
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Philo board review voting issue for county facilities

Webp meetingroom01

The village of Philo Board of Trustees met Oct. 12 to present material regarding the voting issue for the Champaign County facilities.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

The Philo board of trustees includes six members and the village president.


The meeting was called to order by President Larry Franks at 7:00 p.m. at the R.E. Franks Center in the Eileen Painter room.

GUESTS: Dave Atchley, Marc Miller, Dave Traxler, Janet Decker, Dave Laker, Ted Rund, Linda Rund, Chris Payne and Christine Walsh.

ROLL CALL: Present-Trustees John Mumma, Steve Messman, Steve Sappenfield, Rachael Garrett, and Pat Pioletti. Absent-Trustee Brady.

MINUTES: Trustee John Mumma made a motion, seconded by Trustee Pat Pioletti, to approve the minutes of September 14, 2016. Voice vote, all “aye’s” motion carried unanimously.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WARRANT: Trustee Pat Pioletti made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steve Messman, to approve the payment of bills as presented. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti and Garrett. Motion passed unanimously.

LAKER: Dave Laker presented material regarding the voting issue for the Champaign County Facilities. He pointed out the Facilities Sales Tax ends in 12 years and only voter approval can extend the tax. He would appreciate help getting the word out and feels this is a worthwhile cause. (See brochure attached).

RUND: Ted requested confirmation that the Village would pay for electricity for the light poles in the Willow Run Phase III subdivision. Mr. Rund will pay for the installation. The Board indicated they pay for all the Village street lighting.

ENGINEER: Dave Atchley stated the plats and annexation documents have been recorded. He believes they will start moving dirt soon. Dave A. commented that Rodney Parrot indicated Dollar General will start the requested landscaping and soil erosion work next week.

VILLAGE ATTORNEY: Marc said Paul Hendren was a little under the weather, but should be at our next meeting. President Franks had forwarded the Village attorney some nuisance issues; they are conducting a title search on one of the properties and will keep the Board informed.

VILLAGE TREASURER: Rodney reported there is nothing out of the ordinary. He will investigate the Police property tax amount, as the amount is higher than projected.

VILLAGE MAINTENANCE: Dave T. said there were two building permits. He reported the bicycle rack has been installed. The ballparks have been winterized. His part-time helper Newsome will help with brush pick-up and getting trucks ready and then after this month will cut back. The sink hole at Kirby’s was fixed and they will seed and put down straw.

Trustee Piloletti requested the steps and front of north entrance to REFMC be power washed. President Franks asked about the new truck. Dave T. said he applied for license and insurance, decals to be done tomorrow or Friday and radio next week. The only offer for the old truck was for $500.00 from John Milliken, an Aqua worker. The Board decided to have Dave T. put truck on corner and see if we can get any other offers. Trustee Messman inquired about the yellow lights at the pavilion. Dave T. indicated they were night lights and okay.

OLD BUSINESS: Hale Park Bathroom- Dave Traxler indicated the firemen want to move ahead with this project and are willing to do a turn-key project. They have one bid and are waiting for another one. Resident Dave Laker asked if a 3rd bid is required. The plan includes a block building on a concrete slab with wood framing and roof. It will have 36” steel doors with one light and fan in each bathroom; one toilet and one sink in each. The Board inquired if the plans meet ADA requirements. Trustee Pat Piloletti made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steve Sappenfield, to provisionally approve the estimated $34,000 project. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti and Garrett. Motion passed unanimously. Firemen will sign the contract to construct and oversee the construction. Engineer Dave Atchley will review for ADA. Final ownership and maintenance will belong to the Village.

NEW BUSINESS: Janet presented the REFMC report and there were no questions or comment.

Steve Sappenfield presented the Park Association’s Financial Report. He noted they plan to use the money received from a fundraiser to purchase a new batting cage. It will be at Hazen Park by where the former tennis courts were, close to gravel area, not houses. President Franks asked if there would be another fundraiser. Janet indicated Karl Harris has asked about another rental at the REFMC where the first was held. Trustee Pioletti asked if that was their highest priority. Steven S. replied “Yes, and then tile work and drainage at the big diamond.” They should be able to use their own funds for small tile projects.

The Hugs & Bugs lease was discussed. It will be an action item at the next Board meeting. It was noted they prefer a one (1) year lease.


Trustee Garrett-Nothing Trustee Pioletti-Nothing Clerk Kirby-Inquired about playground equipment/grant Trustee Sappenfield-Nothing Trustee Messman-Nothing Trustee Mumma-Commented about parking issue at corner of Adams/Roosevelt. Not a problem with people but with number of cars. President Franks will write a letter regarding safety issue. President Franks-Thanked Pat for planting mums at sign and doing mulch. He suggested a policy for the sign and good, fresh information be done. He also suggested sending thank-you letter to Illini F.S.

MOTION TO ADJOURN: Trustee Pat Pioletti made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Garrett at 7:45 p.m.

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