Mahomet Public Library Board of Trustees met Monday, Jan. 9.
Here are the minutes as provided by Mahomet Public Library:
Members Present: Charity Bundren (arrived during Librarian’s Report), Jeanne Campion, Chris Forman, Jim Matthews, Brian Paragi (arrived during Treasurer’s Report), Karin Vermillion (arrived during Treasurer’s Report), Mary Watson (arrived during Audience Comments)
Also present: Lynn Schmit, Kate Smith
Approval of Minutes
Karin Vermilion moved to approve the December 12, 2016 minutes. Chris Forman seconded; the motion passed.
Treasurer's Report
Jeanne Campion moved to approve the financial report for December 2016. Chris Forman seconded. Roll call vote; all trustees voted in favor of the motion. Jeanne moved to approve the check register for December 2016. Chris seconded. Roll call vote; all trustees voted in favor of the motion.
Librarian’s Report
Lynn Schmit submitted the Librarian’s report before the meeting. She added that a recent News Gazette article reported that patron accounts had declined for both the Champaign and Urbana libraries between 2011 and 2016.
Audience Comments – No audience
Committee Reports – No committees met
New Business
A. Official Board Statement Honoring Mary Giles
The board reviewed a proposed resolution honoring the late Mary Giles, a former trustee. Jim Matthews moved to approve the resolution. Chris Forman seconded; the motion passed.
B. Appointment of a Trustee to Review Closed Session Minutes
Mary Watson volunteered to perform the review.
C. Personnel Policy Change – IMRF
The Personnel Committee recommended this change at the November meeting, but the trustees missed voting on it at that time. The trustees voted to approve this change.
D. Modify Policy on Travel Expenses
At the December meeting, the trustees directed library staff to research typical travel expenses limits for the board to use in making a resolution. Lynn Schmit and Kate Smith reported that they had learned that federal government agencies maintain recommended levels by county (and by country outside the US) and proposed a change to the travel policy to reflect the use of these sites for determining expense limits.
Jim Matthews moved to accept the change to the travel policy. Jeanne Campion seconded; the motion passed.
E. Filing of Ehlers Management Report
The board agreed to accept the December 2016 report and place it on file.
Board Advocacy – Murder Mystery Dinner Report
The board agreed to use Black Dog for catering. The food committee will meet and finalize menu plans.
The trustees walked through the task list presented by Lynn Schmit and Kate Smith and volunteered for the various tasks. Everyone agreed to set up the room at 1pm on the day of the event, to allow for any unforeseen last-minute changes.
The next planning meeting will be Monday, February 6 at 6pm at the library.
Trustee Comments
Jim Matthews reminded the board about the location and times for Mary Giles’ funeral services and reception.
Jeanne Campion moved to adjourn the meeting; Mary Watson seconded. The motion passed; the meeting was adjourned at 6:45pm.
Respectfully Submitted by Kate Smith, Business Manager and Lynn Schmit, Director