
Chambana Sun

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Woodstock City Council, residents discuss improvements to Route 47

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Woodstock City Council met Tuesday, Dec. 20.

Here are the minutes as provided by Woodstock:



December 20, 2016

City Council Chambers

The regular meeting of the Woodstock City Council was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Brian Sager on Tuesday, December 20, 2016 in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Sager welcomed those present, explained the consent calendar process, and invited public participation.

City Clerk Smiley confirmed that the agenda before the Council was a true and correct copy of the published agenda.

A roll call was taken.

COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Daniel Hart, Maureen Larson, Mark Saladin, Joseph Starzynski, RB Thompson, Michael Turner, and Mayor Brian Sager.


STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Roscoe Stelford, City Attorney Jennifer Gibson, Assistant City Manager/Finance Director Paul Christensen, Public Works Director Jeff Van Landuyt, Economic Development Director Garrett Anderson, Building and Zoning Director Joe Napolitano, and Old Courthouse and Sheriff’s House Advisory Commissioner Jim Prindiville.

OTHERS PRESENT: City Clerk Cindy Smiley


Public Comment

Dr. Robert Haradin, owner of a business located at 651 S. Eastwood Drive, stated he wished to speak concerning the proposed improvements to Route 47. He stated he is concerned about how IDOT has conducted its surveys and the lack of support for business owners located along this roadway. He expressed displeasure with the design that was created using money that included a consulting fee provided by the City. He opined the design does not reflect the needs or desires of the businesses. He further opined the proposed design would reduce the fees and taxes paid to the City by the businesses. Dr. Haradin stated the proposed walking and bike paths will result in a reduction of parking and the proposed center medians will make it difficult for customers to access the buildings. He further stated the proposed roundabouts would slow traffic and take up prime real estate that generates taxes. He stated the design would also result in a reduction in the value of the businesses and in the value of the buildings. Dr. Haradin expressed his feeling that the City Council has not supported the businesses through this process, noting he has not seen any Council members at the IDOT meetings, and asked that this issue be placed on a future Council agenda for discussion.

John Stassen, resident of Woodstock and owner of Stassen Insurance and four properties located on Route 47, stated the design as presented by IDOT would severely restrict access to businesses.

He noted that IDOT’s own statistics prove that the medians will increase crashes and put people at risk. He stated the business owners’ group has filed FOIA requests to get these crash statistics, but have not received a reply. He stated he, too, does not feel the City Council has supported the business owners and requested this issue be placed on a future agenda.

Mayor Sager stated Council will be more than happy to place this issue on a future agenda and welcomes the opportunity to discuss this with the business owners. He stated he takes exception, however, with the statement that Council has not been to any meetings. He stated there have been many meetings and Council members, including himself, have participated in most, if not all, of them. Mayor Sager then discussed specific support Council members and City Staff have provided to the business owners, including the Economic Development staff who have held meetings with the business owners to gather their input. He noted members of the City’s Transportation Commission have also attended these meetings. He agreed significant questions remain regarding the design proposed by IDOT, noting the City has not received the final Phase I report from them. He opined this is because the report has not been completed because of the concerns expressed by the businesses, residents, and the City.

Mayor Sager stated it is certainly the City’s intent and desire to support the businesses and is committed to doing so. He further noted, however, the City has received many complaints about the need for improvements to Route 47, so we are working toward these improvements, which are supported by the community. He stated it is hoped these improvements will address congestion for today and the future, and will support growth and development of business in Woodstock. Mayor Sager stated he has publicly expressed his concern with the medians, noting placement of the openings is paramount. He emphasized that access is of great concern to him and that the businesses must have access. He noted he has presented these concerns to IDOT on many


Mayor Sager assured Dr. Haradin and Mr. Stassen that Council will place this item on a February agenda for further discussion.

Council Comment

Mayor Sager noted the article in Northwest Quarterly about Woodstock, “Woodstock is Worth the Visit.” He noted Woodstock has garnered much good recognition recently.


Motion by M. Saladin, second by M. Larson, to approve the items on the Consent Agenda.

In response to an inquiry from Mayor Sager, Councilwoman Larson wished to be assured that the City is sufficiently staffed to cover the inspection services, which will be provided to the City of Marengo should item E-5 – Ordinance – Marengo Building Inspection Services be approved. City Manager Stelford stated Building and Zoning Director J. Napolitano feels his department is adequately staffed to provide these services to Marengo after having studied that community’s building permits over the past couple of years.

Mayor Sager affirmed the Consent Agenda to include the following items:


December 6, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting

C. WARRANTS: 3741 3742


Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes April 2016

Board of Fire and Police Commissioner Minutes September 2016

Human Resources Department Monthly Report October 2016

Building and Zoning Department Monthly Report November 2016

Human Resources Department Monthly Report November 2016

Department of Public Works Monthly Report November 2016


1. Ordinance – Crystal Lake Boundary Agreement - Approval of Ordinance 16-O- 67, identified as Document 1, An Ordinance Approving an Intergovernmental

Agreement between the City of Woodstock and the City of Crystal Lake Extending their Existing Boundary Agreement.

2. Waiver of Competitive Bids – Apple Creek Lift Station – Approval of the following:

a) Waiver of the requirement for competitive bids;

b) The repair of a 40-horsepower submersible pump by Metropolitan Pump Company for an amount not-to-exceed $16,115, to be installed in the City’s Apple Creek Lift Station upon failure of one of the two pumps currently in service.

3. Ordinance – 315 W. Judd Street, Front Lot Line Setback Variance – Approval of Ordinance 16-O-68, identified as Document 2, An Ordinance Varying Provisions of the Woodstock Unified Development Ordinance for Property at 315 W. Judd Street, to allow the construction of a 22.5’ x 6’ porch within 17 feet of a front lot line.

4. Agreement – Fiber Consortium Amendment - Approval of a modification to the McHenry County Fiber Consortium Intergovernmental Agreement, identified as Document 3, allowing multiple terms for officers and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the revised agreement.

5. Ordinance – Marengo Building Inspection Services - Approval of Ordinance 16- O-69, identified as Document 4, An Ordinance Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Woodstock and the City of Marengo for the Provision of Building Inspection Services.

6. Professional Services – Professional Engineering Design Services for the City’s 2017 Road Resurfacing Program – Approval of a Professional Engineering Services proposal from Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick Inc., for design engineering services at a cost not-to-exceed $28,860.05, with a goal of obtaining a first quarter 2017 bid letting for the City’s 2017 Street Resurfacing Program.

A roll call vote was taken to approve Consent Agenda Items B through E-6. Ayes: D. Hart, M. Larson, M. Saladin, J. Starzynski, RB Thompson, M. Turner, and Mayor Sager. Nays: none. Abstentions: none. Absentees: none. Motion carried.


Noting there is only one Council meeting in January for which the agenda is already full, Mayor Sager noted the discussion concerning Rt. 47 improvements would be scheduled no later than the 2nd meeting in February.


Motion by M. Turner, second by M. Saladin, to adjourn this regular meeting of the Woodstock City Council to a Special City Council Budget Workshop on Friday, January 13, 2017 at 3:00 PM at Stage Left. Café. Ayes: D. Hart, M. Larson, M. Saladin, J. Starzynski, RB Thompson, M. Turner, and Mayor Sager. Nays: none. Abstentions: none. Absentees: none.

Meeting adjourned at 7:24 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Cindy Smiley

City Clerk