Robert Williams, Alderperson | City of Danville
Robert Williams, Alderperson | City of Danville
City of Danville Board of Fire & Police Commissioners will meet Jan. 7
Here is the agenda provided by the commissioners:
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Public Input
VI. Mayor’s Comments New Fire and Police board member
VII. Chairman's Comments
VIII. Commissioner’s Comments.
IX. Police Department - Police Chief Yates.
1. Information
2. Requesting the PEL signed
3. Discussion for potential edition of Employee Contract
X. Fire Department - Fire Chief Marcott
1. Two new hires (closed session)
2. Information
XI. Corporate Counsel
XII. Closed session under Section (2c) (1) and 2(c)(2) of the Open Meetings Act – Two new hires
XIII. Return to Open session
XIV. Adjourn Meeting