Champaign County Highway & Transportation Committee met Aug. 5.
Here are the minutes provided by the Committee:
Committee Members
Present: Lorraine Cowart, Samantha Carter, Jim McGuire, Diane Michaels, Brad Passalacqua
Absent: Jennifer Straub, Wayne Williams
County Staff: Jeff Blue (County Engineer), Michelle Carter (Accountant/Office Manager)
Others Present: Natalie Nagel, AFSCME Representative for County Employees
I. Call to Order
Committee Chair Cowart called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m.
II. Roll Call
A verbal roll call was taken, and a quorum was declared present.
III. Approval of Agenda/Addendum
MOTION by Ms. Carter to approve the agenda; seconded by Ms. Michaels.
Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
Mr. Blue stated the agenda packet included an updated resolution.
IV. Approval of Minutes – June 10, 2022
MOTION by Mr. Passalacqua to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2022 meeting; seconded by Ms. Carter.
Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
V. Public Participation
Ms. Nagel presented a petition with 167 signatures. She read the following from the signed petition:
“The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees represents more than 150 Champaign County employees across multiple locations and offices. As we bargain for a fair contract with the county, we are fighting for equity in insurance premium payments for all AFSCME-represented employees.
Currently, the County is singling out 12 Highway employees to pay a higher insurance premium than the rest of our units. These Highway employees endure dangerous working conditions speeding cars, extreme weather, threats and harassment from passers-by to build and repair county highways, roads, and bridges. Insurance costs change every year and are unpredictable. Champaign County shouldn’t be asking these employees to agree to an economics package that could be a potential pay cut.
We, the undersigned, support the Champaign County Highway workers in their fight for a fair and equitable contract.”
Ms. Nagel went on to say:
There are 5 units together at the bargaining table. Everyone is being offered a cap on their insurance premium. They pay a percentage of the premium not a percentage of their pay up to a cap. This allows them to plan and know what their cost is going to be for the 3 years of the contract. The 12 County Highway employees are not being offered the cap. When the insurance premiums change every year, we don’t know what their cost will be. They are already being offered a lower across the board percentage raise. This could mean a potential pay cut. This is the one big stumbling block to settling the 5 contracts. The employees have been working for the County without a contract for 8 months and their last pay increase was January 2021. They are struggling with inflation. The highway workers are some of the highest paid not the only highest paid among the units. This is the reason being given at the bargaining table. The units are standing together. The cost difference is $16.00 per month for 12 people.
Ms. Nagel asked the Highway Committee to talk to those on the Labor Committee and ask them to offer the cap to the Highway unit. The next bargaining session is Tuesday morning.
VI. Communications
VII. County & Township Motor Fuel Tax Claims-June & July 2022
MOTION by Ms. Carter to receive and place on file the County and Township Motor Fuel Tax Claims for June & July 2022; seconded by Ms. Michaels.
Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
Ms. Michaels asked about the amount of bills being paid in June and July. Mr. Blue said this is due to the townships seal coating various township roads in Champaign County. The committee discussed the current process of seal coating and the safety of rumble strips.
VIII. Resolution Appropriating County Motor Fuel Tax Funds for Champaign County’s Share of the Champaign-Urbana Urbanized Area Transportation Study, Section #22-00000-00-ES Mr. Blue stated the County received an invoice for $35,223.00 for the County’s share of the Champaign-Urbana Urbanized Area Transportation Study for fiscal year 2022.
MOTION by Ms. Michaels to approve the resolution; seconded by Mr. Passalacqua. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
Mr. Passalacqua asked Mr. Blue after a project is complete how often do you spend more on a project than was approved. Mr. Blue said sometimes it’s a little bit more based on change orders. If something was left off a contract, then the engineer does a change order to add the item to the project.
The committee discussed the current procedures for appropriating and spending Highway Department Funds.
IX. Vision Zero Resolution
Next, Mr. Blue said the New Transportation Bill approved this year has additional funding available called Safe Streets for All. Mr. Blue said the County has a Local Road Safety Plan in place. To apply for money to do a project, the County must have a Safety Action Plan. Once the Action Plan is approved, if you are going to apply for the Safe Streets for All Funding, a Vision Zero Resolution must be passed. Champaign County will apply for a safety project on County Highway 22. The application for the safety portion of the project is estimated to be 6-7 million dollars. MOTION by Mr. Passalacqua to approve the resolution; seconded by Mr. McGuire. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously
X. Petition Requesting and Resolution Approving Appropriation of Funds from the County Bridge Fund, Ogden Township, Section #22-17126-00-BR
Mr. Blue discussed a culvert on 2650E in Ogden Township that needs replaced. The cost of replacing the structure is estimated at $34,500.00. Ogden Road District is prepared to pay one half the cost of replacement.
MOTION by Ms. Michaels to approve the resolution; seconded by Ms. Carter. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
XI. Other Business
Mr. Blue discussed the High Cross Road closure beginning Monday, August 8, 2022.
XII. Chair’s Report
XIII. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda
Ms. Cowart stated that items VIII, IX, and X be placed on the consent agenda.
XIV. Adjournment
There being no further business, Ms. Cowart adjourned the meeting at 9:39 AM.