
Chambana Sun

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Rep. Mary Miller votes yes on five-year Farm Bill

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Congresswoman Mary E. Miller | Official U.S. House headshot

Congresswoman Mary E. Miller | Official U.S. House headshot

On May 24, 2024, the House Agriculture Committee passed the five-year Farm Bill. Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-IL) voted in favor of the bill and issued a statement outlining her support.

“Over the past year, the House Agriculture Committee diligently laid the groundwork for a robust Farm Bill that supports producers by ensuring a strong agriculture safety net. Today, the committee passed a five-year Farm Bill that promotes trade, supports crop insurance, and protects the farm safety net. The final Farm Bill included my provision protecting fertile farmland from solar panels."

Miller highlighted her amendment addressing drug-infused THC products: “I am also proud my amendment was included to close the loophole that has allowed drug-infused THC products like Delta-8 to be sold to teenagers in packaging that looks like candy. We must stop teenagers and children from being exposed to addictive and harmful drugs."

She further elaborated on the bill's benefits: “The Farm Bill supports producers by increasing reference prices, strengthening rural broadband, funding the modernization of agriculture research facilities, and improving standing disaster programs and access for livestock. Food security is national security, and our country must never be dependent on our adversaries to feed American families. My husband and I run a small family farm, and I am proud to support a Farm Bill that protects the farmers who feed America.”



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