
Chambana Sun

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Champaign County Board met July 18

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Jenny Lokshin, Champaign County Board - District 4 | Champaign County Board Website

Jenny Lokshin, Champaign County Board - District 4 | Champaign County Board Website

Champaign County Board met July 18

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Roll call showed the following members present: Lokshin, Owen, Peugh, Rodriguez, Rogers, Sexton, Smith, Stohr, Straub, Thorsland, Vanichtheeranont, Wilson, Cowart, Esry, Farney, Fortado, Hanauer-Friedman, Locke, and Carter – 19; late: Taylor (arrived shortly before 7:00 PM and missed only the Agenda vote) – 1; absent: Michaels and Greer – 2. County Executive Summers declared a quorum present and the Board competent to conduct business.


County Executive Summers read prayer from Cesar Chavez, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.


The Clerk read the Notice of the Meeting, said Notice having been published in the News Gazette on July 5, July 11, and July 17, 2024.


Board Member Owen offered a motion to approve the Agenda/Addenda; Board Member Vanichtheeranont seconded.

Board Member Stohr offered an amendment to move up items XI. B. 1. (Resolution No. 2024-173) and 2. (Resolution No. 2024-174) to be place between IX. (Approval of Minutes) and X. (Presentation) and move up item XII.

C. 1. (ARPA Update) to be placed between X. (Presentation) and XI. (New Business); Board Member Farney seconded. The amendment carried by unanimous voice vote.

The motion as amended carried by unanimous voice vote.


Standing Committees:

A. County Facilities Committee

Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 6:30 PM

Shields-Carter Meeting Room

B. Environment & Land Use Committee

Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 6:30 PM

Shields-Carter Meeting Room

C. Highway & Transportation Committee

Friday, August 9, 2024 at 9:00 AM

1605 E Main Street, Urbana

Committee of the Whole:

A. Justice and Social Services; Policy, Personnel and Appointments; and Finance

Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 6:30 PM

Shields-Carter Meeting Room

County Board:

A. Regular Meeting

Thursday, August 22, 2024, at 6:30 PM

Shields-Carter Meeting Room

Legislative Budget Hearings:

A. Monday, August 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Shields-Carter Meeting Room

B. Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Shields-Carter Meeting Room

C. Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Shields-Carter Meeting Room


Angela Patton, Chief Deputy County Clerk, thanked Matthew Cross and Director of Administration Michelle Jett for their five years of service to the county.

Benjamin Beaupre, of Champaign, spoke about the United Sovereign Citizens, who spoke at the June County Board Meeting, noting their extreme views and goal to undermine elections.

Janice Walker, of First Followers, invited board members to a meeting on the postincarceration experience at the Champaign Public Library, Wednesday, July 24.

Lynn Canfield, of the Champaign County Mental Health Board and Champaign County Developmental Disabilities Board, noted the need for to improve and expand paratransit in the county, and requested American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, if any become available.


Board Chair Carter spoke about the lack of scheduling communication between the County Executive/County Administration and the County Board Chair, which has resulted in her missing meetings; she noted that the actions towards her are disrespectful. She emphatically stated that she, as County Board Chair, should hold the authority to appoint members to the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA+) Task Force and noted her opposition to that resolution (No. 2024-177) and the resolution (No. 2024-178) to place the question of eliminating the Office of County Auditor on the 2024 General Election ballot.

Board Member Lokshin requested that members use their microphones.

Board Member Owen discussed his frustration and disappointment with the treatment and prosecution of peaceful protestors at the April 26, 2024, pro-Palestine protest on the University of Illinois Quad. State’s Attorney Julia Reitz requested an opportunity to respond; County Executive Summers denied the request, noting her opportunity to speak would have been in the already closed Public Participation.

Board Member Locke discussed County Auditor George Danos recent, inappropriate behavior contacting Board Member Rodriguez’s landlord to obtain proof that she resides at her stated address and her rent is fully paid.

Board Member Thorsland urged rural drivers to be careful with tall crops obstructing intersection views and urged board members to ask questions of County Employees during regular business hours not after hours. He also spoke about the treatment and prosecution of peaceful protestors at the April 26, 2024, pro-Palestine protest on the University of Illinois Quad.

Board Member Fortado spoke about the treatment and prosecution of peaceful protestors at the April 26, 2024, pro-Palestine protest on the University of Illinois Quad.

She also discussed Auditor Danos and Board Chair Carter questioning the residency of Board Member Rodriguez, and she spoke positively of the service of Board Member Rodriguez.

Board Member Taylor spoke about Board Chair Carter’s email to Board Member Rodriguez questioning the latter’s residency. She denounced the behavior of both the Board Chair Carter and Auditor Danos and called for their resignations.

Board Member Straub spoke about Board Chair Carter’s bullying behavior toward other Board Members.

Board Member Peugh urged rural drivers to be careful with tall crops obstructing intersection views, and he thanked to Board for sending him to the recent National Association of Counties conference, noting that it was very informative.

Board Member Wilson offered his condolences to Board Member Rodriguez for her treatment by Auditor Danos and Board Chair Carter. He then spoke about the recent assassination attempt on former President Trump and urged civility in political discourse.

Board Chair Carter responded to her email about Board Member Rodriguez’s residency, stating that she had heard rumors that Board Member Rodriguez had moved out of her Board District and, thus, questioned her ability to serve on the DEIA+ Task Force.

Board Member Farney requested the Board retain an independent parliamentarian for all Board meetings and he asked the Board to amend the County Board Rules to provide structure and regulations to Board Member Communications. He criticized the actions of Auditor Danos toward Board Member Rodriguez, and he defended State’s Attorney Rietz’s prosecution of peaceful protestors at the April 26, 2024, pro-Palestine protest on the University of Illinois Quad.

Board Member Rodriguez denounced the actions of Auditor Danos and Board Chair Carter questioning her residency.

Board Member Hanauer-Friedman reiterated Board Member Taylor’s call for the resignation of Auditor Danos and Board Chair Carter.


Board Member Locke offered an omnibus motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the County Board of June 20, 2024, and the Study Session of the County Board of June 25, 2024; Board Member Thorsland seconded. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.


Board Member Stohr offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-173 Honoring Retiring County Employees; Board Member Farney Seconded. Board Member Stohr read the entire text of the resolution, reading the names of the retirees. Director Jett and County Human Resource Generalist Suzanne Brock distributed clocks and certificates to the retirees in attendance. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Board Member Stohr offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-174 Honoring County Employees; Board Member Straub seconded. Board Member Stohr read the entire text of the resolution, reading the names of the employees attaining milestone years of service. The motion caried by unanimous voice vote.


County Executive Summers declared a brief recess at 7:50 PM and re-called the meeting to order at 7:55 PM. Roll call showed the following members present following the recess: Lokshin, Owen, Peugh, Rodriguez, Rogers, Sexton, Smith, Stohr, Straub, Taylor, Thorsland, Wilson, Cowart, Esry, Farney, Fortado, Hanauer-Friedman, Locke, and Carter – 19; late: Vanichtheeranont (returned at 8:00 PM, missing no votes) – 1; absent: Michaels and Greer – 2.


Alec Leddy, BerryDunn Justice Practice Manager, presented the findings of the Case Management Study. Mr. Leddy recommended three providers for a new Case Management System for the Circuit Clerk, stressing that all options with require additional IT support and a five- to ten-year strategic plan to replace the current AS400 system. Public Defender Elisabeth Pollock was invited to join the discussion; Public Defender Pollock stressed that the Public Defender’s and State’s Attorney’s Offices need more function and capability than what can be provided by any of the recommended systems and both offices will need a separate system; Mr. Leddy noted that the Case Management study was specifically for a replacement case management system for the Circuit Clerk’s Office. Circuit Clerk Susan McGrath was invited to join the discussion; she spoke about the case management system needs and reiterated that the Public Defender’s and State’s Attorney’s Offices require a separate system. Circuit Clerk McGrath added that court judges are also investigating their own improved system. Board Member Fortado asked if the two systems would need to be from the same provider; Mr. Leddy responded that they would not need to be the same provider, but they would need to be mutually compatible and recommended making that guaranteed in the contracts. Board Member Fortado asked if the five- to ten- year estimate to replace the AS400 system is accurate and if it could be accelerated; State’s Attorney Reitz stated the five- to ten-year timeline is accurate based on the replacement process in other similar sized counties. Circuit Clerk McGrath stated she was unsure on the timeframe for implementing a new system; Mr. Leddy added that data conversion will be the biggest issue and that it can be unpredictable. Board Chair Carter asked about the cost estimates in the report; Circuit Clerk McGrath stated that the estimates in the report are unofficial as no RFQ is yet to be issued. Director Jett was invited to join the discussion; she stated that it is anticipated that the Public Defender’s and State’s Attorney’s Offices will issue an RFP soon for their system and the Circuit Clerk next year for its system. Mr. Leddy noted that his contact information is included in the report and board members were invited to contact him for any questions or clarification.


ARPA Project Manager Kathy Larson presented an update of ARPA-funded projects, noting the monthly memorandum in the meeting Agenda Packet and that she was preparing the Department of the Treasury’s quarterly report. County Executive Summers noted the Central Illinois Land Bank Authority projects are nearing completion. Board Member Wilson gave updates on the veterans-related projects: Stop the Violence – Healing Invisible Wounds just completed their second conference and have scheduled a third for November 7, 2024, and the Veterans Stand Down at the Army National Guard on September 2, 2024. He requested each group give presentation at the August County Board Meeting. Board Member Smith asked for an update on Rural Broadband project; Project Manager Larson stated that Nextlink has been in contact with her and County Administration about a revised proposal. Board Member Smith then asked about the Champaign County Economic Development Corporation’s Low Hurdle Grant program; Project Manager Larson stated the contract was completed at the end of June and EDC will get the program started soon. Board Member Smith asked about progress on the Village of Royal water infrastructure project; Project Manager Larson stated that the project is still progressing, recently receiving several small payments with significantly more payments expected in the near future.


Board Member Locke offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-161 authorizing amendment to Professional Services Agreement between Champaign County and Berry, Dunn, McNeil, and Parker, LLC; Board Member Smith seconded. Board Member Wilson asked why the contract extension was being sought in July when the contract stipulated a completion in May; Circuit Clerk McGrath was invited to join the discussion and she stated that the resolution was planned for the June County Board Meeting but BerryDunn representatives were not available for that meeting and the extension does not include any further funding. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Board Member Fortado offered an omnibus motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-162 authorizing payments of claims and No. 2024-163 approving purchases not following purchasing policy; Board Member Smith seconded. Board Member Wilson asked why the Parkland and Lincoln Land Colleges’ payments were so delayed; County Executive stated that was a question for the Regional Planning Commission (RPC) and advised raising future similar questions to the entity prior to the board meeting. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Board Chair Carter offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-164 approving Budget Transfer BUA 2024/6/205 to transfer funds from the Election Workers’ line to the Temporary Staff line to cover pay for Election Judges that work more than one day; Board Member Thorsland seconded. The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote:

Yeas: Lokshin, Owen, Peugh, Rodriguez, Rogers, Sexton, Smith, Stohr, Straub, Thorsland, Vanichtheeranont, Wilson, Cowart, Esry, Farney, Fortado, Hanauer-Friedman, Locke, and Carter – 19

Nays: none

Absent: Taylor – 1

Board Member Fortado offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-165 approving Budget Amendment BUA 2024/6/297 for the continuation of the Police Training Program; Board Member Sexton seconded. The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote:

Yeas: Lokshin, Owen, Peugh, Rodriguez, Rogers, Sexton, Smith, Stohr, Straub, Taylor, Thorsland, Vanichtheeranont, Wilson, Cowart, Esry, Farney, Fortado, Hanauer-Friedman, Locke, and Carter – 20

Nays: none

Board Member Hanauer-Friedman offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-166 approving Budget Amendment BUA 2024/6/424 appropriating ARPA funds for the Sumer Cooling Program; Board Chair Carter seconded. Board Member Fortado noted that the RPC’s Summer Cooling Program would soon run out of funds without adopting the resolution. The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote:

Yeas: Lokshin, Owen, Peugh, Rodriguez, Rogers, Sexton, Smith, Stohr, Straub, Taylor, Thorsland, Vanichtheeranont, Wilson, Cowart, Esry, Farney, Fortado, Hanauer-Friedman, Locke, and Carter – 20

Nays: none

Board Member Farney offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-167 approving Budget Amendment BUA 2-24/7/5 appropriating grant funds from the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board for the reimbursement of body camera costs; Board Member Esry seconded. The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote:

Yeas: Lokshin, Owen, Peugh, Rodriguez, Rogers, Sexton, Smith, Stohr, Straub, Taylor, Thorsland, Vanichtheeranont, Wilson, Cowart, Esry, Farney, Fortado, Hanauer-Friedman, Locke, and Carter – 20

Nays: none

Board Member Thorsland offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-168 approving Budget Amendment BUA 2024/7/24 to transfer to the Temporary Staff line funds from Parkland College for a portion of the IT interns’ salary; Board Member Cowart seconded. County Executive noted that the Parkland College IT internship program has resulted in at least one intern being hired full time at the county. The motion carried by unanimous roll-call vote:

Yeas: Lokshin, Owen, Peugh, Rodriguez, Rogers, Sexton, Smith, Stohr, Straub, Taylor, Thorsland, Vanichtheeranont, Wilson, Cowart, Esry, Farney, Fortado, Hanauer-Friedman, Locke, and Carter – 20

Nays: none

Board Member Taylor offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-169 granting authority to execute documents for the release of use restrictions; Board Member Thorsland seconded. Board Member Locke noted that the current timeline is untenable for executing a sale. Board Member Esry noted the revision to the document in the Addenda was not included in the Agenda Packet. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Board member Thorsland offered a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-270 approving a revised Intergovernmental Agreement cost-sharing agreement between the County of Champaign, the City of Champaign, the City of Urbana, and the Village of Savoy for an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency sponsored one-day household hazardous waste collection event in 2024; Board Member Lokshin seconded. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Board Member Straub offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-171 approving the appointment of election judges for the 2024-2026 term; Board Member Locke seconded. Board Member Wilson stated his opposition, noting that the text prescribes party ratios for polling places, but the County Clerk Aaron Ammons has not maintained those ratios in past elections; Board Chair Carter noted that was the result of a shortage of Republican election judges in the 2024 Primary Election. Board Member Lokshin noted that the Republican and Democratic parties submit the list of judges to the County Clerk, and it is not the County Clerk’s Office’s responsibility to recruit election judges; Board Member Straub encouraged both parties to recruit judges. The motion caried by voice vote.

Board Member Lokshin offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-172 establishing places of elections for Champaign County for the 2024 General Election; Board Member Cowart seconded. The motion carried by voice vote.

Board member Lokshin offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-175 approving amendment to contract with Broeren Russo Builders, Inc. for County Plaza Renovation project; Board member Locke seconded. Board Member Farney asked for an update on the elevators; County Executive Summers stated that they are still behind schedule waiting on parts. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Board Member Sexton offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-176 approving amendment to contract with P.J. Hoerr Inc. for County Jail Consolidation project; Board Member Lokshin seconded. County Executive Summers noted the project is on schedule. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Board Member Rogers offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-177 establishing a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA+) Task Force; Board Member Rodriguez seconded. Director Jett was invited to join the discussion; she stated that the Board needed to select either Option A (joint subcommittee of the Labor Committee and Justice and Social Services Committee) or Option B (a special committee) of the resolution and name who will be members of the Task Force. Board Chair Carter stated a desire to discuss task force membership with Board Members Rodriguez and Taylor; County Executive Summers noted that those discussions should have taken place prior to the County Board Meeting, and he explained that the difference between the two resolution options.

Board Member Peugh moved to table the resolution until the August County Board Meeting; Board Member Cowart seconded. Board Member Wilson asked why the resolution was not considered during the Committee of the Whole; Board Member Fortado noted that there were no committee meetings during the month of July and that a July adoption allows for budgeting for the August County Board Meeting. Director Jett stated that the resolution was to create a task force to oversee the RFP process for a professional DEIA+ consultant, not to create or implement DEIA+ initiatives. Board Chair Carter agreed to the tabling, stating that the process is rushed; she further questioned why the per diem for member attendance is only $45; Director Jett stated the $45 per diem for meetings was established by a prior County Board resolution for special committees and subcommittees. Board Member Locke noted that constituents urged DEIA+ action during Public Participation of the June County Board Meeting. Board Member Farney called the question on the debate. The motion to table failed by roll-call vote:

Yeas: Owen, Peugh, Rogers, Sexton, Stohr, Wilson, Cowart, and Carter –

Nays: Lokshin, Rodriguez, Smith, Straub, Taylor, Thorsland, Vanichtheeranont, Esry, Farney, Fortado, Hanauer-Friedman, and Locke – 12

Board Member Farney moves to adopt Option A of the resolution and populating the task force with those named in Director Jett’s memorandum of July 12, 2024; Board Member Rodriguez seconded. Board Chair Carter stated this resolution was a rushed and deliberate move meant to exclude her voice in the matter. County Executive Summers noted that DEIA+ issues have come up many times in the past with little action taken; Board Member Peugh replied that the DEIA+ Task Force was a direct result of the June County Board Meeting Public Participation. Board Member Taylor stated that the County Board Chair is an ex officio member of all County Board committees and subcommittees.

Board Member Fortado offered a motion to amend Option A to add Board Chair Carter as ex officio member of the DEIA+ Task Force; Board Member Stohr seconded. Board Chair asked if members can be added to the task force at later dates; Director Jett stated that the Board can make additions to the task force by resolution. Board Member Farney called the question on the amendment. The amendment to the motion carried by voice vote.

Board Member Peugh asked if all people named on the memo list are confirmed; County Executive Summers stated that most but not all have confirmed. Board Member Peugh asked which are confirmed. Board Member Vanichtheeranont stated that four have not yet confirmed: Leo Alexander III, Rachel Joy, Minnie Pearson, and Lucia Maldonado.

Board Member Fortado moved to amend the list to include that any replacements for those on the list shall be recruited from the organization that they represent; no members seconded. Board Member Taylor stated that the standard replacement by resolution is fine.

Board Chair Carter asked how my task forces in the past had been formed out of subcommittees; Board Member Cowart stated that she could not recall any during her long tenure on the board. Board Chair Carter reiterated that appointments and assignments are a power of the Board Chair. County Executive stated this process guarantees the whole board decides. Board Member Sexton call the question. The amended motion to establish the DEIA+ Task Force under Option A as a joint subcommittee of the Labor Committee and the Justice and Social Services Committee, to include as members Board Member Rogers (as DEIA+ Task Force Chair), Board Member Farney (as DEIA+ Task Force Vice Chair), Board Chair Carter (as DEIA+ Task Force ex officio member), Board Member Owen, Leo Alexander III (Assistant Professor in the School of Labor and Employment Relations at the University of Illinois), Ben Beaupre (Veteran, Political Action/Voter Empowerment Co-Chair, Champaign County NAACP, Citizen Representative of Champaign County Re-entry Council), Jason Benda (Custodian at Champaign County), Barb Bressner (Disability Rights Advocate), Akua Forkua-Sekyere (Director of the New American Welcome Center of the University YMCA), Rachel Joy (Equity and Engagement Director City of Champaign), Jaqueline Kalipeni (Secretary of the UP Center and Chief Financial Officer of the Kalipeni Foundation), Lucia Maldonado (Latino Parent Liaison at the Urbana School District), Minnie Pearson (President of the NAACP Champaign County), CeCe Phillips (AFSCME Council 31, Local 900 President and Deputy Circuit Clerk of Champaign County), Kathleen Robbins (US Air Force Veteran, retired Executive Director of the McKinley Foundation), Dalitso Sulamoyo (Chief Executive Officer of the Regional Planning Commission), a representative from the Fraternal Order of Police President – Sheriff’s Office, and a representative from the Fraternal Order of Police President – Circuit Court – Adult and Juvenile Probation Officers, caried by roll-call vote:

Yeas: Lokshin, Owen, Rodriguez, Rogers, Sexton, Smith, Stohr, Straub, Taylor, Thorsland, Vanichtheeranont, Esry, Farney, Fortado, Hanauer-Friedman, and Locke – 16

Nays: Peugh, Wilson, Cowart, and Carter – 4

Board Member Farney offered a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-178 placing the question of elimination of the Office of County Auditor on the November 5, 2024, General Election ballot; Board Member Straub seconded. Board Member Fortado noted that Auditor Danos recently asked staff how to log into the financial system software, following the resignation of his Chief Deputy Auditor. Board Chair Carter expressed a desire to retain the Office of the County Auditor but eliminate the Office of the County Executive. Various board members cited Auditor Danos’ inappropriate behavior in support of eliminating the office. Board Member Farney read an email from former Board Member Mary King, detailing that Auditor Danos engaged in internet arguments during work hours earlier that day; Board Member Farney added that when he was the officeholder, he was far too busy to engage in internet arguments. Various board members stated that the voters should have an opportunity to decide whether or not to the retain the office, and if retained, who to elect. Board Member Farney stated that he initially did not support the elimination of the Office of County Auditor but would support after reviewing the detailed County Administration plan to create a Finance Department; he noted that his constituents also support the measure. Board Member Thorsland, while supportive of the measure, noted a prior bad experience with an appointed County Treasurer. Board Member Wilson noted that the 2011 ballot referendum to Eliminate the Office of the County Auditor failed; he also stated that while Auditor Danos’ behavior is inappropriate, that does not mean the Office should be eliminated. Board Member Hanauer-Friedman stated that the poor behavior of Auditor Danos had exposed structural problems with the elected office itself. Board Member Peugh questioned the cost-savings estimate in the County Administration’s Finance Department plan and objected to the cost savings being included in the question on the ballot. Director Jett was invited to join the discussion; she stated that the Director of Finance position would be appointed with the advice and consent of the County Board. Board Member Thorsland called the question on the motion. The motion carried by roll-call vote:

Yeas: Lokshin, Owen, Rodriguez, Rogers, Sexton, Smith, Stohr, Straub, Taylor, Thorsland, Vanichtheeranont, Farney, Fortado, Hanauer-Friedman, and Locke – 15

Nays: Peugh, Wilson, Cowart, Esry, and Carter – 5


County Executive Summers noted the applications for open appointments can be found in the Agenda Packet.

County Executive Summers noted the Decennial Committee Reports to the County Board for the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District, the Joint Est Bend Township and Road District, and the Joint St. Joseph Township and Road District have been received and placed on file and are available for viewing on the county website. Board Member Smith noted that the Joint East Bend Township and Road District report was not yet posted on the website.

Director Jett briefly presented funding request for $15,000 to produce a video promoting the ARPA-funded businesses through the EDC. Board Member Rogers requested a list of the business to be included.


County Executive Summers adjourned the meeting at 10:23 PM.




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