
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Woodstock Cultural and Social Awareness Commission to hold joint meeting with Environmental Commission

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Woodstock Cultural and Social Awareness Commission will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16.

Here is the agenda as provided by Woodstock:

121 W. Calhoun Street phone 815.338.4300

Woodstock, Illinois 60098 fax 815. 334.2269




The City of Woodstock Cultural and Social Awareness Commission and the Environmental Commission will be conducting a special joint meeting on Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Woodstock City Hall Council Chambers (second floor), 121 West Calhoun Street, Woodstock, Illinois. Members unable to attend are asked to notify their respective Commission Liaison, either Tom Migatz for the Environmental Commission at (815) 338-6118 or Deb Schooner for the Cultural and Social Awareness Commission at (815) 338-1172.

I. Call to Order and Roll Call

a. Call to order by Environmental Commission Chair at 6:00 p.m. and roll call by Clerk.

b. Call to order by Cultural and Social Awareness Commission (Interim) Chair and roll call by Clerk.

II. Approval of minutes from the December 1, 2016 joint meeting of the Cultural and Social Awareness Commission and Environmental Commission.

III. Public Comment

IV. Discussion Items

a. Reports back from BIG 7 or any other prospective sponsor visits (B. Donato, J. Krandel)

b. Website update

c. “Our Story” content development for website and program flyer/brochure – progress? (E. Poremba)

d. Reports back from the logistics subcommittee (B. Donato, J. Rivera, S. Wenzel, E. Ellinghausen-when in town, L. Kacmar?) – Purpose: Formalize logistics of receipt of bags, stuffing of items in bags and delivery of bags

1. Delivery location and storage of initial shipment (to be delivered) confirmed at Woodstock North HS

2.Bags to be received mid-January 2017. Bags to be delivered in Spring 2017.

3. Obtaining and logging of volunteers?

i. Eagle Scout Project – can this now be done with Spring delivery?

ii. Community Organizations?

iii. Girl Scouts?

iv. D200 students – both for volunteer hours and other reasons?

v. Other volunteers?

4.Routes of delivery (Deb Schober)

e. Sponsorship Action Plan – formalize efforts around obtaining sponsorships

f. Drafting of the Ordinance – including deciding on “price” of plastic/paper bags. (10 cents was mentioned with Defenders, but Chicago just created theirs at 7 cents per bag. More info about the Chicago ordinance is available by clicking this hyperlink Chicago Plastic Bag Ordinance. More recently this was proposed as part of the 2017 budget 7 Cent Per Bag Tax-Chicago Proposal) This will be effective February of 2017.

g. Schedule next meeting – both special meeting for items in bags approval (if necessary) and next regular joint meeting.

V. Adjourn

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this meeting is located in a facility that is physically accessible to those who have disabilities. If additional reasonable accommodations are necessary for persons who under the Act have a “disability”, please contact the HR Department at (815)338-1172 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.