Robert Williams, Alderperson | City of Danville
Robert Williams, Alderperson | City of Danville
City of Danville Public Services Committee met Aug. 27
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Chairman Strebing called the Public Services Committee meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Robert E. Jones Municipal Building, 17 W. Main Street, Danville, Illinois 61832.
Roll Call was answered by Chairman Rick Strebing, Vice Chairman Sherry Pickering, Aldermen Jon Cooper, Eve Ludwig, Tricia Teague, Robert Williams, and Darren York. A quorum was present.
Others in Attendance: Aldermen Ed Butler, Bob Iverson, and Carolyn Wands, City Clerk Lisa Monson, Community Relations Administrator Rheanna Ollis, Community Development Administrator Logan Cronk, Comptroller Alyssa Sweeten, Corporation Counsel Leon Parker, Fire Chief Aaron Marcott, Human Relations Sandra Finch, IT Chief Technology Officer Agnel DSilva, IT Assistant Suheel Rather, Police Chief Chris Yates, Public Works Director Dave Ruwe, and Treasurer Chris Heeren.
There were 3 audience members and 2 news media in attendance.
Chairman Strebing presented the minutes of the regular meeting of July 23, 2024. Alderman Ludwig moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Vice Chairman Pickering. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.
Chairman Strebing presented the agenda asked for approval of agenda as presented. Alderman York moved for approval as amended, seconded by Vice Chairman Pickering. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.
#4 AUDIENCE COMMENTS - none presented.
#5 CHAIRMAN'S COMMENTS - none reported.
Chairman Strebing presented Payrolls for August 23, 2024, of $720,706.22, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Vice Chairman Pickering. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Pickering, Ludwig, Strebing
Nays: None
Motion carried 7 to 0.
Chairman Strebing presented the Schedule of Vouchers Payable for the special run of August 22, 2024, of $143,294.50, and regular run of August 27, 2024, of $1,688,301.83, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman York. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Williams, York, Cooper, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Strebing
Nays: None
Motion carried 7 to 0.
#8 CITY CLERK'S REPORT - Lisa Monson, City Clerk
#8-A) Items of Information
● CitizenServe business licensing software went live on August 5, 2024. The office is working through the glitches as is common with new software.
● Working with departments on record management and hope to receive records disposal sheets from the departments soon so they can be sent to the Illinois State Archives for approval.
#9 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Rheanna Ollis, Community Relations Administrator
● Vermilion River Fall Festival -We have successfully filled all spots for this year's festival, featuring over 100 vendors and three bands!
● Community Connection Appearance - Terra Barrett from Public Works and she were featured on Community Connection, discussing upcoming Public Works projects and winter road preparations. She also facilitated a connection between White Smith Marketing Group, which produces "Inside Vermilion County," and Director Ruwe. Look out for an upcoming feature on the vital work of Public Works.
● Live Broadcast - On Friday, August 16th, Comptroller Sweeten and she conducted a live broadcast to highlight the finance team's efforts and introduce our new Comptroller.
● Online Rental Complaints Form - She has developed an online form for rental complaints to streamline access for citizens and improve documentation for Code Enforcement.
● Public Works Rebrand Briefing - She met with Public Works to explain the rebranding efforts, including updates to vehicles and signage to reflect the new logo.
● Neighborhood Association Meeting - She discussed the Neighborhood Association Matching Grant Program and other City updates with the Lincoln Park Historical Neighborhood Association.
● Grant Review Process - She has created a rubric and budgeting sheet, and established a committee to review incoming grants. We aim to award a grant by September.
● City Banners Collaboration - She is working on a collaboration with Ameren to install City of Danville banners throughout the city that align with the new rebrand.
● DMT Collaboration - She met with DMT to plan future collaborations and worked on creating a Night of Lights and Glow 5k run route that integrates with existing bus routes.
● Kiwanis Group Presentation - She spoke at a local Kiwanis meeting about City developments and introduced the new CORA team.
● Ongoing Tasks - Continued focus on regular weekly responsibilities.
Community Relations Coordinator:
● Taste and Style of Danville - Caleb successfully hosted another great event, Taste and Style of Danville. This event highlighted multiple local fashion businesses and featured DACC cheerleaders as models, thanks to Sharda Pascal's coordination. We also showcased a variety of local food trucks, offering a taste of what Danville has to offer.
● Upcoming Artisan Table and Market - Caleb is now preparing for the Artisan Table and Market on September 6, 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
● Event Planning - Caleb is currently working on planning the Glow 5k for October and the Night of Lights Parade for December, ensuring both events will be well-organized and enjoyable. Social Media Growth - Our Facebook page continues to grow steadily, now boasting over 5,000 followers and 3,000 likes.
● Volunteer and Vendor Management - Caleb has been effectively managing volunteers and vendors for our events, while also building valuable relationships within the community.
● Coordinator Transition - Caleb is smoothly transitioning into his coordinator role, handling live radio. spots independently and maintaining strong communication with Downtown businesses
Community Relation Professional Intern:
● Graphic Design Excellence - Lindsey has excelled in designing graphics for key events, including First Fridays, the Vermilion River Fall Festival, and Neighborhood Association postcards.
● Building Business Connections - Lindsey is actively establishing connections with downtown businesses and various vendors, enhancing our network and partnerships.
● Administrative Support - Lindsey has been handling essential administrative tasks such as entering vendor information for the fall festival, coordinating food truck insurance, distributing flyers, and providing overall support to Caleb and Rheanna.
The Community Relations Department is actively enhancing our First Fridays events, securing sponsors, and increasing community engagement. We are achieving this through speaking engagements with various organizations and extending invitations for their participation. Additionally, we are advancing our rebranding campaign, ensuring it resonates not only with the public but also across different City divisions and departments.
#10) FINANCE - Alyssa Sweeten, Comptroller
#10-A) Items of Information.
The Risk Management monthly report included the July 2024 Statistics for BC/BS & Health Alliance Insurance Premiums for employees, firefighter and police duty disabilities and health incentive retirees that totaled $314,522.00, for retirees $38,107.30, for Library Employees $21,581.00; July Worker's Compensation totaled 8, with 7 Liability claims submitted. Health premiums in July 2024 totaled $374,210.30 compared to health premiums for July 2023 that totaled $345,312.90.
The monthly Personnel Report as of August 27, 2024, included 268 employees eligible for benefits and 57 part-time/seasonal/temporary/intern employees, with 2 new hires, 7 separations, and 2 transfers/promotions. Applications are being accepted for Assistant Corporation Counsel, City Engineer, Executive Assistant to the Mayor, Mass Transit Mechanic, Mass Transit Full-Time Utility Worker, Operations Manager-Public Works, Police Mechanic, Part-Time, Police Officers, Rehabilitation Technician, Treasurer's Assistant, Part-Time, and Extra Board Bus Drivers, which are on-going.
#10-A-3) Other Items of Information
Comptroller Sweeten stated she did not have many items of information as she is still trying to get up to speed. Alderman Teague requested the continuation of a report previously emailed to the Council called "Budget Performance Report". She asked that the report be included with the Public Services agenda so discussion can take place publicly. Comptroller Sweeten asked Alderman Teague to email her the last report she received and she will start including it on the Public Services Committee agenda for review.
#11) FIRE - Aaron Marcott, Fire Chief
#11-A) Chairman Strebing presented a resolution Authorizing the Sale of 1992 Pierce Dash Fire Apparatus- Engine 19; VIN #4P1CT02S1XA001106 as the Fire Division has purchased a 2024 Ferrara Cinder Customer Apparatus as a replacement, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Ludwig. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen York, Cooper, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, Strebing Nays: None
Motion carried 7 to 0.
#11-B) Chairman Strebing presented a resolution Approving Application to Apply for FY2025 Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshall (OSFM) Small Equipment Grant Program worth not more than $26,0000, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Vice Chairman Pickering. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Cooper, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Strebing
Nays: None
Motion carried 7 to 0.
#11-C) Chairman Strebing presented a resolution Approving Application to Apply for FY2025 Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal (OSFM) Fire Station Construction and Rehabilitation Grant estimated to be worth no more than $350,000, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman York. Alderman Williams questioned where this is going to be located. Chief Marcott responded the grant is kind of preemptive and this is the first time the State Fire Marshal has ever released it. They have had it approved for years, but they've never actually funded the program. Most fire grants are due October 1st, so the rules were just received, and we will review those and see where it may apply to us should we proceed with the fire stations or anything like that. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: Ayes: Aldermen Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Strebing
Nays: None
Motion carried 7 to 0.
#11-D-1) Fire Chief Monthly Status Report
- Total Incidents Year to Date (YTD) 2,973 with 64 Structure Fires YTD, 1,925 EMS Responses, 121 Calls for Service, and 140 False Alarms.
- Total Fire Incidents (Non-Structure) YTD 141 with 123 Hazardous Conditions, 397 Good Intent, and 0 Other
- Sharp increase in calls for service the previous month. The past year average was 350 calls per month; however, during the past three months the average is a little over 400 calls per month. The previous month, the Fire Division responded to 500 calls for service with most in emergency medical calls with heath related emergencies the reason for some of the calls.
- Equipment Upgrades the last month included: several hundred feet of replacement fire hose purchased and placed into service; a portable Honda generator was purchased to replace an older defective generator. The fire department also purchased the year's supply of Fire Prevention Materials, as Fire Prevention Month will be in October.
- Firefighter Lucio-Torres became the first Danville fire fighter to attend the National Academy Fire Investigator Program and was one of only a few firefighters in the entire country selected to attend this training. The training was fully paid by the NFA and was an exciting development we hope to utilize more in the future for expanding our training. Firefighter Torres has now been made a part of our own Fire Investigation Team.
- Four officers of the Danville Fire Department recently completed NIMS 300 and 400, Incident Command training for large scale incidents. Eight members of the department attended a Live Fire Training Instructor program, paving the way for the fire department, in cooperation with other surrounding agencies and fire departments, the ability to conduct live fire training on dilapidated structures and ultimately the removal of those structures. Assistant Chief Sparks, Firefighter M. Pasley and Chaplain Rod Godley attended a Peer Support for Emergency Responders course, hopefully, bringing mental issues awareness to our members.
- Annual ground and aerial ladder testing were conducted.
- Oral interviews will be completed this week for new recruits and certifying a new list of candidates for appointment to the Fire Department. Currently the Fire Department has one opening to be filled upon certification of the new list.
- Fire Lt. Tim McFadden has retired from the Fire Department after 23 years of service. Lt. McFadden was a paramedic in Danville before becoming a Danville Firefighter. He has been hired to serve as Fire Inspector and will begin his role on Wednesday, August 21, 2024.
- Upcoming Events for August 22, 2024 through September 18, 2024 include:
✷ SCBA Cornerstone Class, September 3-5;
✷ Technical Rescue Training, September 2-9-16;
✷ Basic Water Rescue Class, September 18-19-20.
✷ Attributes of Leading Class on July 30 through August 1, 2024
Chief Marcott reported so the good news is, is one of the reasons I asked to sell Engine 19 is because our two fire trucks left this morning and are in route here so fingers crossed it will actually happen in the next few days. He stated they have one little stop in Springfield and then they should be with it here within a few days, we'll go meet them in Springfield when they arrive there and go through one more time. The recruit testing was completed and with 37 people on the list.
#12 HUMAN RELATIONS - Sandra Finch, Administrator
#12-A-1) Monthly Status Report
● New Complaints for the period of July 16, 2024, through August 19, 2024, the office handled 13 complaints, which consisted of 1 police complaints (closed: 1); 0 employment complaints; 1 complaint against city employees (closed: 1); 3 housing complaints (closed: 3); and 1 public accommodation complaint (closed: 1). Status of Open Cases since Last Month's Report: 1 police complaint; 3 employment complaints (closed: 1); 1 complaint against city employees (closed: 1); 2 housing complaints (closed: 2); and 0 public accommodation complaints.
● Administrator Finch announced there will be a landlord tenant informational meeting for September 19, 2024 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Alderman Pickering and Vice Mayor Teague will be meeting with Administrator Finch on Friday, August 30th to discuss the informational meeting. It is not going to be a meeting where you come and file a complaint against your landlord. We are going to offer some information on what they need to do when they have certain issues come up.
# 13 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - Agnel DSilva, Chief Technology Officer
#13-A) Chairman Strebing presented a resolution Authorizing Backup System Upgrade for the Information Technology Division (020) with Kaseya, company who acquired the existing contract from SHI International, for a three-year agreement for onsite and cloud backup system in the amount of $46,418.40 to be annually from line item 001-020-00-52009 - Computer Service and Support, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Teague. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: Ayes: Aldermen Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Pickering, Strebing Nays: None
Motion carried 7 to 0.
#13-B-1) Items of Information
The monthly status report included the following items:
○ Report It redesign and upgrade continuing progress.
○ Report It trouble shooting and application management.
○ Tree application design for planting locations.
○ Tree application custom scripting for tree tabulations.
○ Code violations custom scripting for record processing.
○ Updating content on Lincoln Park History District application.
○ Inputting sanitary sewer inspection records.
○ Designing the central GIS hub site.
○ Released new Property Maintenance and Code Enforcement application.
○ Released design of Solid Waste Extra Collections app solution.
● Others
○ Assisting various divisions with their technology needs.
○ Updated ERP system.
○ Completed IT asset inventory.
○ Replacing old computers.
○ CitizenServ went live on August 5th.
○ Working on cashiering system upgrades with Finance.
○ Working on data-center upgrades and server consolidation.
○ Updating and patching all endpoints devices.
○ Monitoring backup systems.
○ Working on technology upgrades at DPD and DMT.
○ Working on Street Camera project.
○ Continuously monitoring cyber threats.
Chairman Strebing questioned how the IT staff is doing with all of the cyber issues occurring and Administrator DSilva responded we're trying to keep up and doing our best to reduce the risk to an acceptable level and it's an ongoing thing. He voiced appreciation to the employees and aldermen who have been good at spotting phishing emails and trying to report those right away. He feels the training is paying off and it's been a small investment. The cyber attacks are stepping up and see them day-to-day, but we monitor with several layers of security that monitor different things. So we kind of overlap those layers because if this system doesn't there is another system that can catch those events. He voiced appreciation for the Council's support for the services we use from cyber vendors, but we evaluate and reevaluate those every year to see if there's new solutions and try to implement those on our systems. Alderman Williams questioned if there are any precautions taking place for the upcoming elections. Officer DSilva responded not within the City of Danville, but at the Vermilion County level, yes, and the he believes the State of Illinois is working with the county IT offices trying to make sure their systems are secure. The systems that they use for the elections in
and all the infrastructure is in place, but we are getting updates on those as well, so that we are aware of what's going on if there are any new attacks that are going on.
#14 LEGAL - Leon Parker, Corporation Counsel
#14-A) Items of Information - Monthly Report
- The statistical report for August 2024 was provided in the agenda packet. There was no discussion or questions pertaining to the report.
- Alderman Teague questioned the link to the City's website on page 2 of the report as she went to the link and received a 404 error and the page cannot be found. Counsel Park stated he will take a look at that and make sure that link is operational. Alderman Teague would like to see FAQ on the webpage. Administrator Olllis shared there are FAQ's on the website under property maintenance and code enforcement under the legal division. 00:25:39 Administrator Ollis stated she can update it to make sure that that page is specifically more accessible and you know a little bit more front facing and she can also work with Corporation Counsel Parker to make sure that everything on that site is updated, so when we share information with the public, it's easy to access and available for.
#15 POLICE - Chris Yates, Police Chief
#15-A) Chairman Strebing presented a resolution Accepting an Award from the Office of the Illinois Attorney General (OIAG) in the amount of $30,000.00 for the purchase and installation of surveillance cameras to promote safety and combat organized retail criminal activity, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Vice Chairman Pickering. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Pickering, Ludwig, Strebing
Nays: None
Motion carried 7 to 0.
#15-B) Chairman Strebing presented a resolution Authorizing Budget Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2024- 2025, Police (021) Budget to increase line items 001-021-00-54099 Other Expenditures by $32,000 with funds to come from the General Fund reserves, moved to dispense with the reading, and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Ludwig. Alderman Cooper questioned the amount of $32,000. Chief Yates explained we originally applied for $60,000 and received $30,000 but decided to add an extra $2,000 for additional fees such as mounting accessories, parts, and equipment installation and the $32,000 is what we don't have covered by the grant. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: Ayes: Aldermen Williams, York, Cooper, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Strebing
Nays: None
Motion carried 7 to 0.
#15-C) Items of Information
#15-C-1) Monthly Report
- Three graduated from Police Training Institute (PTI).
- Probationary Police Officer Jose Munoz will be sworn in on August 23, 2024 and he will be going to PTI on September 3rd. We are excited about bringing him on the team.
- The training center has been busy. We've been able to host Vermilion County and partner with Vermilion County Sheriff's Office out of Indiana and be able to provide them with some de-escalation and dealing with mental health and other training through our VR systems and at the training center. Other smaller departments have been brought in to when we have open seats so they can cross train with us, understand our tactics and the way we deal with certain circumstances, especially whenever there's a need for mutual aid or jurisdictional change.
- Summer events are ending at the youth training facility at Friendly Town. There were around 550 children that have been served through there. There was an event last weekend for a lifelong resident of Danville that contributed not just for Danville and Vermilion County area, but also for our country, as a World War II veteran.
- Crime Intel Analyst position has already paid dividends in advancing our investigative capabilities. as well as manpower such as resource allocation, manpower, where we're putting different people in different ways and seeing different trends that we're seeing. It is definitely a move in the right direction as far as how we're going to advance and deal with different challenges.
- The grant that was just approved is some of the first steps of developing the future of a real foundation of real time crime center that's going to help us to help the community keep them safer. It is not an overnight process, but we're laying the foundation for it.
#16 PUBLIC WORKS - Dave Ruwe, Director
#16-A) Chairman Strebing presented an ordinance Approving Purchase of Real Estate for Community Improvement at 706 Kimber St. from line item $35,000 (Purchase: $30,000 & Relocation: $5,000) - Fund 107 (Infrastructure Development) - 55064 (Economic Development), moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Teague. Alderman Cooper stated this property is not in the general area we have been working in so what is the purpose of the property purchase. Administrator Cronk responded the property is just north of the tracks in the area. Alderman Cooper questioned the $5,000 relocation costs and Administrator Cronk explained probably on 50% of the properties that are tenant occupied, we offer relocation assistance to all landlords and that is up to them to reach out to their tenant and negotiate that deal with them. Alderman Cooper questioned if the City is close to finishing that up and Administrator Cronk responded in this particular area, this is the last one. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen York, Cooper, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, Strebing
Nays: None
Motion carried 7 to 0.
#16-B) Chairman Strebing presented a resolution Awarding the Contract for Bid # 757 Dines Machine and Manufacturing Relocation and Amending the Community Reinvestment (310) and E. Voorhees St. (121) Budgets with fund for renovation and relocation shall be split between Community Reinvestment Fund 310 line item 310-310-00-54172 at $1,215,475; TIF - E. Voorhees - Fund 121 line item 121-121-00-54046 at $230,000; and Sewer - Fund 402 line item 402-402-00-55018 at $50,000 and amend FY 24-25 Budget to transfer funds from Fund 107 Reserves to line item 310-310-00-54172 in the amount of $1,400,000 and transfer funds from 121 Reserves to line item 121-121-00-54046 in the amount of $230,000, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Vice Chairman Pickering. Alderman Cooper questioned if we are over budget and Administrator Cronk responded we are not over budget and the amount is exactly what the consultant had predicted, that the average cost would come back for this relocation $1.5 million. They nailed it right on the head. The initial budget and 2022, we're about 100 to $200,000 over. Budget, but that was on property acquisition that we went over. I think we've done pretty good. That was really. first, property acquisition strategy with this staff at the City of Danville, so we had no idea what it was going to cost to acquire all those houses around Garfield Park. So overall, I think we've done a pretty good job of staying pretty close to what our original budget was. The reason you see the budget amendment coming from fund 107 back to 310 is not because it wasn't budgeted for. It was the original funds that were allocated into the 310 budget in 2022. If they're not expensed or encumbered, they go back into fund 107. So, we're just going back and retrieving the funds that were lost in that fiscal year. Alderman Cooper asked if there was only one bid submitted and Administrator Cronk stated no, there were two bids submitted and they were they were quite competitive. The other one was just a little over $1.6 million dollars. Alderman Cooper questioned if this is all related to that pool and Administrator Cronk responded yes. Alderman Teague asked about the money coming from Midtown TIF since she knows this is not located in Midtown. Administrator Cronk responded that is a good typo catch and will be changed to Eastern Voorhees TIF district for the City Council meeting agenda. And that is that's a good that's a good typo catch that will be changed for City Council. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Cooper, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Strebing
Nays: None
Motion carried 7 to 0.
#16-C) Chairman Strebing presented a resolution Supporting Vermilion Advantage's Application to Illinois DCEO Economic Empowerment Centers Program Grant and Commitment of Matching Funds authorizing matching funds of up to $20,000 to be paid out of the Community Reinvestment Fund - Community
Investment, line item, 310-310-00-54177, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman York. Alderman Teague shared she will be abstaining from voting on this resolution as her business is involved in this program and these funds won't impact us in any way, but because of that involvement and the potential appearance of conflict she will be abstaining. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:
Ayes: Aldermen Pickering, Ludwig, Williams, York, Cooper, Strebing
Nays: None
Abstention: Alderman Teague
Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 abstention.
#16-D) Items of Information
- Administrator Cronk provided an update on the Sonic and Jimmy John's project. He has spoken to the owner of the franchise recently and the plans arrived today and the civil work is nearing completion. The owner hopes to start civil work and have it mostly completed before winter starts and then in the spring these buildings will probably be constructed and Sonic and Jimmy John's will be open in in 2025.
- Director Ruwe stated a couple weeks ago at the Council meeting we had a gentleman come in with concerns about the sewers out on National Street. He stated public works sent a TV truck out there and we have been through every single sewer in that entire area. There are no apparent issues with the flow of the sewers out there. He called and left a message for that gentleman but has not received a phone call back from him. If there are any residents at all that are experiencing issues, please get a hold of us. Continuing, he stated as a person is experiencing the issue so that we're able to come out and verify that the city lines are down and running based on the complaints that were listed out in the good document that he handed us. Most of those, the way they're described are probably not in the city line issues, but he wanted to make sure and verify. He is not aware of phone calls from any residents in that area since that night.
- Chairman Strebing requested public works spray weeds around the pond near the Golden Nugget Casino before their one-year celebration. Director Ruwe stated he will make sure that gets done.
- Alderman Cooper asked when the pool closes for the season. Director Ruwe responded Sunday, September 1, 2024 will be the final day for the pool this year. When kids went back to school, we wanted to try out what it would look like through the week. We weren't getting a whole lot there towards the start of school anyway. With school starting, we decided with as many lifeguards as it takes to have the pool open and everything, let's just open on the weekends while school's going on. We have had pretty good turnouts over the weekend, so we'll kind of have to assess costs and stuff to make sure that's something we're planning on doing in the future. He just has not ran the numbers yet to really know that it was worth it to do that. Alderman Cooper requested the numbers to give the Council a final tally sheet to get an update on the pool season. Chairman Strebing asked for an update on the parking requested for handicap parking. Director Ruwe stated there will be when we do the park project and we redesign one of the parking lots and get it closer to the front door of the pool. The parking in the gravel area, We are not able to list the parking in the gravel area as handicapped parking because that's not ADA compliant, so there are ADA spots that were not very clearly marked out when the pool opened. We have hung signs there at the right, out in the parking lot right at the gate so those are posted as handicap parking right now.
- Vice Chairman Pickering questioned who is responsible for the grass that grows on the railroad tracks on east Main Street. Director Ruwe responded it is within the railroad right of way that's on the railroad. But if it creates line of sight issues, we can work in conjunction with the railroad if that's something that needs to be done. He will drive by there and look at it.
#17 CLOSED SESSION was not needed.
Alderman Ludwig commended Chief Yates for his work on breathing a new life into the Friendly Town like the event this past weekend when Chief Yates dedicated a small mini version of the Conoco gas station to Norlyn Dossey. She said it was incredible. She suggested to everyone to visit there if you haven't been out there recently. She and her son were there when Friendly Town hosted the mini marathon for the kids, which was really for all of those kids who participated. She thinks Friendly Town has a lot of potential in this community and to share any ideas on events that might be able to be hosted out there.
[The next Public Services Committee meeting will be held Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.]
Chairman Strebing wished everyone a "Happy Labor Day".
There being no further items on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 6:48 p.m. by acclamation after a motion by Alderman Teague, seconded by Alderman Ludwig. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.