Champaign County Mental Health Board met May 18.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roli Call
3. Zoom Instructions
4. Approval of Agenda*
5. Citizen Input/Public Participation -The CCMHB reserves the authority to limit individual public participation to 5 minutes and limit total time to 20 minutes.
6. President’s Comments —Joseph Omo-Osagie
7. STUDY SESSION — Review of Applications for Funding and Recommendations
A. This review continues from the Board’s 4/20/22 meeting and 4/27/22 study session. For board review are two additional program summaries of agency applications for PY23 funding and spreadsheets showing requests and total commitments. (pages 3-18)
B. Included in the packet for Board review and discussion is a DRAFT memo of staff recommendations for funding for PY23, with Tier Sheet and written feedback from agencies regarding the staff program summaries of their applications. (pages 19-48)
C Agency Reponses to Staff Program Summaries are also included.
D. Glossary and Acronyms
8. Agency Input -The CCMHB reserves the authority to limit individual public participation to 5 minutes and limit total time to 20 minutes.
9. Board Announcements
10. Adjournment
*Board action request