City of Gibson City Council met April 10.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Call to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dickey.
Roll Call:
Ward #1 Susie Tongate: A Vacancy:
Ward #2 Randy Wyant: P Ray Hankes :P
Ward #3 Scott Davis: P Vacancy:
Ward #4 Denis Fisher: P Laura Miller: P
Jr. Alderman Allison Spiller A
Visitors: (Sign-in sheet attached)
Officer Rosenbaum, Supt. Duncan, Asst. Supt Nolte, Admin Scott Shull, Alderman Elect Doug Parsons, Mike & Kenna McCall, Zoning Bd Chairman Marty Nuss, Jeanine Litwiller -Strictly Kids, Terry Roesch, and Jonathan Hodel -Cloudpoint Geospatial Mapping from Roanoke.
Alderman Fisher led the pledge.
Approval of Minutes Regular City Council Meeting held on March 27th, 2023 Alderman Miller made a motion approve minutes as submitted –2nd to the Motion by Alderman Wyant, Motion carried 5/0.
Jonathan Hodel of Cloudpoint Geospatial Mapping, Roanoke, IL introduced himself and stated his company is extremely interested in working with Gibson City when we start mapping water and sewer lines.
Jeanine Litwiller, owner of Strictly Kids and representing downtown retailers – informed council their ‘Hop into Spring Event’ was very successful, asked if any decisions have been made regarding changing the greenery in the concrete tree planters so retailers can decorate them, and lastly, asked if retailers can work with City to ‘tone down’ the music and be more selective about the type played. She went on to say everyone loved holiday music, but recently the genre and sound level may need some adjustments if possible. Mayor Dickey will work with her on these suggestions.
A. Discussion and consideration to purchase new water meters. Leave on old business as information is being gathered.
Approval of Bills:
Motion made by Alderman Hankes to pay two T.I.F. 2 checks the amount of $14,307.89, 2nd by Alderman Wyant, motion carried 5/0. (Economic Dev. Group - $ 12,203.89; Jacob Klein - $ 2,104.00)
Motion made by Alderman Hankes to pay two 3 checks T.I.F. the amount of $3,979.00, 2nd by Alderman Wyant, motion carried 3 yes, and Aldermen Davis & Miller abstaining due to owning property in TIF 3. (Economic Dev. Group - $3,402.20, Jacob Klein - $576.80)
Motion made by Alderman Wyant to pay General Fund bills in the amount of $123,673.42, 2nd by Alderman Miller, motion carried 5/0.
New Business:
B. Review and Consideration of Recommendation by the Zoning Board of Appeals from meeting held March 27th 2023 regarding a variance requested by McCall’s at 603 S. Lawrence. Chairman Marty Nuss explained the Recommendation to Approve this Variance was based on the size of the lot, no owner directly south of the proposed garage, and all neighbors signed support letters. Alderman Hankes made a motion to accept the recommendation to approve the Variance for 603 S. Lawrence Avenue as presented, 2nd to that motion was made by Alderman Miller, motion carried 5/0.
C. Consideration of Ordinance 2023-O-12 Authorizing the Execution of a TIF District Redevelopment Agreement Between the City of Gibson and Benjamin Lawn Care & Landscaping, Inc., and Bryan Benjamin. The total amount of the TIF Redevelopment Plan is $366,895 maximum. Mayor Dickey stated this is a standard agreement, that payments are based on approved expenses and over the course of years as the Assessed Value increases with the improvements made. Motion to approve Ordinance 2023-O-12 made by Alderman Hankes, 2nd made by Alderman Davis, motion carried 5/0.
D. Consideration of Bids for Parks Restroom Cleaning Services. Mayor Dickey suggested tabling this item until a committee meeting can be held to drill down on the specifics, hours, and maybe consider hiring an additional employee rather than bid the work out.
E. Consideration of Façade Grant application presented by Jeannine Litwiller of Strictly Kids, 108 N. Sangamon Avenue. Ms. Litwiller’s application includes costs for painting store front ($949.98) and re-shingling the awning, replacement of gutters and roof repairs ($2,510.63). Façade grants are a matching grant of 50%, up to $5,000. This application totals $3,460.61; 50% is $1,730.31. Motion by Alderman Fisher to approve this grant in the 2023-24 fiscal year, 2nd made by Alderman Hankes, Roll call Vote, Motion carried 5/0.
A. Alderman Davis made a Motion to Enter into Executive Session for the limited purposed of discussing collective negotiating matters between the City and its employees and for deliberation concerning city salary schedules for one or more class of City employees pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (2) 2nd by Alderman Wyant, motion carried 5/0, council entered Executive Session at 7:20 p.m.
Council Returned to regular session at 7:30 p.m. Atty Marc Miller explained that Mayor Dickey, Chief Rosendahl, Alderman Davis and Atty. Dave Kerchak spent several hours negotiating contract terms with the IL Fraternal Order of Police for the union contract. 4 specific changes were agreed upon:
Alderman Davis made a motion to approve these changes as presented, 2nd to his motion made by Alderman Fisher, motion carried 5/0.
Motion to adjourn made by Alderman Fisher, 2nd to that motion made by Alderman Davis, meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.