Village of Gifford Village Board met Oct. 6.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Village Board of Trustees met at 7:00 p.m. in the Gifford Village Building to hold their regular monthly meeting. Officers and Trustees present were President Ackerman and Trustees, Hammond, Harris, McFadden, Pannbacker and Starkey. Trustee Severins was absent. Treasurer Christie Huls, Clerk Diane Baker and Water/Maintenance/Zoning Jon Couture were all present. Chief Weary was absent.
Community members present: Ryan and Angie Jones, Earl Smith and Jarod Acton. Pledge of Allegiance and roll call.
Earl Smith reported they have two meetings now for the Gifford Celebration that will take place in 3 years.
Each Trustee and Officer had been furnished minutes of the last regular meeting. Trustee Pannbacker made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes. It was seconded by Trustee McFadden. All trustees concurred in a roll call vote (5 yes, 0 no). Trustee Harris made a motion to accept the minutes as read. It was seconded by Trustee Pannbacker. All trustees concurred in a roll call vote (5 yes, 0 no).
Each Trustee and Officer had been furnished printed copies of the bills to be considered for payment. Trustee Pannbacker made a motion to dispense with the reading of the bills. It was seconded by Trustee Starkey. All Trustees concurred in a roll call vote (5 yes, 0 no). Trustee Pannbacker made a motion to pay the bills, adding Red Tile Repairs and additional charges for the removal of sludge at the sewage plant. It was seconded by Trustee Hammond. All Trustees concurred in a roll call vote (5 yes, 0 no).
Each Trustee and Officer had been furnished printed copies of the Treasurer’s Report, Trustee Pannbacker made a motion to dispense with the reading of the Treasurer’s Report, except for the summary. It was seconded by Trustee Hammond. All Trustees concurred in a roll call vote (5 yes, 0 no). The starting balance in Village accounts as of September 1, 2022 was $1,328,706.88. Total money received for the month of September, 2022 was $169,509.23 plus $6.43 interest from CD#15399 and $7.12 interest from CD#8170. Total expenses for the month were $51,464.94 leaving a balance on September 30, 2022 of $1,446,764.72. Christie Huls said an appropriation ordinance will take place because of going over in the general fund more than 10%.
Total gallons of water pumped for September- 1,790,000
Average daily consumption for September- 60,000
Two broken water services one at 202 E Church St and the other at 302 W Summit
Removed old air line from the WWTP blower room and installed new 3-inch pipe from the blower room going out the building 40 feet ready for ADS air system.
Dug trench from the blower room to lagoons one and two in preparation for ADS air system. There is about 40 feet left to dig this will be done while ADS is on site.
Dredging company showed up on 9/29 started mixing lagoon one at 6 a.m., they started land applying liquid sludge around 1 p.m. on the 29th. Worked until 10 p.m. that day. They finished dredging lagoon 1 around 10 a.m. on the 30th then moved over to lagoon 2. They were finished with it around 2 p.m. on the 30th.
POLICE REPORT- Monthly investigative, 17 Incidents, 0 Reports and 0 Arrests. Traffic Matters, 22 Incidents, 21 Warnings, 0 Citations and 0 Arrests.
STREET AND ALLEY REPORT – Trustee Pannbacker said he got two options for a pedestrian crosswalk, $5500 and $6000. It will be solar powered. The board decided on the $5500 one and the County will split that cost with the Village. Illiana will be purchasing rock and will store here for Spring. Trustee Pannbacker also said we needed to change the speed limit downtown back to 25.
Trustee Pannbacker made a motion to change the speed limit downtown on Main St back to 25. It was seconded by Trustee Hammond. All trustees concurred in a roll call vote (5 yes, 0 no).
SANITARY AND STORM REPORT – Trustee Starkey said Josiah Hesterberg was going to give a bid for the project on North West St., they are backed up with work until Spring. He also said Josiah Hesterberg will be looking at the job at Darren Suits field as well.
Jonathan reported that the tree in front of Donna Bruns house needs to completely come down. Derrick Rhodes can do this for $1,200.00.
Trustee Pannbacker made a motion to have Derrick Rhodes take down the tree on Summit St. for $1,200.00. It was seconded by Trustee Starkey. All trustees concurred in a roll call vote (5 yes, 0 no).
Jonathan reported that Dollar General is looking at purchasing some property East of town. If they do, they want to annex in to the Village. A water main has been located close to location.
Trick or Treat will be from 6-8 p.m. on the 31st of October.
Christie Huls will check with Trustee Severins about getting more golf cart permits.
Trustee Pannbacker moved the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Trustee Hammond. All Trustees concurred in a voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.