The village participated in a countywide recycling event at Parkland College. | File photo
The village participated in a countywide recycling event at Parkland College. | File photo
The village of Sidney Board of Trustees met May 2 to consider the formation of a zoning board.
The Sidney Board of Trustees serves as the legislative body of the community.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the village:
The Sidney Village Board met on the above date for the regular monthly meeting. President White called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. The following trustees were present: Arrasmith, Roberts, Finn, McCloud, Cokley, and Schluter. Village Clerk Moore, Supervisor of Operations Bennett, Treasurer Reinhart, and Attorney Hendren were also present.
Trustee McCloud moved that the minutes of the April 4, 2016, Board of Trustees meeting and the special session on April 18, 2016, be approved. Trustee Finn seconded the motion. The motion carried with all ayes on a roll call vote.
Mark Catron asked if the Board wanted a zoning board. He said he thought there was a need for it. There could also be a planning commission but the two could be merged into one board. President White said that he has wanted a zoning board and a year ago found two volunteers for it. Mr. Catron read from the zoning ordinance of the Village of Sidney that there are seven members and when first started, the appointed members serve one through seven year terms (one for one year, one for two years, etc.) and then are appointed for five years. Mr. Catron had five volunteers for the board: Terry Carrell, Cory Willard, Amber Fonner, Mike Roy, Chuck Jenkins, Bridget Haas, and himself. He submitted the names for acceptance or rejection.
President White said that the first step is to find a paid secretary for the zoning board. Then he thought the Board of Trustees should advertise for any more volunteers. Mr. Catron said that there was an amendment to the original zoning ordinance but that the criteria for membership was not changed. Ann Rhoton questioned whether there were some problems before when the Village had a zoning board. Trustee Finn said that there were some miscommunication problems but basically it worked fine.
The Board decided it needed clarification whether a non-resident can serve on the zoning board for the Village. Attorney Hendren will research the matter. This was in reference in whether a person who lives in the ETJ (extra-territorial jurisdiction), the 1 ½ mile limit outside the Village.
Doug Robinson of the Sidney Community Library reported that the new roof is completed on its building. He gave a report and showed a picture of the new signage for the building. Keith Kropp is doing the sign. The bill for the sign, electrical work, and the labor is $1,800. Mr. Robinson, representing the Library Board, asked if the Board would consider paying half the cost. Trustee McCloud moved that the Village pay the full amount, $1,800. Trustee Cokley seconded the motion; motion carried with all ayes.
There will be countywide recycling at Parkland College on May 21, sponsored by the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission. Next year they have lost state funding for this event so are asking municipalities to share in the cost. Sidney's share would be $241. This will be on next month's agenda for a decision.
The Village Board has been invited by SIG to participate in the Sidney Daze parade in July.
The Illinois Department of Revenue is holding workshops on finances. Treasurer Reinhart and President White might go. Trustee Arrasmith moved that the Village pay mileage to and from the event for participants. Trustee McCloud seconded the motion; it passed with all ayes on a roll call vote.
President had no more information on the proposed cell tower.
He had a letter from the United States Department of Agriculture about interest rates on loans for rural communities. The rates are for 40-year loans, interest rates at 1.75, 2.25, and 2.85%, depending on the income level of residents.
Attorney Hendren had nothing to report. He said that a planning commission member can be a resident within the ETJ but that he would have to check on the criteria for a zoning board member.
Trustee Schluter asked if a straw vote could be taken on the Bayview project. Attorney Hendren said that the Village Board should hear all petitions without prejudging so that they should not take a straw vote.
The IEPA, Springfield, laboratory will be doing the water testing for next year at a cost of $2,920.
Dennis Cummins, engineer, reported that all the paperwork is signed for motor fuel tax work and he will send it to the state.
The stop sign at Sunset has not been looked at yet but will be before road work begins.
The financial reports were read by Trustee McCloud. After reading them, Trustee Arrasmith moved that the bills be paid with the addition of $2,920 to the IEPA, Quality Chemical Company Midwest for $400.77, and Orkin for $87.81 and that a bill be sent to Bayview Family Clinic for costs incurred by the Village so far. Trustee Finn seconded the motion. The motion carried with all ayes on a roll call vote.
No further report on codification
Trustee Finn, President White, and Supervisor Bennett met with Dennis Cummins, engineer, for the N. Scarborough project. The plans are done and have been sent to President White. D. J. Stewart has given a ball park figure of $70,000 to complete the project and will give a formal quote when he receives the plans. Trustee Finn moved that the Village authorize the expenditure of up to $70,000 for the repair of culverts on N. Scarborough. Trustee McCloud seconded the motion. The roll call vote was five ayes and one abstention (Trustee Schluter). The motion carried.
Trustee Schluter reported that people are still parking on the James Street ignoring the no parking signs on one side of the street, and he asked what can be done. This was passed as an ordinance (2015-5), so the County Sheriff's Department can be called to enforce it.
2,765,703 gallons of water were pumped in April with a daily average of 92,190 gallons.
$29,617.29 was received in April with $9,829.53 in sewer planning money. 91 penalty bills were sent.
One building permit was issued in April: permit #689, fence, 303 E. Byron, $50.
Nothing to report on the building or ESDA
Trustee Arrasmith said that there are several trees that need to come down, mostly on Main Street, but that the tree budget is running short. He was directed to get quotes on the work and to prioritize which trees are worst.
Trustee Cokley has a signed contract with Brian Bailey to run the concession stand. Mr. Bailey has his license now.
In fifteen days the fund raiser will be over, and the funds will be used to improve the ball park. Some plans for the money are:
replace batting cage next year
new seating for the dugouts, to be done this year
scoreboard – all the lettering has been redone by Keith Kropp. That scoreboard will be moved to the small diamond and a new digital one will be bought for the big diamond.
Three loads of rock (Earl to get this.)
New bleachers are in the long term plan.
Trustee Cokley will look at the other parks to see what they need. Pea gravel is needed at all the parks and the merry-go-round at the Lions Club Park needs replacing.
The web page has been updated.
Trustee McCloud moved that the Board go into closed session for the purpose of discussing personnel and that Supervisor Bennett be included. Trustee Arrasmith seconded the motion; motion carried with all ayes on a roll call vote.
The Board came out of closed session at 8:40 PM. Trustee McCloud moved that the Board of Trustees hire Logan Snodgrass for the position of summer help. Trustee Finn seconded the motion; the motion carried with all ayes on a roll call vote.
Trustee Arrasmith moved that the meeting be adjourned. Trustee McCloud seconded the motion; motion carried with all ayes on a roll call vote. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
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Carol Moore, Village Clerk Date Approved