman Ward 4
Dennis Roberts, Alderman Ward 5
Michael P. Madigan, Alderman Ward 6
Diane Marlin, Alderwoman Ward 7
Laurel Lunt Prussing, Mayor Phyllis D. Clark, City Clerk
Elected Officials Present Via Teleconference:
*Aaron Ammons, Alderman Ward 3
Elected Officials Absent:
Staff Present:
Phillip Edwards, William Gray; Jeremy Leevey; Mike Monson; Brian Nightlinger; Sylvia Morgan; Bryant Seraphin; James Simon; Elizabeth Tyler
Others Present:
Will Martens; Bishop King James Underwood; Rev. Dr. Evelyn B. Underwood; Members of the Media
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
There being a quorum, Mayor Prussing called the meeting of the Urbana City Council to order at 7:04pm. *Started late due to prior meeting.
B. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Alderman Smyth made a motion to approve minutes of the meeting held on March 20, 2017. Motion seconded by Alderman Jakobsson. Before the final vote, Alderman Brown requested corrections to votes on Ordinance No. 2017-03-013 and Resolution No. 2017-03-013R to correct disposition of votes. After correction motion carried by voice vote.
C. Additions to the Agenda
There was none.
D. Petitions and Communications
1. Fire Prevention and Education Presentation by Fire Marshal Phillip Edwards and Campus Fire Prevention.
Fire Marshal Phillip Edward gave a PowerPoint presentation about the Prevention and Education Division. In this department the focus is to save, lives and properties through prevention and education. Mr. Edwards is responsible for the City’s Inspection Program, Fire Safety Education Program, Problem Properties and Community Involvement.
Fire Prevention Officer Jeremy Leevey is responsible for the University of Illinois Inspection Program, Fire Investigation for the City, Fire Safety Education at the University of Illinois and new construction for the University of Illinois.
Clay Baier is the Fire Inspector for the city who takes care of all initial inspections.
This division handles an array of responsibilities from residential to commercial prevention and education programs such as:
• School based and outreach programs.
• HFLS/Smoke Detector Program – since 1998
• Fire prevention permits
• Liquor license enforcement
• Emergency Action Plan Reviews - Business
• Supervised drills upon request - Business
• Extinguisher training upon request - Business
These are a few of the many services available to businesses upon request. Discussion ensued.
Will Martens from Heel to Toe addressed the council in support of the Landmark Hotel remodeling project proposal plan.
Bishop King James and Rev. Dr. Evelyn B. Underwood did not wish to speak, but asked that their position be entered into the record regarding the Dr. Ellis Subdivision sewer issues.
E. Unfinished Business
There was none.
F. Reports of standing Committees
1. Committee Of The Whole
a. Resolution No. 2017-03-018R: A Resolution Approving an Easement Agreement with the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (Oregon Street between Gregory Street and Lincoln Avenue)
Alderman Roberts presented Resolution No. 2017-03-018R as forwarded from committee. Alderman Smyth seconded. No discussion. Motion carried by roll call vote. Votes were as follows:
Aaron Ammons - Aye
Diane Marlin – Aye
Bill Brown – Aye
Dennis Roberts - Aye
Eric Jakobsson – Aye
Charles Smyth - Aye
Michael P. Madigan - Aye
Disposition: Resolution No. 2017-03-018R was approved by roll call vote (7-Ayes; 0-Nay).
b. Ordinance No. 2017-03-016: An Ordinance Amending Urbana City
Code Chapter 20 Concerning Use of Rights-Of-Way (Authority to enter into and Execute Right-Of-Way use Licenses)
Alderman Roberts presented Ordinance No. 2017-03-016 as forwarded from committee. Alderman Smyth seconded. No Discussion. Motion carried by roll call vote. Votes were as follows:
Aaron Ammons - Aye
Diane Marlin – Aye
Bill Brown – Aye
Dennis Roberts - Aye
Eric Jakobsson – Aye
Charles Smyth - Aye
Michael P. Madigan - Aye
Disposition: Ordinance No. 2017-03-016 was approved by roll call vote (7-Ayes; 0-Nay).
G. Reports of Special Committees
Alderman Roberts gave a report on behalf of Urbana Sister Cities Committee about current events. He also announced a grant awarded by the Urbana Public Arts Commission. This grant will sponsor a young artists’ arts exchange between Urbana, Illinois and Thionville, France through Sister Cities International’s Young Artists and Authors Showcase competition.
H. Reports of Officers
Public Works Director William Gray gave a report regarding the lighting project that went out for bids.
Alderman Brown asked for a current marketing report of the Landmark Hotel, that SB Friedman Development Advisor Company prepared last year around September/October.
I. New Business
1. Mayoral Staff Appointments
a. Interim Police Chief – Sylvia Morgan
b. Interim Deputy Chief – Bryant Seraphin
Mayor Prussing presented the appointments of Interim Police Chief Sylvia Morgan and Interim Deputy Chief Bryant Seraphin.
Alderman Smyth made a motion to approve the appointments as presented. Alderman Roberts seconded. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
J. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor Prussing declared the meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.