Illinois State Senate District 51
Recent News About Illinois State Senate District 51
Sen Rose: ‘It’s incredible to me that Illinois would order a police officer to disregard the clear smell of cannabis’
Illinois State Senator Chapin Rose has expressed strong opposition to a proposed bill that would prevent police from stopping or searching vehicles based solely on the smell of cannabis.
State Senator Chapin Rose: 'Lawrenceville can be proud of these kids!'
State Senator Chapin Rose of Illinois State Senate District 51 recently expressed his support for students in the Lawrenceville High School Fire Science Class.
ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 51: Statement on mitigation measures for Region 6
Senator Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) released the following statement regarding Illinois Governor JB Pritzker ordering mitigation measures for IDPH Region 6.
With the November election just around the corner, voting by mail remains an option for voters to cast their ballot prior to Election Day.
ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 51: Upbeat Harvest Underway for Most of Illinois
While many Illinois industries are still struggling with the COVID economy, the state’s ag sector is having a mostly positive harvest.
ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 51: Motorists Reminded to Watch for Deer
Motorists Reminded to Watch for Deer (District 51) As Illinois enters into the peak season for deer-vehicle crashes, motorists are reminded to be on the lookout for deer on the roadways.
ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 51: Application Process Open for Second Round of Business Interruption Grants
The second round of the Business Interruption Grant (BIG) Program is now open.
ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 51: Rose urges Governor to reopen unemployment offices
Senator Rose officially asked Governor Pritzker to reopen the state's unemployment offices to deal with ongoing issues with the system.
The Illinois Department of Employment Security has announced they are taking steps to crack down on fraud schemes involving the state’s federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) programs.
ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 51: Statement on corruption investigation news
Senator Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) released the following statement on today’s news regarding corruption investigations.
ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 51: Governor cancels both state fairs
Governor Pritzker announced that he was issuing an executive order to cancel both of the Illinois State Fairs which are held annually in Springfield and Du Quoin.
ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 51: Senator Rose secures $3.8 million for first step toward clean water to homes affected by People's Gas Contamination of the Mahomet Aquifer
Senator Rose secures $3.8 million for first step toward clean water to homes affected by People's Gas Contamination of the Mahomet Aquifer!
ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 51: Rose and local officials address state's COVID-19 response
Senator Rose has been meeting with local leaders from across the 10 counties that make up the 51st Senate District and collecting their feedback on the state's COVID-19 response efforts.
ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 51: Boating & Fishing Guidelines
Governor J.B. Pritzker’s Stay at Home Order permits Illinois residents to leave their residence to perform essential activities, including boating and fishing, so long as residents comply with these guidelines.
From Macon Reporter
ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 51: Senator Rose on IDNR's Action to Add to the List of Reopened State Parks
"I want local citizens to be aware that IDNR has finally added to their list of open facilities in the 51st District.
ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 51: Statement on extension of stay-at-home order
Senator Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) released the following statement after Illinois Governor JB Pritzker announced the extension of his stay-at-home order through the month of May.
Under the CARES Act, those who are unable to work, or who are working reduced hours because of COVID-19 are eligible to receive unemployment benefits.
ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 51: Illinois State Police release emergency rules for FOID card holders
Illinois State Police issued new emergency rules to help firearm owners with expired Firearm Owner Identification (FOID) cards.
From East Central Reporter
ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 51: Small Business Assistance Roundup
A new fund has been established to provide loans to Illinois businesses experiencing hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic.
From East Central Reporter
ILLINOIS STATE SENATE DISTRICT 51: Coronavirus update 3-19
Small Business As small businesses and restaurants across the state continue to feel the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis, new assistance measures have been put in place to provide relief to Illinois' small business community.