
Chambana Sun

Friday, September 20, 2024

City of Danville Public Works Committee met Aug. 13

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Rick Strebing, Alderperson | City of Danville

Rick Strebing, Alderperson | City of Danville

City of Danville Public Works Committee met Aug. 13

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Chairman Mike Puhr called the meeting of the Public Works Committee to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Robert E. Jones Municipal Building, 17 W. Main Street, Danville, Illinois 61832.

Roll Call was answered by Chairman Mike Puhr, Aldermen Mike O’Kane, Jim Poshard, and Carolyn Wands.

Vice Chairman Bob Iverson, Aldermen Ed Butler, and Heidi Wilson were absent. A quorum was present. Vice

Chairman Iverson and Alderman Butler arrived at 6:02 p.m.

Others in Attendance: Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr., Aldermen Sherry Pickering and Tricia Teague, City Clerk Lisa Monson, City Comptroller Alyssa Sweeten, Assistant Engineer Eric Childers, Community Development Administrator Logan Cronk, Planner II Mumuchhu Gurung, Corporation Counsel Leon Parker, Fire Chief Aaron Marcott, IT Assistant Suheel Rather, Public Transportation Director Steve White, and Public Works Director Dave Ruwe.

There were six audience members and two news media in attendance.


Chairman Puhr presented Minutes of the regular meeting of July 9, 2024. Alderman Wands moved for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Poshard. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.


Chairman Puhr presented the agenda. Chairman Puhr announced the removal of Item 10M, Resolution Authorizing a Lease Agreement for a New Streets Sweeper as more information is needed on that before moving forward. Alderman Wands moved for approval as amended, seconded by Alderman Poshard. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.


Betty Seidel of Danville voiced support for the naming of a roadway to Vicki Haugen Way. She met with Mayor Williams and spoke to Vermilion Advantage about having some kind of downtown designation in honor of all the good works of Vicki Haugen. The honorary way location would be where Vicki did most of her good work on behalf of Vermilion County and City of Danville. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has given a lot of accolades to her and there are a lot of articles written about the things she did, especially regarding the work initiative in all the Vermilion County schools to make sure young people were aware of all the opportunities in Danville and the surrounding area so they would consider staying or coming back if they leave the area to attend school. She served almost a decade on the state Economic Development Board under a couple of different governors. She is one of the designees on the Danville High School Wall of Fame and has been recognized by local civic organizations. She and others felt there needed to be something more permanent honorary designation towards all the work that she did to make our community a better place to live.


Chairman Puhr stated Vicki Haugen was a fighter for the community and feels the honorary naming of a roadway is going to be an honor well deserved.


Chairman Puhr presented the Payroll for August 9, 2024, of $731,021.97. Alderman Poshard moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman O’Kane. There being no questions, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Butler, Iverson, O’Kane, Poshard, Wands, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Wilson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.


Chairman Puhr presented the Schedule of Vouchers Payable for August 13, 2024, of $718,341.20 and special run for August 13, 2024, of $53,633.50. Alderman Butler moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Poshard. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Iverson, O’Kane, Poshard, Wands, Butler, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Wilson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#8) LEGAL – Leon Parker, Corporation Counsel

#8-A) Chairman Puhr presented a Resolution Approving the Intergovernmental Agreement for the Demolition of Buildings commonly known as Bresee Tower at 4 N. Vermilion and Vermilion County Courthouse Annex at 6 N. Vermilion Street with payment for the demolition to come from Community Reinvestment Fund, line item 310-310-00-54177, Community Investment budget. Vice Chairman Iverson moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Poshard. Counsel Parker explained the resolution includes an intergovernmental agreement for the city and county providing for the demolition of Bresee Tower and the former Vermilion County Courthouse Annex. The resolution is seeking approval for the agreement to be approved and adopted and granting the mayor and the city clerk authorization to execute it and has been negotiated over some time. Alderman Butler questioned the need for permission to demolish the annex.

Administrator Cronk responded that the whole purpose and summary of this intergovernmental agreement is to have a much more competitive cost of effective bid for the demolition because the tear down of the tower will impact the annex, so the inevitable was to partner with the county, to do a partnered bid, and the agreement explains on how the split will happen and is going to save taxpayer dollars in the long run. Alderman Butler asked if the county will be responsible for funding the demolition and Administrator Cronk stated the county will be responsible for part of the demolition dollars and it will be bid out separately and the bids that we receive by the contractors and the county will be responsible for their portion, which is demolition of the annex building. Discussion ensued on the history of Bresee Tower. Mayor Williams shared he has been working with Mrs. Paula Hurst, president of the DAR to salvage the plaque memorializing the Bresee Tower. Alderman O'Kane questioned a schedule once the agreement is approved. Director Ruwe responded as soon as the agreements are final the project will be going out to bid. The engineering firm has the bid documents ready. There will be a better idea of a time frame for the project completion after the contractor is awarded the project and when the contractor can get the project accomplished with what is already on their schedules. Administrator Cronk shared that is the point of the incentive included in it. Director Ruwe stated local contractors that do house demos are not going to be working on this project. It will be big time demolition contractors, so we must put enough time into the bid that they are able to work this into their schedule and we are able to get more competitive bids. Mayor Williams stated once we have an agreement with the county, it will be put out to bid, folks will have probably between 45 and 60 days to reply and respond to that bid, so we are looking at at least three months before we have whoever is going to do the demolition and then from there, once the bid is awarded, we would have a better timeline. He reminded everyone there is a tremendous amount of asbestos in both buildings so that will take a lot of time to remediate and realistically the building itself probably won't start coming down until late spring or summer. Chairman Puhr stated the boiler has asbestos wrapped around it as well as the piping. Administrator Cronk stated we are not 100 percent sure yet, but there might be some asbestos that cannot be abated until they go down floor by floor so there may be a reason why the demolition will appear to be slow. Mayor Williams shared part of the annex HVAC system in the back building of city hall and Vermilion County will be responsible for the removal of that as well. Alderman O’Kane asked if the Council will vote on the contract after the bids come in. Administrator Cronk stated “yes” once the bids come back, and a contract is being awarded. Chairman Puhr asked if the estimate is $3,000,000 Mayor Williams responded he is hoping the city portion is $3 million dollars and then that would give us a million to address other buildings we have in there, which are two short buildings next to DC Fitness downtown and the old Studio 25 building on Walnut Street as well as the old dry cleaners left by the O’Brien’s. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen O’Kane, Poshard, Wands, Butler, Iverson, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Wilson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#8-B) Items of Information – none presented.

#9) PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION – Steven White, Director

#9-A) Items of Information

#9-A-1) Monthly Report

The Danville Mass Transit Monthly Recap for July 2024, which included Ridership Reports, Monthly Revenue Record, and Ridership History. The total ridership for the month of July was 40,408 and the total revenue for the month of June was $28,667.33.

#9-B) Other Items of Information

• The Triennial Review was completed July 17, 2024. DMT had minimal findings that have all been addressed and resolved.

• CRIS Rural Mass Transit District and DMT will be working with the State to get the Vermilion County Transit Coordination Study completed. The study will identify routes and services that need to be changed due to CRIS being the Vermilion County transit provider.

• Director White reported the DMT contract was ratified on August 11, 2024, so that will be coming to the City Council soon for a vote.

#10) PUBLIC WORKS – David Ruwe, Director

#10-A) Chairman Puhr presented an Ordinance for the Honorary Naming of a Roadway to Vicki Haugen Way to honor the memory of Vicki Haugen in recognition of leadership, commitment and dedication to the growth and development of the City of Danville and the greater Vermilion County with signs on Walnut Street from Main Street to the south and Harrison Street to the north. Alderman Butler moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Wands. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Poshard, Wands, Butler, Iverson, O’Kane, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Wilson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

Chairman Puhr presented Items B and C for a single vote. There being no objections, Alderman Butler moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval, seconded by Vice Chairman Iverson. Those items being:

#10-B) an Ordinance Approving the Purchase of Real Estate for Community Improvement from Good Deeds LLC for 314, 322, 329, 331 Harmon, 406, 411, 415 Grant, 317 Chandler, 312 Robinson, 306 Oak, 222 W. Madison, 116 & 127 Payne; to be paid from Fund 107-line item 107-107-00-55064 at $90,000 and Fund 310 (Community Reinvestment) line item 310-310-00-54173 at $40,000; and

#10-C) an Ordinance Approving the Purchase of Real Estate for Community Improvement of 506 Chandler for $50,000 to be paid from Fund 107 (Infrastructure Development) – 55064 (Economic Development).

There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Wands, Butler, Iverson, O’Kane, Poshard, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Wilson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#10-D) Chairman Puhr presented an Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Estate from Vermilion County Trustee (VCT) for properties gone unsold for more than one year at the VCT property auction for a minimum bid price of $750.00 which together with a recording fee of $50.00 represents an amount that reimburses the Trustee for the closing costs to place the property in the auction for a total amount of $19,150.00 to come from Fund 310-Community Reinvestment 310-310-00-54173. Alderman Poshard moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Butler. Administrator Cronk explained the city received very little notice of when the actual surplus county auction was going to be occurring, which was last night which didn't give the city a sufficient amount of time to bring this resolution for acquisition. Typically, we like to bring the resolution before the auction, but that was not possible at this time. He attended the surplus auction last night. The list included in the resolution are all vacant lots. The county still allows the city to pull the structured properties from the auction entirely. The way that we can make this work is bidding on them and not the signing of a purchase contract. The signature is done after and if City Council approves it for the mayor to sign off on these but, in the spirit of what we've done in the past he attended last night and bid on the vacant lots in our what he calls “target areas corridors”. There are three properties that we were unable to acquire. In the 10 to 15 seconds that they give you to bid on some of the properties, they escalated quite quickly and didn't feel that spending several thousand dollars on a couple of these lots was a good idea. He revised the property listing for final consideration. Vice Chairman Iverson questioned there are structured parcels on the list. Administrator Cronk shared all the structured parcels that are being requested will be purchased and he is asking for approval now, so he does not have to bring the resolution back. We do not have the contract to those and was not required to bid on those last night. Vice Chairman Iverson voiced concern of several parcels being purchased in the last couple of meetings and the city is becoming a property owner and a landlord, but the truth is if we don’t do it, who will? We have to get rid of the blight that we have. He does not want to do it, but does not see any other option. Administrator Cronk stated if somebody could come up with a way to hold property owners liable for not maintaining their properties or not paying their property taxes after the three years and they go to the surplus, I would love to talk to them. Alderman Butler stated he has a concern as well. Administrator Cronk stated the City of Danville had started setting a precedence that no blighted structures will make it to the auction. That is the agreement we have with Vermilion County that the City of Danville has the right to pull those structured properties from the list, so it won't even go to the auction. The only properties that we have to bid on are vacant lots. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Butler, Iverson, O’Kane, Poshard, Wands, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Wilson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#10-E) Chairman Puhr presented an Ordinance Amending Chapter 151, 152, 153, 154, & 165 of the City Code Pertaining to Building Codes. Vice Chairman Iverson moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Poshard. Administrator Cronk explained the plumbing, mechanical, electrical and building codes will be updated from the 2012 to the 2021 versions of the ICC (Illinois Code Council) Code books, which is mostly administrative changes. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Iverson, O’Kane, Poshard, Wands, Butler, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Wilson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

Chairman Puhr presented Items F, G, and H for a single vote. There being no objections, Alderman Poshard moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Butler. Those items being:

#10-F) a Resolution Amending the Purchase Order to Martin Equipment for Repairs to John Deere 544 Cab to increase payment of Purchase Order #2025-00000068 by $3,504.12 for additional charges to be paid from Central Vehicle Maintenance budget line item 001-012-00-53016; and

#10-G) a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a 2023 Light Duty Pickup Truck for the Public Works Department not to exceed $40,000 to be paid from Capital Improvement Fund, Vehicles budget line item 302-302-00-55015; and

#10-H) a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a 2024 Heavy Duty Pickup Truck for the Public Works Department not to exceed $55,000 to be paid from the Capital Improvement Fund, Vehicles budget line item 302-302-00-55015.

There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen O’Kane, Poshard, Wands, Butler, Iverson, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Wilson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#10-I) Chairman Puhr presented a Resolution Amending Matching Funds for Section 319 Grant Funds for Streambank Stabilization within the Lake Vermilion Watershed to increase the required 40% matching commitment estimated at $162,810 to be paid from the Storm and Sanitary Sewer Fund (Fund 402) budget line item 402-402-00-55018 (Infrastructure Improvements). Alderman Poshard moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Butler. Assistant Engineer Childers explained there was a 2021 resolution which approved an application for a Section 319 grant that's simply an IEPA, a Clean Water Act grant for doing streambank restoration for this type of project. The city was partnering with the Vermillion County Soil Water Conservation District and their consultant at the time and the estimate came in for the application was around $130,000 for the work to be done. The work that is going to be done is going to be just north of Poland. Rd. by 5 and 9 Poland Rd. There is extensive bank erosion happening along the stream going through there and coming from Poland Rd. There is an unnamed tributary or ravine that T bones right into this one with a lot of erosion. This is a good opportunity to take section 319 dollars and use that in combination for our matching funds. The matching funds will be approximately $64,000. The plans were just received from the consultant and to do the work that needs to be done the estimate came in around $212,000 so he went back to the consultant and told them the city has a 40% match and was it going be adjusted and they said no, we've only got X amount of dollars because there are about five different projects that are happening under this grant that we piggybacked on, so to speak. When it's all said and done, he told me approximately $79,000 is what we're getting so we obviously are going to exceed the $64,000 match. It was discussed internally, and we felt this is still a good opportunity for us to utilize Section 319 grant funds and not lose it. Because if we deny this, then we're just not going to have that and the project won't go forward unless we want to pony up all the money for this, which hasn't been out for bid either. This is just an engineering cost estimate so based on the latest engineers’ cost estimate we estimated that we would be contributing about $162,810. So, it's about $100,000 more that we would need to add to do this project. So. That's why we're bringing this resolution to public works and to City Council. Director Ruwe stated this is a project that needs to happen just to make sure that we're stabilizing banks and getting a little bit of money to do a project is better than nothing. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Poshard, Wands, Butler, Iverson, O’Kane, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Wilson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#10-J) Chairman Puhr presented a Resolution Accepting an Award from USDA Forest Service (CFDA 10.727-Inflation Reduction Act Urban & Community Forestry Program) of $1,000,000 and create Fund 714 to track expenditures and revenue. Alderman Butler moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Poshard. Director Ruwe explained this is for the award of the urban forestry grant. We applied for $5,000,000 and received $1,000,000 in funding which he thinks downstate from Chicago, we are the only community in Illinois that received that amount or anywhere near that amount so, definitely a successful grant attempt. Mayor Williams stated this will help us get rid of a lot of bad trees and plant a lot of good ones. Director Ruwe shared we have quite a large backlog of dead and unsafe trees in the right of ways. This grant will allow us to hopefully get caught up within the disadvantaged since census tracts, so it's not all of Danville. Mayor Williams and Director Ruwe voiced appreciation to Dr. Halloran, the tree committee and GIS Coordinator Adam Aull for their assistance with the grant. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Wands, Butler, Iverson, O’Kane, Poshard, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Wilson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

Chairman Puhr presented Item K and L for a single vote. There being no objections, Alderman Wands moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Butler. Those items being:

#10-K) a Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement for the Ellsworth Park Lift Station Replacement and Sewer Improvements Construction Engineering Services with Clark Detz, Inc for $123,470 to be paid from the Storm and Sanitary Sewer Fund (402) budget line item 52022 (Engineering Services); and

#10-L) a Resolution Awarding the Contract for Bid #751 – Ellsworth Park Lift Station Replacement and Sewer Improvements to Bob Brown Construction, Inc. in the amount of $3,147,636 to be paid from the Storm and Sanitary Sewer Fund (Fund 402) budget line item 402-402-55018 (Sanitary Infrastructure Improvements) through a transfer from Fund 402 reserves. Assistant Engineer Childers explained the pump station the city had taken over from the sanitary district that was put in place in 1966 or so needs replacement. This will replace the entire pump station, force main and sanitary sewer on the other east side of the Gilbert St. behind the arena. It's 12 inch and under size, so we'll be upsizing that to a 15 inch to help improve conveyance or flows over to the PSB and then down through the main line there. Assistant Engineer Childers stated this pump station drains the entire Vermilion Heights and all of South Gilbert St. and picks up from the 5th St. pump station, but all the South Gilbert area and then it has some reach up just north by Carle Clinic. As far as the sanitary sewer, there is a large drainage catchment area for sanitary sewer flows and the pump station itself. Director Ruwe shared this is the same lift station that failed last Memorial Day weekend and staff had to bypass pumping around the lift station. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Butler, Iverson, O’Kane, Poshard, Wands, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Wilson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#10-M) [previously removed] Resolution: Authorizing a Lease Agreement for a New Streets Sweeper

#10-N) Chairman Puhr presented a Resolution Approving Application to Illinois Department of Natural Resources for FY2025 OSLAD (Open Space Land Acquisition & Development) Grant Program. Alderman Butler moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Poshard. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Iverson, O’Kane, Poshard, Wands, Butler, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Wilson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#10-O) Chairman Puhr presented a Resolution Authorizing Application to ITEP (Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program) for Funding to Design and Construct N. Bowman and E. Voorhees Pedestrian Accommodations requesting up to $2,280,000 with the City’s commitment of up to approximately $570,000 in matching funds. Alderman Poshard moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Butler. Assistant Engineer Childers explained this is the city’s second application for the ITEP, which is given out every approximately 2 years or so. The city utilized ITEP funding in the past for, for example, the Denmark Rd. project and the shared use path in front of the high school that was I tap back in. The work would start at Crestview, where we left off in 2014 when we did all that work north of there and it would continue down to Casey's then across to Voorhees St. and then it would continue east all the way to Michigan Ave. Mayor Williams shared this would be a great opportunity to help people be off the street and then also connect them to work opportunities as well as shopping opportunities at Heavenly Square. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen O’Kane, Poshard, Wands, Butler, Iverson, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Wilson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#10-P) Chairman Puhr presented a Resolution Authorizing Payment of Traffic Signal Repairs at Gilbert and Fairchild Intersection to be paid to Champaign Signal and Lighting Company in the amount of $35,695.90 from budget line item 001-031-00-53018. Alderman Butler moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Poshard. Director Ruwe explained the city has had multiple issues at this intersection with the loops that since vehicles on the intersection and so that was kind of an emergency that had to be repaired in the process. This is on an IDOT route and part of the agreement that we have with them is maintenance of traffic signals at each intersection varies in percentage that we share with them. So, they use it as whose roads are coming into this intersection and on this intersection, we have two of the roads. It's a 50/50 split, but anytime there's a repair done and anytime there's work done, the city has to foot the bill in the beginning and then we request reimbursement from IDOT so, this is for the full bill. Half of this will be reimbursed by IDOT. This was an emergency repair and going into this repair, we always have to keep in touch with IDOT and IDOT stated we have to replace all these cabinets along route one to update them and one of the pluses to the new cabinets is there will no longer be loops, which are a maintenance nightmare. The new cabinets will be on a camera sense where the cameras will be mounted on the masked arms that are watching for cars and when cars come into the intersection that senses it and it triggers it that way instead of the loops that are in the road. Cameras cost a little bit more to upfront do, but long term saves a lot of money as far as maintenance and installation of new loops, because once a loop goes bad, you can't really find where it's bad and fix it. After all questions were addressed and there being no further discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Poshard, Wands, Butler, Iverson, O’Kane, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Wilson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#10-Q) Items of Information

• Administrator Cronk reported we have expensed out and paid for our final invoice for the IDHA Stronger Communities’ program, which totals $399,000 and it funded 26 demolitions straight from Illinois Housing and Development Authority.

• Mayor Williams congratulated Donna Carlton-Vish who was recently sworn in as president of the National AMBUCS. He stated we have some special people who work hard in our community and thanked her and AMBUCS for everything they do for our community. It's much appreciated. You know, we see people like her, we've seen Vice Mayor Teague and others get honored recently and we just whenever people do good things from Danville, we want to make sure that they know we're proud of them and we appreciate their efforts.

• Alderman Butler voiced appreciation to the city employees for the job well done in finding different grants to help the city. There is a lot of construction going on around the city and it gives the city a facelift. He realized sometimes the employees do not get the credit, but he appreciates what they do and asked them to keep up the good work.

• Vice Chairman Iverson stated the city can do a lot of work due the grants received as it wouldn’t be able to get done otherwise.

• Mayor Williams shared because of the grant money and the good stewardship that you all propose as a Council and our leadership team as a city has enacted too, we've been able to lower our property tax rate by 16.4% over the last five years for the City of Danville and good stewardship pays off, so thank you all for that.

#11) CLOSED SESSION was not needed.


#12-A) Discussion on the Compensation Administration Guide

Mayor Williams voiced appreciation to Vice Chairman Iverson and Vice Mayor Teague for their feedback and will continue to incorporate that and work on a strategy to bring to the Council for the compensation administration guide. Please provide any additional feedback to him so that we can get where we want to be.

#13) COMMITTEE MEMBERS’ COMMENTS – none reported.


There being no further items on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m. by acclamation after a motion by Vice Chairman Iverson and a second by Alderman Wands.




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