
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Champaign County Board Environment and Land Use Committee met April 6

Champaign County Board Environment and Land Use Committee met April 6

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Agenda/Addendum

IV. Approval of Minutes 

A. February 9, 2023 – Regular Meeting

V. Public Participation

VI. Communications

VII. New Business: Items for Information Only

A. Online registration still open for April 15, 2023, Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event at State Farm Center

VIII. New Business: Items to Receive and Place on File by ELUC to Allow a 30-Day Review Period

A. Zoning Case 074-S-22. A request by Medanos Solar LLC, PO Box 14055 Chicago, IL 60614, a subsidiary of Cultivate Power, LLC, owned by Brian Matthay, 2819 Buchanan St, San Francisco, CA 94123 and Noah Hyte, 321 Beloit Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90049; via agent Kiera Gavin, and participating landowner Terry Wolf, 1409 W Bridalveil Pl, Oro Valley, AZ 85737, to authorize a Community PV Solar Farm with a total nameplate capacity of 5 megawatts (MW), including access roads and wiring, in the AG-1 and AG-2 Agriculture Zoning Districts, on a 48.64-acre tract in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and part of a 197.02-acre tract in the east half of Section 4, Township 18 North, Range 14 West of the Second Principal Meridian in South Homer Township, and commonly known as farmland owned by Terry Wolf on the north side of CR 1100N (County Highway 15) northeast of the Village of Homer, Illinois, and including the following waivers of standard conditions:

Part A: A waiver for a distance of 0 feet between a PV Solar Farm and a municipal boundary in lieu of the minimum required one-half mile (2,640 feet), per Section 6.1.5 B.(2)a. of the Zoning Ordinance.

Part B: A waiver for not providing a Decommissioning and Site Reclamation Plan that includes cost estimates prepared by an Illinois Licensed Professional Engineer prior to consideration of the Special Use Permit by the Board, per Section 6.1.1 A.3. of the Zoning Ordinance.

Part C: A waiver for not entering into a Roadway Upgrade and Maintenance Agreement or waiver therefrom with the relevant local highway authority prior to consideration of the Special Use Permit by the Board, per Section 6.1.5 G. of the Zoning Ordinance.

Part D: A waiver for not completing consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources prior to consideration of the Special Use Permit by the Board, per Section 6.1.5 K. of the Zoning Ordinance.

B. Decommissioning and Site Reclamation Plan for Zoning Case 074-S-22. A request by Medanos Solar LLC, PO Box 14055, Chicago, IL 60614, a subsidiary of Cultivate Power, LLC, owned by Brian Matthay, 2819 Buchanan St, San Francisco, CA 94123 and Noah Hyte, 321 Beloit Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90049; via agent Kiera Gavin, and participating landowner Terry Wolf, 1409 W Bridalveil Pl, Oro Valley, AZ 85737, to approve the Decommissioning and Site Reclamation Plan for the PV Solar Farm in Zoning Case 074-S-22 with a total nameplate capacity of 5 megawatts (MW), including access roads and wiring, in the AG-1 and AG-2 Agriculture Zoning Districts, on a 48.64-acre tract in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and part of a 197.02-acre tract in the east half of Section 4, Township 18 North, Range 14 West of the Second Principal Meridian in South Homer Township, and commonly known as farmland owned by Terry Wolf on the north side of CR 1100N (County Highway 15) northeast of the Village of Homer, Illinois.

IX. New Business: Items to be Recommended to the County Board 

A. Zoning Case 080-S-22. A request by Anthony Donato, d.b.a. IAG Investments LLC to authorize a Special Use Permit for a photovoltaic solar array with a total nameplate capacity of 6 megawatts (MW), including access roads and wiring, as a County Board Special Use Permit and as a second principal use in addition to a data center authorized by the ZBA in related Case 079-S-22, in the AG-2 Agriculture Zoning District on a 21-acre tract in the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 19 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Urbana Township that is located west of the veterinary clinic with an address of 3003 East Windsor Road, Urbana and including the following waivers of standard conditions:

Part A: A waiver from providing a Decommissioning and Site Reclamation Plan that includes cost estimates prepared by an Illinois Licensed Professional Engineer prior to consideration of the Special Use Permit by the Board, per Section 6.1.1 A.3.

Part B: A waiver from locating the PV Solar Array less than one-half mile from an incorporated municipality with a zoning ordinance and within the contiguous urban growth area of a municipality per Section 6.1.5 B.(2)a.

Part C: A waiver for locating 32 feet from a non-participating existing dwelling on a lot that is 10 acres or less in area in lieu of the minimum required separation of 240 feet between the solar farm fencing and the property line, per Section 6.1.5 D.(3)a.

Part D: A waiver from submitting a Roadway Upgrade and Maintenance Agreement prior to consideration of the Special Use Permit by the Board, per Section

B. Decommissioning and Site Reclamation Plan for Zoning Case 080-S-22. A request by Anthony Donato, via IAG Investments LLC, to approve the Decommissioning and Site Reclamation Plan for the PV SOLAR ARRAY in Zoning Case 080-S-22 with a total nameplate capacity of 6 megawatts (MW), including access roads and wiring, on a 21-acre tract in the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 19 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Urbana Township that is located west of the veterinary clinic with an address of 3003 East Windsor Road, Urbana.

C. Zoning Case 087-AM-22. A request by Brian and Lana Krutsinger to amend the Zoning Map to change the zoning district designation for approximately 18 acres of the 30.37-acre subject property from the CR Conservation Recreation Zoning District to the AG-2 Agriculture Zoning District on a 30.37-acre tract in the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 18N, Range 10 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Sidney Township and commonly known as the Krutsinger residence located at 2197 CR 1100N, Sidney.

X. Other Business

A. Monthly Reports

i. January 2023 100 - 110 

ii. February 2023 111 - 120

XI. Chair’s Report

XII. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda

XIII. Adjournment
