
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Champaign County Zoning Board of Appeals reviews rural residential development zoning amendment

Webp meeting808

Champaign County Zoning Board of Appeals met Thursday, Oct. 27.

Here is the agenda as provided by Champaign:


Date: October 27, 2016 Time: 7:00 P.M. Place: John Dimit Meeting Room

Brookens Administrative Center 1776 E. Washington Street Urbana, IL 61802

NO ENTRANCE TO BUILDING FROM WASHINGTON STREET PARKING LOT AFTER 4:30 PM. Use Northeast parking lot via Lierman Ave. and enter building through Northeast door.

If you require special accommodation please notify the Department of Planning & Zoning at (217) 384-3708




1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum

Note: The full ZBA packet is now available 

3. Correspondence

on-line at: www.co.champaign.il.us.

4. Approval of Minutes

5. Continued Public Hearings

Case 685-AT-11 Petitioner: Zoning Administrator

Request: Amend the Champaign County Zoning Ordinance by revising Section 6.1 by adding standard conditions required for any County Board approved special use permit for a Rural Residential Development in the Rural Residential Overlay district as follows: (1) Require that each proposed residential lot shall have an area equal to the minimum required lot area in the zoning district that is not in the Special Flood Hazard Area; (2) Require a new public street to serve the proposed lots in any proposed RRO with more than two proposed lots that are each less than five acres in area or any RRO that does not comply with the standard condition for minimum driveway separation; (3) Require a minimum driveway separation between driveways in the same development; (4) Require minimum driveway standards for any residential lot on which a dwelling may be more than 140 feet from a public street; (5) Require for any proposed residential lot not served by a public water supply system and that is located in an area of limited groundwater availability or over a shallow sand and gravel aquifer other than the Mahomet Aquifer, that the petitioner shall conduct groundwater investigations and contract the services of the Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS) to conduct or provide a review of the results; (6) Require for any proposed RRO in a high probability area as defined in the Illinois State Historical Preservation Agency (ISHPA) about the proposed RRO development undertaking and provide a copy of the ISHPA response; (7) Require that for any proposed RRO that the petitioner shall contact the Endangered Species Program of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and provide a copy of the agency response.

Case 792-V-14 (REACTIVATED) Petitioner: Robert Frazier

Request: Authorize the following Variance from the Champaign County Zoning Ordinance in the I-1 Light Industry Zoning District: Part A. Variance for 62 parking spaces in lieu of the minimum required 89 parking spaces as required by Section 7.4.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. Part B. Variance for 16 on-site parking spaces in lieu of the minimum required 89 parking spaces as required by Section 7.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Part C. Variance for allowing 46 off-street parking spaces on an adjacent lot in lieu of requiring all off-street parking spaces to be located on the same lot or tract of land as the use served, as required by Section 7.4.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. Part D. Variance for a setback of 50 feet and a front yard of 20 feet between the principal building and Tiffany Court in lieu of the minimum required setback of 55 feet and the minimum required front yard of 25 feet as required by Section 5.3 of the Zoning Ordinance; and Part E. Variance for parking spaces that are at least 8 feet 6 inches by 18 feet 6 inches in lieu of the minimum required 9 feet by 20 feet as per Section 7.4.1.B. of the Zoning Ordinance.

Location: Lot 4 of the Stahly Subdivision in the Southeast Quarter of Section 8 of

Champaign Township and commonly known as the former LEX building located at 310 Tiffany Court, Champaign.

Case 823-S-15 Petitioner: William and Christina Schultz, d.b.a. A1 Pavement Maintenance, d.b.a. BillyCo Properties, LLC. Possible need for readvertisement)

Request: Authorize a Contractor’s Facility with Outdoor Storage and Outdoor

Operations as a Special Use in the B-4, General Business Zoning District with the following waivers:

Part A: A waiver for a side yard of 0 feet in lieu of the minimum required 10 feet as per Section 5.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Part B: A waiver for a rear yard of 0 feet in lieu of the minimum required 20 feet as per Section 5.3 of the Zoning Ordinance.

Location: A 2.13-acre tract comprised of Lots 4 and 5 of Van Winkle Subdivision in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33 of Township 20 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Somer Township and commonly known as the contractor business A1 Pavement Maintenance, 3809 North Cunningham Avenue, Urbana, Illinois.

Cases 830-AM-16 and 831-S-16: (Petitioners cannot be present at meeting and request continuance) Petitioner: Traci Lipps and Victor Fuentes, d.b.a. Lipps Family Inc., d.b.a Willow Creek Farm

Case 830-AM-16: Request: Amend the Zoning Map to change the zoning district designation from the AG-1 Agriculture Zoning District to the AG-2 Agriculture Zoning District in order to operate the proposed Special Use in related Zoning Case 831-S-16 on the subject property described below: *

Case 831-S-16: Request: Authorize the remodeling of existing farm buildings for the establishment and use of an Event Center as a combination “Private Indoor Recreational Development” and “Outdoor Commercial Enterprise” as a Special Use on land that is proposed to be rezoned to the AG-2 Agriculture Zoning District from the current AG-1 Agriculture Zoning District in related zoning case 830-AM-16 on the subject property described below:

Location: A 37-acre tract in Somer Township in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36 of Township 20 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian and commonly known as the farmstead located at 1766 CR 1850N, Urbana.

6. New Public Hearings

Cases 850-V-16 and 851-V-16: Petitioner: Wayne Schwaiger, d.b.a. Reflections Holdings, LLC

Request: Authorize the following in the CR Conservation Recreation Zoning District: *

Case 850-V-16: Authorize a variance for a proposed division of a lot 4.02 acres in area in lieu of the minimum required lot area of 5 acres; and * Case 851-V-16: Authorize a variance for a setback of 44 feet from street centerline and a front yard of 3 feet in lieu of the minimum required setback from street centerline of 55 feet and minimum required front yard of 25 feet for the north 260.15 feet of the subject property.

Location: A 4.02-acre tract in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 20 North, Range7 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Mahomet Township and commonly known as the residence at 2006 CR 125E, Mahomet.

7. Staff Report

8. Other Business

A. Review of Docket

9. Audience Participation with respect to matters other than cases pending before the Board

10. Adjournment

Administrative Hearing. Cross Examination allowed.