City of Urbana Traffic Commission met May 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
3. Public Input
4. Unfinished Business
A. None
5. New Business
A. Discussion of revising the bylaws of the Urbana Traffic Commission to change the meeting time and day.
B. Discussion of amending Section 23-201 of the Urbana Local Traffic Code, Schedule
O-1, Load restrictions upon vehicles using certain highways –Washington Street bridge over Sunny Estates Ditch.
C. Discussion of amending Section 23-201 of the Urbana Local Traffic Code, Schedule
O-1, Load restrictions upon vehicles using certain highways –Coler Avenue bridge over Boneyard Creek.
D. Discussion of one-way traffic for eastbound traffic on Goose Alley between Race Street and Broadway Avenue.
6. Adjournment