
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Champaign Code Review and Appeals Board met March 8.

City of Champaign Code Review and Appeals Board met March 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Roll Call: Members Present: Chip Craddock, Kenwood Sullivan, James Gleason, Steve Billhymer, Mike Scott and Neil Strack Members Absent: Scott Kunkel, Kirk Skelton and John Frauenhoffer. Staff Present: Larry Happ, Jaymie Huffman, Duane Allen Visitors Present: Janet Maupin, Randy Smith and Tim Spear

Approve the Minutes: Meeting Minutes 02-22-17

MOTION by James Gleason to approve the minutes as presented; seconded by Kenwood Sullivan. All: Aye.

Old Business: At the 02-22-2017 board meeting, chapters 20, 22 & 23 were reviewed but were inadvertently left out of the motion for approval by the Board. Neil Strack made a motion to approve those chapters as previously presented; seconded by Jim Gleason. All: Aye.

New Business: Continued review of the substantial changes to the 2012 and 2015 International Building Code – Chapters 29 Plumbing systems and Storm Drainage. Code sections that the Board initiated further discussion on are as follows:

Chapter 29 – Plumbing Systems and Storm Drainage As previously discussed during review of the plumbing code, the amendments to the Illinois Plumbing Code were relocated into the building code to comply with the State of IL requirement to not amend the IL Plumbing Code. The remainder of the chapter pertains to storm drainage. As with the plumbing codes, the storm drainage amendments will be relocated to the Building Code to comply with State requirements to not amend the IL Plumbing Code.

NEW: 2902.11 Size of Conductors and Leaders, and Storm Drains. 7) Siphonic Roof drainage systems. Larry Happ provided an explanation of this type of roof drainage system.

DELETE: 2902.15 Alternative Engineered Design. This amendment was originally in the Plumbing Code. Now that this section has been moved from the Plumbing Code to the Building Code, alternative designs are already covered by Section 104.11 Alternative materials, design and methods of construction and equipment.

Motion by Steve Billhymer to approve Chapter 29 as recommended; seconded by Jim Gleason. All; Aye.

PROPOSED ADDITION: 1210.5 Changing Stations. This proposed addition to the building code was previously discussed at the February 22nd board meeting.

John Frauenhoffer studied the ASTM F2285 standard and researched changing station installation specifications. He stated concern about lack of installation specifications provided for some models. John proposed adding the following sentence: “The changing station fasteners shall be installed directly into timber or steel wall studs with solid blocking or fully grouted masonry and in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Fasteners not supplied by the manufacturer are limited to full depth lag screws for timber walls, toggle bolts for steel studs, full depth masonry sleeve anchors for full grouted masonry or through bolts with washers for all wall types”. City staff also proposed adding similar requirements by the following sentence to require positive connection to wall studs or solid blocking: “The changing station fasteners shall be installed directly into wall studs or solid blocking and in strict accordance with manufacturer’s specifications”. After discussing options and language, Jim Gleason made motion to approve the addition as modified by John Frauenhoffer and staff; seconded by Neil Strack. All: Aye.

Janet Maupin, Randy Smith and Tim Spear began review of the substantial changes to the 2012 and 2015 International Fire Code. Code sections that the Board initiated further discussion on are as follows:

Chapter 1 - Administration

ADD: Appendix I – Fire Protection Systems – Noncompliant Conditions A formatting change that pulls everything a certified system contractor would look for during an annual inspection into one convenient place and one document.

Chapter 2 – Definitions No amendments or substantial changes discussed further.

Chapter 3 – General Precautions Against Fire

DELETE: 307 Open Burning and Recreational Fires Replace with Section 15-20 from the Municipal Code.

Chapter 4 – Emergency Planning and Preparedness

ADD: 403.2.1.1 Overcrowding. An owner, manager, agent or person in charge shall not permit overcrowding or admittance of any person beyond the established occupant load.

Chapter 5 – Fire Service Features

DELETE: 506 Key Boxes Replace with Section 13-100 through 107 of the Municipal Code; Fire Department Repository Units.

Chapter 6 – Building Services and Systems No amendments or substantial changes discussed further.

Chapter 7 – Fire and Smoke Protection Features

ADD: 703.2.2.1 Hold-open devices and closers. Hold open devices may be required by the Fire Code Official where fire doors are found to be propped open after the installation of signs in Section 703.2.1. Hold-open devices and automatic door closers, where provided, shall be maintained. During the period that such device is out of service for repairs, the door it operates shall remain in the closed position. Board further discussed conditions and criteria for hold-open devices in stairways.

Chapter 8 – Interior Finish, Decorative Materials and Furnishings No amendments or substantial changes discussed further.

Chapter 9 - Fire Protection Systems No amendments or substantial changes discussed further.

Chapter 10 – Means of Egress

CHANGE: Sec 1011.2 (2012), Sec 1013.2 (2015) Floor Level Exit signs in R-1Hotels Due to the transient nature of occupants, floor-level exit signage will be required. If internally illuminated, an Electrical Permit will be required to install. The City will request an internal Standard Operating Procedure to allow two-years to install if electrically powered, but six-months to install if self-luminous or photoluminescent exit signs.

Chapter 11 – Construction Requirements for Existing Buildings No amendments or substantial changes discussed further.

Chapter 31 – Tents and Other Membrane Structures

AMEND: 3103.2 Approval required. Tents and membrane structures that have an area in excess of 700 square feet shall not be erected, operated or maintained for any purpose with first obtaining a permit and approval from the fire code official.

NEW: 3103.9.1 Structural Design of Multistory Tents and Membrane Structures &  3103.9.1 Tents and Membrane Structures Exceeding One Story. Tents and membrane structures exceeding one story shall be designed and constructed to comply with Chapter 16 of the International Building Code. This new code section provides the fire code official with a tool to use to verify proper structural design.

AMEND: 3105.5 Required Documents The following documents shall be submitted to the fire code official and the building official for review before a permit is approved. Plans shall be prepared under the seal of an architect or engineer licensed to practice in the State of Illinois.

Significant Changes in 2015 IFC: Part 5 – Hazardous Materials. Chapters 50 through 79 CFD Hazard Material’s Officer and Deputy Chiefs have reviewed these sections and have no recommended additions, amendments or deletions to suggest.

Chapter 80 – Referenced Standards No amendments or substantial changes discussed further

Motion by Neil Strack to accept the 2015 International Fire Code with amendments; seconded by Kenwood Sullivan. All: Aye.

Comments from the Audience: NONE Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 - 4:30 – 6:00 pm Champaign Fire Department – Basement Training Room

 Adjournment: Motion by Kenwood Sullivan to adjourn; Second by Jim Gleason. All: Aye. The meeting adjourned 5:48 pm