
Chambana Sun

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Champaign County Zoning Board of Appeals met May 12

Champaign County Zoning Board of Appeals met May 12.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order 

2. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum 

3. Correspondence 

4. Approval of Minutes – April 14, 2022  

5. Continued Public Hearings 

6. New Public Hearings 

*Case 052-V-22 Petitioners: Kelly and Diane Kocher  

Note: The full ZBA packet is available online at: www.co.champaign.il.us.
Request: Authorize a variance for an average lot width of 165 feet in lieu of the minimum required 200 feet in the AG-1 Agriculture Zoning District, per Section 5.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. 

Location: A 2.53-acre tract in the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 21 North, Range 10 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Compromise Township, and commonly known as the residence with an address of 2447 CR 2300E, St. Joseph. 

*Case 053-V-22 Petitioner: Champaign County Humane Society 

Request: Authorize the following variance in the I-1 Light Industry Zoning District: Part A: Authorize a variance for parking 0 feet from the front lot line in lieu of the minimum distance of 10 feet from any front lot line, per Section 7.4.1 

A.3. of the Zoning Ordinance. 

Part B: Authorize a variance for 47 parking spaces in lieu of the minimum required 90 parking spaces, per Section 7.4.1 C.3.e. of the Zoning Ordinance. 

Part C: Authorize a variance for one loading berth in lieu of the minimum required two loading berths, per Section 7.4.2 C.5. of the Zoning Ordinance.

Location: Lots 4 and 5 of L & O Industrial Park Addition, Section 16, Township 19 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Champaign Township and commonly known as the proposed Champaign County Humane Society facility with an address of 4005 Kearns Drive, Champaign. 

7. Staff Report 

8. Other Business 

A. Review of Docket 

B. Adoption of ZBA By-Laws Amendment 

9. Audience Participation with respect to matters other than cases pending before the Board 

10. Adjournment
