The trustees heard that trees have been planted north/west of the ball field. | File photo
The trustees heard that trees have been planted north/west of the ball field. | File photo
The Village of Gifford Board of Trustees met May 5 to seek candidates for the zoning board.
The board of trustees provides oversight, guidance and governance for the village of Gifford.
Here are the meeting's minutes as provided by the village:
Regular Meeting May 5, 2016
The Village Board of Trustees met at 7:00 p.m. in the Gifford Village Building, to hold their regular monthly
meeting. Officers and Trustees present were President Ackerman, Clerk Baker, and Trustees Carpenter, Ehler,
Jones, McFadden, Pannbacker and Severins. Water/Maintenance Childress, Zoning Marshall Huls and Treasurer
Christie Huls also present. Police Chief Weary absent.
Pledge of Allegiance and roll call.
Guests were Philip Kisubiks (Rantoul Press), Gregory Crowe (MSA), Angie and Jeremy Crawford and Cindy
Marshall Huls said they were short 3 people on the zoning board; they are still looking to fill the board. Ordinances
have been questioned, looking for copies of ordinances. A book of ordinances was found after this meeting
Angie and Jeremy Crawford were present to question a possible broken tile south of their home and needing
someone to find the problem and get it fixed. They are running 3 pumps at this time to keep water out of their crawl
space. Childress will call Kalin to look into the situation and figure out what needs to be done.
Gregory Crowe was present from MSA with updates. See attached.
Trustee McFadden made a motion to accept the water tower demo from Iseler Demolition Inc. It was seconded by
Trustee Severins. All Trustees concurred in a roll call vote (6 yes and 0 no).
Childress has taken more samples for nitrates, waiting now on a letter from EPA about specifics for bioreactor.
Each Trustee and Officer had been furnished printed copies of the minutes of the last regular meeting of April 7,
2016 and the budget meeting of April 21, 2016, Trustee Jones made a motion to dispense with the reading of the
minutes. It was seconded by Trustee Ehler. All trustees concurred in a roll call vote (6 yes, 0 no). Trustee Jones
made a motion to accept the minutes as read. It was seconded by Trustee Pannbacker. All trustees concurred in a
roll call vote (6 yes, 0 no).
Each Trustee and Officer had been furnished printed copies of the bills to be considered for payment, Trustee
Pannbacker made a motion to dispense with the reading of the bills. It was seconded by Trustee McFadden. All
Trustees concurred in a roll call vote (6 yes, 0 no). Trustee Jones made a motion to pay the bills. It was seconded
by Trustee Severins. All Trustees concurred in a roll call vote (6 yes, 0 no).
Each Trustee and Officer had been furnished printed copies of the Treasurer’s Report, Trustee Pannbacker made a
motion to dispense with the reading of the Treasurer’s Report, except for the summary. It was seconded by Trustee
Jones. All Trustees concurred in a roll call vote (6 yes, 0 no). The starting balance in Village accounts as of April,
2016 was $783,313.73. Total money received for the month of April, 2016 was $52,459.41, plus $8.72 interest from
CD#15399 and $10.55 interest from CD#8170. Total expenses for the month were $47,199.66, leaving a balance on
April 30, 2016 of $788,592.75. The balance in the Disaster Recovery Fund as of April 30, 2016 was $873.21;
money received $00.00 and paid out $00.00. The balance in the Tornado/Tower Construction Fund as of April 30,
2016 was $00.00; money received $1,143.25 and paid out $1,143.25. The balance in the IDOT Construction Fund
as of April 30, 2016 was $79,565.63; money received $00.00 and paid out $00.00.
Chief Weary was absent. In investigative matters there were __ incidents, __ reports and _ arrests. In traffic matters
there were __ incidents, __ warnings, _ citations and _ arrests.
Activity for the month of April, 2016. Total gallons of water pumped were 2,147,000 gallons. The average daily
consumption of water for the month was 71,566 gallons. Childress reported he tapped in two new water services at
Eagle Prairie sub-division, had to jet an 8 inch tile on South New St. and installed a catch basin on same line.
Replaced a broken shut-off valve on high service pump number 2 at water plant, replaced both batteries on new
generator at water plant, which were covered under warranty. Put up several new stop signs and street signs, dug up
water line at Park and replaced line to drinking fountain right along Park St. Had a meeting with Rural
Development and walked them through our new offices and board room, they also visited the water plant. Prepared
and put in Rantoul Press Consumer Confidence Reports as directed by the EPA, which has to be done every year at
this time. Backwashed all pressure filters at pump house, logged all water bill receipts and made all deposits. Read
all water meters and remotes, sent out 12 letters for non-payment of water and sewer bills and discontinued 1 service
for non-payment.
Trustee Pannbacker said a stop sign was replaced on Eiler Dr.
Trustee Ehler said the village needs to make Crawford’s water issue at their residence a priority. Kalin is to do
grading and seeding on Main and Park St.
Trustee Severins reported two of three street lights back on, the third will be fixed after payment. Light has also
been fixed across from the Fire Department and 1 light is out on Eiler Dr. He also reported 37 golf carts are now
registered and he would like the Rantoul Press to put a reminder in about renewal stickers.
Trustee Carpenter reported that June 18, 2016 will be dump day from 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
Trustee McFadden reported about the park, trees have been planted north/west of the ball field. The basketball poles
have also been installed.
Trustee Jones brought up and wanted discussion about properties in town that are not being taken care of.
Trustee Jones made a motion to hire Andrew Bequette to help legally in the process for letters first and the n notices
to appear in court regarding failure to follow the village ordinances. It was seconded by Trustee Ehler. All Trustees
concurred in a roll call vote (6 yes and 0 no).
Trustee Pannbacker made a motion to approve the 2017 budget as presented. It was seconded by Trustee Ehler. All
Trustees concurred in a roll call vote (6 yes and 0 no).
Trustee Ehler reported he spoke with the bank about the grant money loan and it can be converted to a long-term
Diane Baker brought up another incident that occurred on 136 in the am during bus pick-up time on Eiler Dr. Area
Disposal, a large garbage truck, left skid marks while trying to stop to avoid hitting a school bus. It ended up going
around the bus with lights and stop sign out on the bus. Numerous vehicles have passed the bus while it has been
stopped at the same location with the lights and stop sign were out on the bus. Incidents have been reported to the
school by village residents, the school wants to be pro-active before something serious occurs. More police
presence in the am on 136 right by Eilers Dr. could help the situation along with more police presence early morning
on 136 with other vehicles exceeding the speed limit of 45. Diane Baker will contact Dave Spicher from IDOT
regarding the speed limit of 45 and see if there is any way to reduce the speed limit further or other options.
Trustee Carpenter moved the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Trustee Ehler. All Trustees concurred in a
voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m.
Approved this 2nd day of June, 2016 _______________________