Tolono Public Library District Board of Trustees met April 11.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order
2. Public Comment
3. Other Agenda Items
4. Approve Minutes of the March 7, 2017, Regular Board Meeting
5. Treasurer’s Report
a) Review statements and reports
b) Action Item: Approval of checks written
6. Library Director’s Report
7. Old Business
a) Book Sale
8. New Business
a) Schedule Finance committee meeting for amended 2016-2017 budget and working budget for 2017-2018 budget (Me and Christine)
b) Possible Committee for Researching Circulation Levels
9. Board of Trustees Executive Closed Meeting (if required)
10. Reconvene Open Meeting (if required)
11. Trustee Continuing Education
12. Next Meeting: May 2, 2017
13. Adjournment