Village of Gifford Village Board met Aug. 4.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Village Board of Trustees met at 7:00 p.m. in the Gifford Village Building to hold their regular monthly meeting. Officers and Trustees present were President Ackerman and Trustees, Hammond, Harris, McFadden and Severins. Treasurer Christie Huls, Clerk Diane Baker, Water/Maintenance/Zoning Jon Couture and Chief Weary were all present.
Community members present: Cindy Duden, Earl Smith, Ryan and Angie Jones, Jarod Atkins and Kevin and Johnnie Emkes. Pledge of Allegiance and roll call.
Earl Smith wanted to let the Village know he had started a committee to start putting something together for the Village for its 150th year. He would like for the Village to help with some funds as well as other businesses in town and he is looking at setting up fund-raisers to raise money for the event.
Trustee Severins brought up the issue with the tile in the Emkes field. Trustee Severins, Pannbacker and Mayor Ackerman met with the Emkes’ and went out in the field. Tile crossing tile, holes and water shooting straight up out of the field from a pipe. Trustee Severins said he would like to see the board work with the Emkes to get this all resolved. At this time Kevin Emkes has asked for a trencher so all the tile can be located. Kevin Emkes has been using Burns & Clancy as an Engineer. Kevin Emkes said he would like to see the rest of the board come out and take a look at the field and see what has gone on with the drainage.
Trustee Severins made a motion to approve paying for half of the cost of trenching approximately 800-1200 feet at an approximate cost of $4.50 to $5.00 a foot. It was seconded by Trustee McFadden. Roll call vote (4 yes, 0 no). Motion carried.
Donna Bruns asked if the Village would pay for a tree to be trimmed on Village property in front of her house, street side only at a cost $175.00.
Trustee Severins made a motion to have the Village pay for trimming a tree in front of Donna Bruns house at a cost of $175.00. It was seconded by Trustee McFadden. Roll call vote (4 yes, 0 no). Motion carried.
Each Trustee and Officer had been furnished minutes of the last regular meeting. Trustee Hammond made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes. It was seconded by Trustee Severins. All trustees concurred in a roll call vote (4 yes, 0 no). Trustee McFadden made a motion to accept the minutes as read. It was seconded by Trustee Hammond. All trustees concurred in a roll call vote (4 yes, 0 no).
Each Trustee and Officer had been furnished printed copies of the bills to be considered for payment. Trustee Harris made a motion to dispense with the reading of the bills. It was seconded by Trustee Hammond. All Trustees concurred in a roll call vote (4 yes, 0 no). Trustee Hammond made a motion to pay the bills, with no additions. It was seconded by Trustee Severins. All Trustees concurred in a roll call vote (4 yes, 0 no).
Each Trustee and Officer had been furnished printed copies of the Treasurer’s Report, Trustee Hammond made a motion to dispense with the reading of the Treasurer’s Report, except for the summary. It was seconded by Trustee Severins. All Trustees concurred in a roll call vote (4 yes, 0 no). The starting balance in Village accounts as of July 1, 2022 was $1,328,438.20. Total money received for the month of July 2022 was $73,846.84 plus $6.22 interest from CD#15399 and $6.89 interest from CD#8170. Total expenses for the month were $82,364.79 leaving a balance on July 31, 2022 of $1,319,933.36.
Total gallons of water pumped for July-3,527,000
Average daily consumption for July-127,000
Installed a 4” ball valve on aeration tank at water plant, emptied tank cleaned and inspected found that a lot of the paint on the inside was gone lots of rust showing.
Tower clean out.
Installed a 1” tap on the main line coming from the water tower with a cold climate sampling station.
Met with Kevin Emkes, he asked for help with cleaning out a tile at the old E.I diamond.
Flushed fire hydrants found that one is in need of replacing.
POLICE REPORT- Monthly investigative, 14 Incidents, 0 Reports and 0 Arrests. Traffic Matters, 22 Incidents, 229 Warnings, 0 Citations and 0 Arrests.
FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE REPORT – Trustee McFadden Brought quotes for the concrete work from Mark Adkins.
Trustee Hammond made a motion to go forward with the 1stitem in quote from Mark Adkins minus the Grade School at this time. It was seconded by Trustee Severins. Roll call vote (4 yes, 0 no). Motion carried.
Trustee Hammond made a motion to go forward with the 3rd item in quote from Mark Adkins. It was seconded by Trustee Severins. Roll call vote (4 yes, 0 no). Motion carried.
Item #2 on the quote will be held at this time.
Jonathan Couture will be doing stenciling uptown in August.
Cross walks are still not stenciled from the State. Maybe another call to Jeff Blue to get this taken care of. Dredging starting next month, EPA permit proved.
The Village is needing the Wi-Fi updated, $1,400.00 for the new equipment for the upgrade.
Trustee Severins made a motion to upgrade Wi-Fi for a cost of $1,400.00 with Brian Hesterberg, Gifford Wireless. It was seconded by Trustee Harris. Roll call vote (3 yes, 1 no). Motion carried.
The women who plant and take care of all the flowers in the Village have asked for money to buy and maintain this from the Village. They would also like a tank with pump for watering. Jonathan will look into getting them what they need and take care of the broken bricks at one of the sites.
It was brought up that the Village should look into a new Engineer. MSA has not been available like they were in the past.
Trustee Hammond moved the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by Trustee Severins. All Trustees concurred in a voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.